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Are you a vegetarian?

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I love meat, but I'm definitely not opposed to vegetarian dishes. My brother & sister in law would be what Vihzel would call Meat-Reducers. They say they try to be vegetarian, but they "slip up" all the time. My sis in law is a great cook, though, and she primarily cooks vegeterian dishes when I go over for dinner. I love her eggplant parmesan, portobello stroganoff, & veggie lasagna.

I just try to eat clean, with very little processed food. Of course I slip up as well, but for the most part eating clean gives me the most energy and less bloat.
I love meat, but I'm definitely not opposed to vegetarian dishes. My brother & sister in law would be what Vihzel would call Meat-Reducers. They say they try to be vegetarian, but they "slip up" all the time. My sis in law is a great cook, though, and she primarily cooks vegeterian dishes when I go over for dinner. I love her eggplant parmesan, portobello stroganoff, & veggie lasagna.

I just try to eat clean, with very little processed food. Of course I slip up as well, but for the most part eating clean gives me the most energy and less bloat.

This is really close to where I stand on it. I love a great steak or burger, but vegetarian dishes can be great. Even something simple like a veggie stir-fry over rice is awesome sometimes. Vegetable burritos aren't bad either with the right ingredients.
I am neither offended or opposed to veganism (?) and if it is done for health, dietary, financial, or other justifiable reasons, it's no different than a diabetic avoiding sweets. However if it's done for philosophical or moral reasons, I find it a bit silly.

We are animals. Animals have to kill or eat dead things to survive. Plants are capable of maintaining life from the elements in their environment. Animals must take something alive, or recently alive and consume it. If the objective is to protect the innocent, then protect plant life, after all it is alive, too and it doesn't need to kill you to survive.

I agree.

There would be no humans if animals didn't eat animals :)
I've eaten with some vegetarians that were truly and honestly offended that I was eating a burger. The fact that they had a salad meant nothing. I ended up spending the entire meal (or a good portion of it at least) being shamed for being a carnivore. Strangely enough I've not had a meal with them since. Very weird.

Yeah some vegetarians are like that..I am ok with what others eat..Everyone has the right to eat the food they like.they should not start getting offended if others on the table are eating the food which they dont like..
Why did you leave the club if you don't mind me asking?

I'm not a vegetarian myself but 3 years seems a long time. I'd think that someone would be used to a meatless life after that much time.

It's because I took classes at a culinary institute in Indianapolis while at IU to learn how to cook well and more complicated dishes. It's quite difficult to avoid cooking or eating any meat there, especially since there are sessions specifically focused on it. I first became vegetarian while in high school for health reasons and animal welfare reasons, which was really easy for me to do. Then I became vegan just because I could while in college.

I never pressured anyone else to become vegetarian and just kept it to myself but I received so much backlash just from me saying that I'm either becoming vegetarian or am vegetarian. For some reason, people have to assert that they either are meat eaters or love eating meat when I said I'm a vegetarian. This thread is kind of a good example of what I'm talking about. It's an unusual phenomenon that I've observed so much. :p
I have never personally met a vegetarian or vegan. I have a problem eating vegetables as its mostly how it looks and tastes. I know its all mental and have eaten a little more different vegetables. If I knew if vegetarian or vegan was coming to my dinner party as the host I would prepare dishes for them so they felt they was part of the dinner. Might not be as good beings i wouldn't know how. With that said I would think vegetarians/vegans if they was hosting a party would be gracious enough to provide items that would be of my liking. I am not expecting a slab of meat but to feel part of the dinner.

I have heard vegetarians can be high and mighty and vegans down right unbearable if they know you eat meat.

I can cook a mean ribeye that you need no knife to cut. might grill me some this weekend.
I never pressured anyone else to become vegetarian and just kept it to myself but I received so much backlash just from me saying that I'm either becoming vegetarian or am vegetarian. For some reason, people have to assert that they either are meat eaters or love eating meat when I said I'm a vegetarian. This thread is kind of a good example of what I'm talking about. It's an unusual phenomenon that I've observed so much. :p

It often seems to be the case on both sides; we're all guilty for being proud of our lifestyle. In the case of this thread, I don't believe it's a good example as the question was asked and the topic broached in a civil manner, offering the opportunity for either side to explain their choice.

