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Are you a vegetarian?

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It's an odd contrast in the US. Hunting here is done by the mainly low-income parts of society (hence our term 'rednecks' and the overall dress and attitude of the people who enjoy killing herbivorous animals, and posing with their foot on the dead animal as if proud of something) while other countries hunting was done by the elite, rich, well to do parts of society.

I know fox hunting was 'banned' but that ban was a farce. It banned the act of using horses and dogs, but killing foxes still remains. Calling it a hunting 'ban' was an incorrect use of the words. It was full of so many holes it was invalidated entirely.

We had a hare coursing 'ban' as well but hunting rabbits still occurs. Deer are universally hated everywhere. I know of no other deer lovers other than myself and perhaps my girlfriend (who's vegan but she is more into felines than cervines)

Nowadays, hunting of deer and other animals is popularized by reality TV shows like Duck Dynasty and Swamp People, and despite their names (specifically Duck Dynasty) they tend to show a lot of deer hatred there as well. In fact, the whole 'Phil Robertson Beard' trend that still continues today (maybe in protest over the show's cancellation?) and it's a dead-on clue that the person enjoys hunting, as if the whole 'BuckWear' T-shirt brand that depicts the savagry of hunting deer in some sort of humorous light (it ain't funny) isn't the overall dead-ringer.

It's a sensitive subject for me. I adore deer and I can't imagine why anyone would have any ill will towards them. They literally are inoffensive animals. They're not like mice and rats that can get into the walls of homes, spread disease or plagues. They're clean, have no bad breath, and are extremely intelligent. To myself, killing a deer is akin to killing a dog--they're that much alike--other than dogs being carnivores.

Another favorite pic of Daisy (March 2010--taken with a Kodak EasyShare 4MP camera)

Daisy Deer.jpeg
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I am not a vegetarian, but when my sister (who is a vegetarian) comes to visit me, I can eat only vegetarian food for two weeks
You know, I'd heard the name "Duck Dynasty" but had no idea what it was. If I'd been asked to guess I'd have assumed it was a Disney show about Donald's nephews ;).

We get Roe and Muntjack deer around here (the Roe is native, Muntjack is an Asian species that's become established in the UK). I see them in the fields, on the edges of woods, but they rarely come into gardens: some of the houses on the edge of the village get visited, but they don't come in any further. Most people are pleased to see them, though some gardeners wouldn't welcome them (but that just means they'd build stronger fences or chase them away, or moan about damage to their shrubs, nothing more).
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Oh if only it were that innocent. If only. If only it were an animal-themed version of the Soap Opera Dynasty.

I've seen Reeves Muntjacs in zoos and sanctuaries. They're goat-sized and quite adorable. Some have tusks too (seems funny to have canines coming out their upper jaw like that) and I've also seen Water Deer (which look sabre-toothed but they use those instead of antlers for sparring). Water Deer are an excellent response to the many 'hey look at these CANINES!' comments I get from non-vegans.

Attracting deer to your yard in the U.S. is grounds for hunters to come and wage war against 'suburban deer'. Since Obummer (Obama) passed the Hunting Heritage Act, you can't even ask them to leave private property (even your property) because that's now illegal. Hunters can and will sue you over it, calling it 'Hunter Harrassment'

It's nuts. The only way I can interact with deer legally is by visiting a deer park or knowing someone who rehabs them legally, like the one who had Daisy.

Duck Dynasty I only got to see a few bits of before my stomach became ill. The leader of them is a man called Phil Robertson who is massively obese and has a very long beard (neckbeard) and he hangs out with a few others just like him and they basically promote hunting to kids and others and make it all look innocent but then there's the scenes of them gutting them in front of wide-eyed kids and I just had to turn the TV off. It was disgusting, immoral, and I think Phil got into some legal trouble which ended with the show getting cancelled sometime in 2016 or something.

Sadly, the DVDs are everywhere, in high demand, it reruns on the Redneck--erm I mean the "History" Channel, and many still get all obese and copy his beard everywhere. Duck Dynasty T-shirts are still sold. It was the singular show responsible for getting tons of Millennials interested in deer, duck, and turkey hunting in 2010, and the hunting organizations enjoyed every minute of it.

Swamp People, a show focusing on torturing alligators and crocodiles, recently got rebooted and is still around, sadly.

Going further, deer hatred became quite popular on social media. The many images of people standing proudly over dead, bloody deer corpses are on many groups, one in particular a feminist deer hunting group on Facebook called "Just For Does" which, might at first have you fooled since it also showcases some lovely images of female deer, and the logo doesn't give away its purpose, but dig or scroll a bit more and you'll find out it's a feminist deer hunting organization's Facebook page.

I've also come across those claiming to be 'vegan' deer hunters. At first it seems a contradiction in terms, until they make claims that their 'veganism' is merely a diet, but they still kill the animals--but of course they say they're giving the meat to the homeless...I'm glad I'm not homeless. Shows how bad it's getting though.

