jmar Nexican May 31, 2013 #28,907 Indeed huh Banned for finally getting one of my references...did you Google it? :vroam:
huh Android Expert May 31, 2013 #28,908 banned because I alway's get your references...oh and Google This!
sammyz LG Whiz Kid May 31, 2013 #28,909 Banned for having to use Google to understand his references.
huh Android Expert May 31, 2013 #28,910 banned for not understanding my reference that I don't have to use google to understand his in reference to your ban..'re BANNED good day!
banned for not understanding my reference that I don't have to use google to understand his in reference to your ban..'re BANNED good day!
jmar Nexican May 31, 2013 #28,913 Unless the answer to the question is a singular word, such as...BAND! Secondary ban for invalid reasoning behind grammar nitpicking.
Unless the answer to the question is a singular word, such as...BAND! Secondary ban for invalid reasoning behind grammar nitpicking.
jmar Nexican May 31, 2013 #28,915 Kaat72 said: One trio is, two trios are... Banned for wisenosing Click to expand... Banned for proving me right!
Kaat72 said: One trio is, two trios are... Banned for wisenosing Click to expand... Banned for proving me right!
jmar Nexican May 31, 2013 #28,919 Banned for not consulting with your lawyer before answering statements with uneasy questioning.
jmar Nexican May 31, 2013 #28,921 Banned for not having a lawyer to call into this...huh, would you like to rebut?
Lordvincent 90 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ May 31, 2013 #28,922 Banned, just banned... no reason... no explanation... plain and simple ban
T tastycaramel Guest Jun 1, 2013 #28,925 Banned for using complicated terms (lol I really don't know what that is suppose to mean ).