The truly frustrating for any of us is when it's brought up out of context. I think running shoes are more comfortable than skate shoes because I'm vegan. I like to mountain climb because I'm a meatatarian. I prefer a comb over to close shave because I'm Republican. Your immortal soul is damned because... No matter what the cause is, some folk just don't possess timing or tact. I wouldn't appreciate a vegan huffing and puffing over me eating a steak, but neither would I invite one to have lunch with me at a steakhouse.
I have never personally met a vegetarian or vegan. I have a problem eating vegetables as its mostly how it looks and tastes. I know its all mental and have eaten a little more different vegetables. If I knew if vegetarian or vegan was coming to my dinner party as the host I would prepare dishes for them so they felt they was part of the dinner. Might not be as good beings i wouldn't know how. With that said I would think vegetarians/vegans if they was hosting a party would be gracious enough to provide items that would be of my liking. I am not expecting a slab of meat but to feel part of the dinner.

If you don't like vegetables, then it would be quite difficult to be a vegetarian or vegan. :p I personally like a lot of vegetables, so it wasn't hard for me to make food. The two healthiest food groups, veggies and fruits, I ate a lot of (and still do). I actually never felt so much healthier than when I was as a vegetarian (veganism required a lot more work and was harder to build muscle). It's good that you and anyone would want to make a vegetarian/vegan feel welcome... or anyone else in general. We don't want special treatment.... just something that we can eat. hehe

I have heard vegetarians can be high and mighty and vegans down right unbearable if they know you eat meat.

That is true but it all depends person to person. I've met both sides of the spectrum and thankfully all my veg friends and I were on the "I don't care what you eat" part.
This is really close to where I stand on it. I love a great steak or burger, but vegetarian dishes can be great. Even something simple like a veggie stir-fry over rice is awesome sometimes. Vegetable burritos aren't bad either with the right ingredients.

Veggie burritos are awesome! Whenever I get Chipotle I usually get a veggie burrito.

I've known a handful of vegetarians, & one vegan and no one has ever really been snobby about it. In fact, I stayed with the vegan once for a week & she took me shopping for food that I could eat during the week instead of insisting that I eat what she eats (Tofurkey sammiches???). At the time, she lived in a fairly artsy college town & a lot of the local restaurants catered to vegetarians & vegans. It always amazed me what kind of dishes vegans created. I saw a french fry & pita sandwich with ketchup on multiple menues.
I never pressured anyone else to become vegetarian and just kept it to myself but I received so much backlash just from me saying that I'm either becoming vegetarian or am vegetarian. For some reason, people have to assert that they either are meat eaters or love eating meat when I said I'm a vegetarian. This thread is kind of a good example of what I'm talking about. It's an unusual phenomenon that I've observed so much. :p

Good observation. I think eating meat/protein is so deeply embedded in our dna (there wouldn't be human-beings without meat eaters obviously) that our instincts give us an impulsion to speak up about it.
It often seems to be the case on both sides; we're all guilty for being proud of our lifestyle. In the case of this thread, I don't believe it's a good example as the question was asked and the topic broached in a civil manner, offering the opportunity for either side to explain their choice.

After 5 years of dealing with it, it's easy for me to see very close similarities to what have been said to me in real life and what I see here. Some were pretty much spot on (with the exception of different word usage). I'm not saying it's bad or anything... it's just something I've noticed a lot personally.

The funniest and strangest ones are people who asked me if I was vegetarian and I reply "Yes" and they make replies like "Oh well I'm a meat eater." or "Oh ok... I don't think I can ever give up meat." etc. etc. I just thought to myself, "That's a weird response..." It's funny when in a group and after I make my reply, they for some reason all have to make a remark and come to some group consensus that they like meat. lol

It's happened to me time and time again, especially in high school where vegetarianism is less accepted. Oh functionalist society. :p
I never got why people even care one way or the other. I have friends who are vegetarian, but I honestly never knew until I suggested they try a particular meat dish at a restaurant. Once they told me they were vegetarian, I had the same reaction as if someone told me it was sunny outside. I honestly couldn't care less. Hurts no one. Whatever floats your boat. Now, the raw food crowd I find a little nutty.
I never pressured anyone else to become vegetarian and just kept it to myself but I received so much backlash just from me saying that I'm either becoming vegetarian or am vegetarian. For some reason, people have to assert that they either are meat eaters or love eating meat when I said I'm a vegetarian. This thread is kind of a good example of what I'm talking about. It's an unusual phenomenon that I've observed so much. :p
I've noticed that too. Maybe it's the same with cannibals when they talk to meat eaters. They feel the need to assert how much they love a bit of char grilled homo sapien...with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
I've noticed that too. Maybe it's the same with cannibals when they talk to meat eaters. They feel the need to assert how much they love a bit of char grilled homo sapien...with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

The fava beans ruined that whole meal. :D
We have some folks who are vegetarians at my church and they brought some of their dishes to potluck, needless to say, we're in the South they barely got touched....sorry, I eat meat...I'm a carnivore.
And out of the woodwork come the bitter vegans. It never fails.

