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Are you a vegetarian?

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I currently eat meat and I have for the past...5 years I would say. I used to be vegan and my wife is still a vegetarian. I eat horribly now though and I have high blood pressure and I weigh 50 lbs more than I used to also. I have been considering heading toward being a pescitarian but it would be only for health reasons as I no longer have the same opinions I once did. Most meats really are just horrible for you. That said, most of those veg meat replacements items you can buy at the grocery store are horrible processed crap also.
For me, personally, I didn't think of them as meat substitutes. It does, for people who are becoming vegetarian, make the transition easier. Remember... not everyone becomes vegetarian for animal welfare reasons. There are religious, health, environmental, and some other reasons. One of my professors became a vegetarian due to health reasons and due to past family history with heart problems/attacks. Almost every female family member in her direct line died due to heart problems and most died because of a heart attack. Evidently, she's 79 now and has had no heart problems. She contributes it to her very healthy diet.

I don't exactly remember when I forgot the taste of meats but I always treated those items as simply a different kind of food. I never consumed them to try to replace the meat items they try to replace. It just doesn't work. There are some that are quite good and was impressed with while others tasted too unusual.

Side note: A lot of famous people are vegetarians or vegans (some examples of ones living today):

Alanis Morissette
Alec Baldwin
Anne Hathaway
Billy Idol
Brad Pitt
Carrie Underwood
Christian Bale
Ellen Degeneres
Kate Winslet
Kelly Clarkson
Lisa Simpson :p
Mike Tyson
Natalie Portman
Pamela Anderson
Paul McCartney
Samuel L. Jackson
Shania Twain
Travis Barker (of Blink 182)
You forgot "Weird" Al Yankovic.

If cooking meat was part of the job description, then she should. As I previously stated above, asking a vegetarian or vegan to cook meat is incredibly offensive. It would be like asking a Hindu to cook beef.
"Weird" Al was once asked by "self-righteous" vegetarians how he could justify performing at a barbecue festival and he responded "The same way I justify performing at a college campus even though I'm not a college student". In other words, just because he doesn't eat what they eat doesn't mean he can't entertain them.
I'll throw in my two cents as I love this discussion. I've been vegetarian since I was 15 (11 years now). I started since my friends and band mates decided to for moral reasons. Yep, peer pressure in high school always wins. Having to cook a lot of my own food since my mom didn't know what to make, got me really interested in cooking. After working a few restaurant jobs, I decided college wasn't for me and I wanted to go to culinary school. I figured I'd have to start eating meat again, so I did. Once I started at the CIA, I realized I simply didn't like meat anymore flavorwise and switched over to the baking and pastry program. It was a rarity that I'd have to taste anything with meat in it the remainder of my time there. Although you'd often get heckled at meal time (you'd eat out of the culinary students' classrooms) for getting the veggie option. More than once it was referred to as "rabbit food". Whatever, I didn't care.
I dabbled a bit in eating fish for a while but have since stopped. However, now that I'm a chef at a restaurant, I need to be tasting all the meats. I try little bits here and there for seasoning, but honestly, I just don't like meat. I've no problem butchering pork, beef or chicken (I actually enjoy it!), but just don't care to eat them. I've certainly relaxed my POV of vegetarianism and would never attempt to encourage someone to eat less or no meat.
It was weird one time when a friend of ours asked if it was okay if she had bacon with her breakfast and I had no idea how to respond other than "okay?".
All I say is, to each their own!
lol the plant isn't actually screaming. It's a result from interacting with the leaves. I saw another video where a guy was pulling on leaves of a plant to make it sound as if the plant was making sounds. Plants can't scream since they don't have vocal chords. The argument with not eating plants is kind of silly because plants do not have a nervous system and thus, no pain receptors. With no brain, they have no capacity to think.
lol the plant isn't actually screaming. Plants can't scream since they don't have vocal chords. The argument with not eating plants is kind of silly because plants do not have a nervous system and thus, no pain receptors.

Okay, then we can drug the animals before we kill them so they feel GrrrrrEEEAT!

Okay, then we can drug the animals before we kill them so they feel GrrrrrEEEAT!

What I care about is that animals that are consumed for food are killed in a humane way and that their living conditions at least are reasonable instead of 20 chickens stuck in one tiny cage until they die.

If there was a completely pain free way then that would be great.
lol the plant isn't actually screaming. It's a result from interacting with the leaves. I saw another video where a guy was pulling on leaves of a plant to make it sound as if the plant was making sounds. Plants can't scream since they don't have vocal chords. The argument with not eating plants is kind of silly because plants do not have a nervous system and thus, no pain receptors. With no brain, they have no capacity to think.


Plants are people too, you know.
lol oh Bob. You remind me of an old guy sitting on a rocking chair on his porch yelling at those darn neighbor kids to get off his lawn. :p

I hope to make it to 97, then those kids will learn, I tell ya, they will learn. I can smack 'em around and break their arms, and claim insanity brought on by mature mental dementia or whatever my high priced doctor says will work. Perhaps I'll get some good pills, who knows.

Dad Gum, By Cracky
What I care about is that animals that are consumed for food are killed in a humane way and that their living conditions at least are reasonable instead of 20 chickens stuck in one tiny cage until they die.

If there was a completely pain free way then that would be great.

I agree. Perhaps how we treat our food needs to be looked at.

For the record, the chickens I eat were water boarded, not really tortured. And if given a chance, the chickens would kill you in your sleep.

I do love my chicken and veal, steaks, little fishes from the deep blue briny, hotcakes with butter, biscuits baked with love and lard, smoked meats; jerky and such, eggs, milk, scotch, and beer. Trans-fats, deep fat frying, processed sugar, and lots of fat.

All of which are bad and should be banned if you believe Wikipedia.
lol the plant isn't actually screaming. It's a result from interacting with the leaves. I saw another video where a guy was pulling on leaves of a plant to make it sound as if the plant was making sounds. Plants can't scream since they don't have vocal chords. The argument with not eating plants is kind of silly because plants do not have a nervous system and thus, no pain receptors. With no brain, they have no capacity to think.
Prince Charles would beg to differ:
Prince Charles enjoys talking to his plants | MNN - Mother Nature Network
"I happily talk to the plants and trees, and listen to them. I think it's absolutely crucial," the prince says in a new BBC documentary. "Everything I've done here, it's like almost with your children. Every tree has a meaning for me."
I hope to make it to 97, then those kids will learn, I tell ya, they will learn. I can smack 'em around and break their arms, and claim insanity brought on by mature mental dementia or whatever my high priced doctor says will work. Perhaps I'll get some good pills, who knows.

Dad Gum, By Cracky

I am not a kid but statements like this make me want to run across your lawn with a pot and metal spoon, yelling and banging on the pot. (Some things just bring out the evil child in me)

if it taste good.. I eat it.

:eek: I will not go there I will not go there I will not go there.

I just had delicious steak the other night, while a vegetarian glared at me. I just laughed. You can't win sometimes.
I went for over six months without eating red meat. Didn't miss it.
If it wasn't for the fact i like eating and hopelessly try to beat my fast metabolism I'd prolly go "pesco-vegetarion" (thx Vihzel ;))
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