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Bad sunburn, peeling skin does this look normal?


Android Enthusiast
Or is it going to scar?


Yes I know I was not thinking and I will always use sun screen from now on.
You'll be fine. Throw some lotion/aloe on there just to help. The body will take care of itself.
I have seen much worse. You will be fine just use pure aloe (make surebnot allergic to it as met a girl that was) in the gel and get use to being called goldmember
get a skin box :D
Don't worry. If it's just the skin peeling... that's perfectly normal. The body is doing its job. :)

Quick question: What part of the body is that? I really can't tell. lol
Don't worry. If it's just the skin peeling... that's perfectly normal. The body is doing its job. :)

Quick question: What part of the body is that? I really can't tell. lol

Down tiger :p

Looks like his upper arm if I was to guess .
Don't worry. If it's just the skin peeling... that's perfectly normal. The body is doing its job. :)

Quick question: What part of the body is that? I really can't tell. lol

Haha, its my shoulders taken from a strange angle.

Also to anyone, should I use Vitamin E on the new skin?
No just the aloe. Just let it heal and remember only lobsters should be red.
I work at an urgent care paying through school. Long story short, what you got isn't bad at all. I have seen backs/shoulders blistered to high hell and back. I am sure it feels terrible, but it should be better in a week's time.
my general rule of thumb if i get a sunburn (happens too often with track, car meets, and hikes) is as long as theres no blisters i dont worry too much, and just LITHA (leave it the hell alone) and let my body do its thing.
Steven58's official unofficial thread of the day!!

Congratulations peeps. This is my recommended thread of the day. It made me laugh. :D

All funny comment makers go outside, right now, and buy yourselves banana splits! :D
You will be fine. Just throw some aloe on it.

When i was younger did a spring break bender with some friends at a lake. Non stop drinking and out in the sun. Long story short ended up with second degree burns all over my body, having to go to the doc, get a special cream, couldn't go outside during daylight for a week etc. Red and peeling is ok, though your pretty damn red i will admit.

When you have problems is when your skin turns to leather. Basically suddenly you get a shine to it (much like a reptile) and it starts to wrinkle up. You also start to cramp up because once the pain kicks in you can barely move. Either way staying out in the sun for long extended periods of time is no joke. If your going to be out that long (and though i may sound like your mother) invest in some sun screen.

I was 17 at the time, am 32 now. I still have the scars from it on my chest (looks like lots of freckles) which more than likely will give me skin cancer years down the road. I loved to party (and still do) but take my advice, don't make the same mistake i did in your future outdoor partying adventures.
When your looks like this, you know you're in big trouble.

My friend fell asleep on the beach once and she got a third degree burn on her stomach, it was all purple n stuff...ewwwww
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