Dark Jedi
You fail to see that what that wracked out church does is protest on public land. Which you are allowed to do by your first admendment rights. Where as dancing at the Jefferson memorial is government land and they can deny you access for whatever reason they see fit as its not public land. If they say no dancing? By god you better not.
Try this go on a military base and then protest the war. Then when they arrest you cry out its your rights are being violated. They will laugh at you. Why you think when people protest they do it outside the fence. Because its public land.
Don't ever put words in our mouths saying we condone the actions of that church. Compare apples to apples and not apples to oranges. Don't like the laws? Call your senator and voice your dislike about that. As Much as I hate what they do they are protected by the freedom of speech just like you and everyone else in this country has the same rights.
I personally think they should be sent to Afghanistan and let them protest there. Then I bet thy would see the light quick.
Try this go on a military base and then protest the war. Then when they arrest you cry out its your rights are being violated. They will laugh at you. Why you think when people protest they do it outside the fence. Because its public land.
Don't ever put words in our mouths saying we condone the actions of that church. Compare apples to apples and not apples to oranges. Don't like the laws? Call your senator and voice your dislike about that. As Much as I hate what they do they are protected by the freedom of speech just like you and everyone else in this country has the same rights.
I personally think they should be sent to Afghanistan and let them protest there. Then I bet thy would see the light quick.