There are some leftover quotes from the BuckWear era that are put on plaques and wall-art these days. Just to give a glimpse on how much humans hate deer in the U.S., here's a couple of 'em

"There's a perfect place for all of God's creatures-Right next to the mashed potatoes!" (showing a buck, turkey and pheasant)

"I support gun control! It helps me keep my crosshairs on my prey!" (showing just a buck)
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A lot of vegan (Plant Based) food out there now is pretty good. I'm not vegan, nor is my wife, but my wife buys it a lot. There's a brand called Tattoo Chef which is really good vegan food. There's nothing wrong with eating -0- cholesterol food.
I always try to figure out what problem "Lab-grown" meat is attempting to solve. We already have plant-based alternatives like Beyond that are excellent, and clean, yet there seems to be this huge demand BY VEGANS of all folks for this frankenfood that has as much cholesterol and fat as real meat, and still requires enslavement of animals for serum, and seems to be a sort of confirmation bias for meat lovers who see it as an excuse to continue believing we 'need' meat to live properly. I see it as yet another solution in search of a problem, on the list of others, such as USB-C, more than one camera on a smartphone, gesture controls, and flat UI design. Maybe I'm just getting too old for this crap?
I've read articles but none answer the question:

WHY do we NEED this when we already got PLENTY of plant-based alternatives that don't have all the cholesterol, heme iron and the like that this frankenfood has?

What solution is it a problem to? Meat eater confirmation bias? So someone can just keep eating what they've been eating and keep their head in the sand? I'm sure our healthcare system is already overburdened enough by those who choose an unhealthy lifestyle. Lab grown meat will only give people this idea that we need meat. We obviously don't need to consume it to live and thrive. Totally unnecessary to waste the resources to promote what is essentially a GMO

It's another 'science will fix it' scenario to me, kinda like those who keep buying SUVs and expect tech will just 'sequester' the carbon. Just keep on rollin' coal....
This topic seems to spanning threads, so I'll have to multipost this. Attack the issues, not each other. Differences of opinion do not make one right or wrong. ;) :)
I always try to figure out what problem "Lab-grown" meat is attempting to solve. We already have plant-based alternatives like Beyond that are excellent, and clean, yet there seems to be this huge demand BY VEGANS of all folks for this frankenfood that has as much cholesterol and fat as real meat, and still requires enslavement of animals for serum, and seems to be a sort of confirmation bias for meat lovers who see it as an excuse to continue believing we 'need' meat to live properly. I see it as yet another solution in search of a problem, on the list of others, such as USB-C, more than one camera on a smartphone, gesture controls, and flat UI design. Maybe I'm just getting too old for this crap?


My phone has three cameras on the rear, for wide-angle, standard, and telephoto. I see it like the phone equivalent of having multiple interchangeable lenses and/or a zoom lens on a DSLR(real) camera. I was sceptical at the beginning the idea of phones with multiple cameras, but now find it very useful for my casual photography.

BTW I'm not vegetarian or vegan.
If you accept that meat eating is not going to disappear in Western societies in the short term then lab-grown meat can in principle reduce the huge carbon cost of livestock farming (plus remove the need for large-scale slaughter, and perhaps can develop to remove the need for serum inputs). Scale it to the point where it's cheaper and it removes incentives to clear rainforest for cattle ranching, which would be a huge win (enforcement of laws against that, more likely now Bolsanaro is gone, will also help, but removing the economic motivation would reduce the damage even where a nut-job is in charge). So sure, a global shift to plant-based diets might be better by several metrics, but replacing livestock farming is still potentially a lot better than the current system.

As for the rest, I prefer USB-C: it's faster, it can handle more power (so I can charge my laptop from it rather than just my phone), and it reduces the number of different cables I need to carry (I can usually keep it down to a single charger with one cable for everything). And you can plug it in either way up ;). So no, you won't convince me of that one: for six years now I've refused to buy any device that used microUSB-A.
My phone only has one camera. I hardly ever use it (I had more reason to when I knew Daisy but I had an actual digital camera that beat any smartphone camera ever made). The only use I have for it is taking shots of wiring and golf car battery compartments before doing a swap, so I have a reference to how it was wired beforehand, and that doesn't need anything more than a 5MP camera. I don't do the 'selfie' thing or social media thing at all. The last time I logged into Facebook was in 2013. Sadly, Google+ is dead so there's no network left I feel comfortable in.

Type C would require me having both MicroUSB and Type C lying around and that's just needlessly redundant. I will never give up all my old devices so it's more stuff to keep up with, and I've had massive issues with having things not charge properly, or requiring being plugged in twice to start charging. So it's reversible. Big deal. I never had issues plugging in a MicroUSB cable at all. Just make sure the little USB symbol points up and you're golden.

Going OT so I'll stop here.
Nope, I have a friend of mine who is Veggan, she does bring us food of that style though,but I really hate shows like Duck Dyanasty, and makes me really sick to my stomach.

I rather show compassionate towards other animals instead of eating them.
I never will understand the appeal of shows such as Duck Dynasty, Swamp People or 'Hillbilly Handfishin'' (please don't look up 'noodling' unless you got vore fantasies!!!) and that last one was on Animal Planet of all things...

Hunting is non-negotiable with me. I don't want to know you or talk to you if you're a hunter. I have a zero tolerance policy for anyone who dares hurt my antlered and hooved friends.
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