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Are iPhone users more educated than Android users?


Android Enthusiast
They asking for it now :mad:

A survey by Hunch suggests iPhone users are more educated and wealthier than Android users
If iPhone and Android users had their own TV show, then iPhone users would be the snooty, ultra-refined chianti-drinking star of the show, and Android users would be the low-brow, dimwitted neighbor who frequently stumbles into dangerous situations yet somehow manages to unintentionally save the day with his zany antics. At least that’s the portrayal one would get from checking out a new infographic

This will confuse them.... I can't stand chianti, frequently pass wind loudly in public, and could put letters after my name if I felt the need to boast. :)
Considering that most iphone users are preteen girls, I would have to disagree.

You made me laugh. But it was when my youngest was a teenager she had the first iPhone, but "grew out of it" according to her and got a Blackberry Tour.

She still has that danged thing after over two years, an eternity in the cell phone market.
They asking for it now :mad:

A survey by Hunch suggests iPhone users are more educated and wealthier than Android users
If iPhone and Android users had their own TV show, then iPhone users would be the snooty, ultra-refined chianti-drinking star of the show, and Android users would be the low-brow, dimwitted neighbor who frequently stumbles into dangerous situations yet somehow manages to unintentionally save the day with his zany antics. At least that
Some of the things in this survey are just killing me, I mean come on. So supposedly since I'm an Android user I am

Slightly more likely to be a pessimist. (I'm one of the most optimistic people I know.)
57% more likely to own an ugly full featured device. (So most Android devices are ugly? WTF?)
50% more likely to use Yahoo mail. (People still use Yahoo. O_o )
71% more likely to follow. (This one confused me the most out of any of them, so we are more likely to follow? I mean that doesn't sound correct at all. Don't most of us choose Android over iOS because we like choice? and because we don't want to be just like every one of the sheeple? )

Gotta love random surveys, I have no clue how they came up with half of these answers.
I'd be cautious about reading into any of this data. The only thing that is reliable is the top market share graph which is based on the Nielson company, which is a reputable source. The rest of the data is based on user base of hunch.com. I doubt that they have an fair sampling of all smart phone users. I wouldn't put any faith in any of their statistics.

Also, even if it were true that one group (iPhone or Android users) were more educated or wealthier on average than the other, it shouldn't affect you in the grand scheme of things. Owning one over the other does not make you smarter. Just the fact that you are willing to pick up and figure out a smart phone puts you in a pretty cool crowd. After all there are still people out there using simple dialers and... gulp... land lines.

I agree. I stopped trusting on-line surveys about the same time I started reading them and discovered how wrong they are. You need to know how the data was gathered and who is doing the gathering.
Considering that the most popular apps on the Iphone are games, and with Android, it's customs ROM's, programs, and other "techie" stuff. I think they have it backwards.

Hmm... I thought the most common app on iPhones were fart sounds and the like. Apps like that sound to me like must-haves for the upper crust... not! :p
LOL!!! I am a strict android user. I use to work in the home electronics/automation industry. I can't count the number of times I had to help clients setup their iPhones. Most would get the iPhones simply for its marketed status and amount of accessories available. Also to keep up with the Joneses' at the golf clubhouse. I would say that most iPhone users are technologically challenged, but a lot of doctors and the such buy them which could skew the survey.

A better survey would have been to break down phone OS's by industry.
My small sample size of my family and relatives seem to support this survey. The three people in my family who own iPhones make more money than I. One is a PhD in Psychology, one is the Australian head of an international company, one is one of the top real estate agents in my city. All have done more travelling than I and are leaders in their respective industries.

One other person other than myself owns an Android. Our jobs are not as prestigious. I certainly haven't done as much travelling. Not sure of that other person as we only recently became family due to a wedding.

As for the reasons why we got our perspective phones, one iPhone user got one because it's "cool", one got one because he saw a colleague with one and wanted one as well, the other I don't know why he switched from the Nexus One to an iPhone. I got my Android because I wanted a phone with a physical keyboard, the other person was given a hand-me-down HTC Dream. He seems to only have used phones as his previous phone was a Nokia 6126 which I handed down to him.

Interesting that the people in my circles seem to agree somewhat with that survey.
Oh look. One of these topics again.

I'm an iPhone user, as well as an Android user. If you honestly believe that someone is smarter or not based on their phone of choice, you should probably turn off your computer, go outside and get a fresh air, and see the real world.

i.e., it doesn't matter ;)

Apple have 1 current iphone product on the market at any one given time at a high and set price. Android comes in many shapes and forms, on hardware from multiple vendors covering pretty much the entire price range. Of course if the Average income of an iphoner was compared to that of an Androider, it would become higher because android makes smart phone technology more affordable and less l337
Are they including those users who buy a $10,000+, diamond studded, gold plated iPhones?

Some people put gold faucets in luxury homes and we still seem to like multi-million dollar cars and huge homes. My hope ids to one day find a reasonable deal on a Mercedes Gullwing, and be able to park it in a 24-car garage attached to a 250,000 square foot house..

It does not come as any surprise that there is/would be a $10,000 iPhone. In fact, in some circles, a ten thousand dollar iPhone might indicate that you have fallen on tough times, if that is all you can afford to spend.

Expensive alternatives to the pedestrian crap you folks are forced to purchase because you are poor have always existed. Smiley. Smiley.

Consider this one:


Top 10 Most Expensive Cell Phone in the World 2011
Some people put gold faucets in luxury homes and we still seem to like multi-million dollar cars and huge homes. My hope ids to one day find a reasonable deal on a Mercedes Gullwing, and be able to park it in a 24-car garage attached to a 250,000 square foot house..

It does not come as any surprise that there is/would be a $10,000 iPhone. In fact, in some circles, a ten thousand dollar iPhone might indicate that you have fallen on tough times, if that is all you can afford to spend.

Expensive alternatives to the pedestrian crap you folks are forced to purchase because you are poor have always existed. Smiley. Smiley.

Consider this one:


Top 10 Most Expensive Cell Phone in the World 2011

Hell, I want hard time like that. :D
Your data still gets throttled if you go over or you can lose a signal, so what's the diff between an Iphone with bling and plain jane?
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