We are intolerant of the wrong things. A guy with an anti-Bush t-shirt is dragged off to jail, a guy carrying an automatic weapon is allowed to stand in a crowd near where Obama speaks.
McCain sings, "Bomb bomb bomb ... bomb bomb Iran" in a televised speech, but say the word "bomb" in an airport or on a plane and you're going to interrogation and jail. Simply tipping your seat back and pissing off the guy behind you is enough to get the pilot to call in a terror emergency, get an air force escort, dump 15,000 gallons of fuel and make an emergency landing.
The Patriot Act allows search and seizure that violates the constitution. Protests on Federal property are illegal without a permit ("So, you want to protest? Fill out this form in triplicate, pay this application fee, ...").
At what point did we become a police state? And why aren't the conservatives who constantly trumpet the Constitution screaming about it?
Please, do cite your references. Obama recently attended a gathering here in MA, and singled out a newspaper (The Boston Herald) from attending it-the ONLY newspaper denied access to his speech. Why? Because they were critical of his policies. Please point out where someone was arrested for wearing an anti-bush T-shirt. The individual was likely arrested for disturbing the peace, obstruction of justice, or something like that-I HIGHLY doubt he was simply arrested for wearing a T shirt. Hell, there is more anti-Bush stuff out there, to include songs (whole albums done by KMFDM for instance), T shirts, bumper stickers, etc-I dont recall ANYONE being arrested simply for stating their dislike for a president. I dont see it now with Obama ether-and there are plenty of anti-Obama things out there too.
As to carrying an "automatic weapon"-sorry, thats an uneducated statement. He had a rifle, which he can lawfully posess. If he was too close, the secret service would ask him to leave. I do recall that story-and, much to the media's dismay, he didnt shoot anyone with his "automatic rifle". To own an automatic weapon, you need a permit. He had a rifle; one pull of the trigger, one fall of the hammer. But, I dont expect the media, or most of the populace to understand that, because to research something for themselves takes up WAY too much of their time...
EDIT: Found this article:
Arrested For Wearing Anti-Bush T-shirts [Archive] - Rhythmism.com
Again, they were arrested for NOT going to where there was a designated protest-NOT for wearing the shirt.
I also found this-seems it works both ways...
YouTube - ‪Man Arrested for Wearing McCain Shirt at Obama Victory Rally‬‏
But, again, he was asked to leave, and was publicly drunk-he was aksed to leave several times...and refused. You are asked to leave, you leave. They were doing crowd control-not picking on him for his shirt.
People always cry their rights are being violated-how many of us carry a copy of the Constitution with us? I do-you can get it for free. Read it-it may enlighten you (not anyone in particular here, just a statement in general). Your rights arent being violated when you are creating issues for those around you. The good of the PEOPLE, not just you.
And, in that video, he stated he was going home AFTER he was being arrested. Too late. They asked you to do that for over a minute, and you were being beligerent. I dont care who you support-act like a jerk, get arrested. Then, have your day in court.