Same here, I feel the same way. You eat what you want, I eat what I want. By no mean do you have the damn bloody right to gilt me into feeling bad for eating what I enjoy. I don't have the same view as you, please accept that. Don't push your views down my throat!!!
I don't care if they are Vegetairans, kudos for them for choosing that life style.
I agree...if eating animal is wrong because you're killing them. Should not eating plants be just as wrong? Are they not a living thing.
Funny little thing about my niece and nephew. Both polar opposites
My 3 year old niece is a Vegetarian in the making. She eats nothing but rice and vegetables and fruits. On the other hand, her older brother is a meat eater through and through. He HATES vegetables and rarely eats fruits. His diet is mostly rice and meat.
I am really sorry that you feel this way Seeker
This is simply a friendly conversation between members here.