This is a public forum and people will post about how they feel about a topic. Especially eating meat. It is embedded in our DNA.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but people do post in the sports threads to say how much they hate the sport.
How come when the OP asked if there are vegetarians that non vegetarians feel the need to reply and make it known they eat meat?

Most likely because the OP's question is easily interpreted as a general survey of the percentage of vegan/vegetarian members here. If he had received only responses from non-meat eaters it could easily be inferred that the entire membership of the forums was vegan. That would be an inaccurate representation.

Insecure much?

This type of comment is immature and unnecessary. At no time did the OP express desire for exclusivity in his response and as I can see no one is criticizing either dietary choice. Nor is anyone suggesting that vegans should eat meat or vice versa. It's just a lively discussion.

If you feel that a post has crossed a boundary, report it to a moderator and they will make the final judgement and deal with the poster appropriately.
I experienced this once as well. They decided I was a lost cause to them after trying to guilt me by asking if I knew how the cow came to end up on my plate....cruelly killed....yadda-yadda-yadda........I then got to explain very nicely that yes, I did know, had actually been to a slaughterhouse due to my ex-husband having hauled cows and while it was not a pretty thing to witness that it was, in my eyes, a necessary evil because I love meat.

I agree it has become a necessary evil. But why dont all people do it in a humane way. In some countries everything is fine as there are strict laws & standards. But it happens in countries where there are no strict rules for animal cruelty. Recently I saw a video where people were poking the eyes of a cow with their fingers during the process. I think that the most violent of the people would get disturbed seeing that video. Again I am not directing at anyone or any group.But I feel there is more to be done to avoid this kind of animal cruelty and may be kill them in a way that they feel least pain.
I agree it has become a necessary evil. But why dont all people do it in a humane way. In some countries everything is fine as there are strict laws & standards. But it happens in countries where there are no strict rules for animal cruelty. Recently I saw a video where people were poking the eyes of a cow with their fingers during the process. I think that the most violent of the people would get disturbed seeing that video. Again I am not directing at anyone or any group.But I feel there is more to be done to avoid this kind of animal cruelty and may be kill them in a way that they feel least pain.

I completely agree with you. There are some places that do it much more humanely than others and the standard should be to do it with as little pain or prolonged wait as possible.
I've eaten with some vegetarians that were truly and honestly offended that I was eating a burger. The fact that they had a salad meant nothing. I ended up spending the entire meal (or a good portion of it at least) being shamed for being a carnivore. Strangely enough I've not had a meal with them since. Very weird.

that would bug me... to no end.

I respect they dont.. and it is good for them..
dont ever push yours on to me.

food, religion, politics, sex... i understand yours and respect it, what ever you choose.
respect mine!

i can go 1 day.. without meat. just one. then I got to have it.

Same here, I feel the same way. You eat what you want, I eat what I want. By no mean do you have the damn bloody right to gilt me into feeling bad for eating what I enjoy. I don't have the same view as you, please accept that. Don't push your views down my throat!!!

I am neither offended or opposed to veganism (?) and if it is done for health, dietary, financial, or other justifiable reasons, it's no different than a diabetic avoiding sweets. However if it's done for philosophical or moral reasons, I find it a bit silly.
I don't care if they are Vegetairans, kudos for them for choosing that life style.

We are animals. Animals have to kill or eat dead things to survive. Plants are capable of maintaining life from the elements in their environment. Animals must take something alive, or recently alive and consume it. If the objective is to protect the innocent, then protect plant life, after all it is alive, too and it doesn't need to kill you to survive.
I agree...if eating animal is wrong because you're killing them. Should not eating plants be just as wrong? Are they not a living thing.

Funny little thing about my niece and nephew. Both polar opposites
My 3 year old niece is a Vegetarian in the making. She eats nothing but rice and vegetables and fruits. On the other hand, her older brother is a meat eater through and through. He HATES vegetables and rarely eats fruits. His diet is mostly rice and meat.

Post deleted. Not worth the time.
I am really sorry that you feel this way Seeker :( This is simply a friendly conversation between members here.
Should not eating plants be just as wrong? Are they not a living thing.

This is one of the typical responses I have received all my life during discussions on the topic of vegetarianism.
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