You believe the cell phone will be the media hub for HDTV?
Rhetorical question....... right?
Do I believe that? Absolutely, 1000%. Twelve years ago I remember resisting getting a cellphone because I didn't want my wife (at the time) to have the ability to get ahold of my while I was out riding my motorcycle. A few years later I finally caved and got a flip phone, but only for emergency situations. Over the last decade I've seen that device take over more and more of my daily activities as it has absorbed more and more technologies. Here is a quick list of the things my phone has replaced...
1. Landline - It only took about 6 months of having a cellphone before I realized I really never used my landline anymore. Back then not very many people gave up their landlines because they were getting DSL over their phone line. I however was getting my internet via the cable company. So I cut the cord and never looked back.
2. PDA - I know everyone didn't have one of these, but I did. Mine was pretty basic though, more or less just an electronic rolladex. Now that all of my contacts are all backed up on the Google cloud I never again have to worry about storing them in any device.
3. Calendar - now when ever I have an important appointment to go to, or remember someone's birthday, I don't have to be standing near my fridge to look it up on my calendar. It's always with me right there on my DX.
4. Calculator - I used to own 5 or 6 different calculators, strewn all over the place from my bedroom, my kitchen, my office, my glove compartment... now I just use the calculator widget on my phone. Love it.
5. Point and shoot camera - No when I was taking photographs for a living I wasn't just using the 8 megapixel camera on my phone. These things won't be replacing DSLR's anytime soon. But for those times when you just want to be able to take a few shots of something cute, like your dog wearing your girlfriends bra, or your buddy with wing sauce from ear to ear... my DX does the job just fine.
6. Video camera - same thing. For weddings or something like that I'll still break out my HDMI video recorder. But for those everyday moments in life you want to capture, it does the trick.
7. Gameboy - while Android is no where near caught up to the likes of Nintendo or Sony in games, I do have plenty of time wasters on my phone that I use on a daily basis to overcome boredoom!
8. MP3 Player - I have no use for an iPod anymore. PowerAmp does it just as good.
9. Web browser - I no longer have to sneak onto the computer at work to check my favorite message boards and see what's going on... jeapardizing my job in the process. Now I can do anything and everything I ever want/need to do on the internet right from my phone.
10. Daily planner - I used to have one of these things way back in the day as well. Sure it's integrated in my calendar, but it is another thing I no longer have to worry about.
11. Phone - Oh yeah... AND this thing is a phone! LOL
I'm sure there are plenty of things I missed. But you get the point. The cellphone industry has been working feverishly at incorporating as many of our daily activities as they can cram into these tiny little devices to get us completely hooked on them, depend on them and just plain HAVE to have them so that they know we'll never stray very far. They have us like a crack dealer has his clients. And the more they can get us addicted to having them, the more they can charge us for their services.
So that being understood, why wouldn't they make these things our HDTV media hubs so that we're even more dependant on them as we are already? I don't just suspect it's coming, I EXPECT it's coming.
Of course I could be wrong......... I'm not........ but I could be.