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I actually had stones (kidney) and the runs at same time :)

Yay. You got the joke.

Yeahhhh... you da mannnnnnn.. !!!

...etc. :D
Just wondering if anyone else gets incredibly curious as to why other users are banned?

I was reading a thread, and a seemingly helpful post was made, but the user was "banned". It just makes me wonder what is really going on... Are all the banned population under some sort dual personality thing or what?!

I suppose it really is none of my business... but still. It is a little puzzling.

Not me, I do not care. I recall the saying, "There but for the Grace of God go I" or some such. Read my old posts and watch the evolution of a someone destined for banishment.
Quite often a member with posts in threads not at all involved in the violation of user guidelines that got him or her banned will make other members wonder why.
terminating is not fixing..

if a company department's performance is below average because someone is too idle to do their job properly, terminated their employment fixes it. Sure that person is still idle and not fixed, but the department performs better and is fixed.

Its all about the bigger picture.

I shudder to think how appyling this to the gene pool would work out though...
That was Adolph Hitler's territory. "The Master Race." He insanely envisioned achieving that race by matching up "pure" blooded "Aryans" to mate and produce perfect children in mind and body, etc.

Perhaps somewhere inside of him he know he was already excluded, as he never had kids.
That was Adolph Hitler's territory. "The Master Race." He insanely envisioned achieving that race by matching up "pure" blooded "Aryans" to mate and produce perfect children in mind and body, etc.

Perhaps somewhere inside of him he know he was already excluded, as he never had kids.

I was mostly thinking about a way to do it without killing off people... but I'm kinda an idiot anyway so I don't think I could figure it out. :)
... well, in his insanity resided more than one plan.. crazy people envision crazy things.

Human gene pool manipulation has never really been thought much about by science minded people with real credentials. ...lol.. when I look out at the world and see wide differences between people in the same family, for example, in their motivations and intelligence, etc, I realize the folly of the whole "gene pool" notion.
if we modified and helped the gene pool.. to be "cleaner" and everyone was smart..etc...

who would do the "dirty" jobs?
... well, in his insanity resided more than one plan.. crazy people envision crazy things.

Human gene pool manipulation has never really been thought much about by science minded people with real credentials. ...lol.. when I look out at the world and see wide differences between people in the same family, for example, in their motivations and intelligence, etc, I realize the folly of the whole "gene pool" notion.

That makes sense. I definitely think things would be boring if we all had very similar qualities, and it would take the interesting aspects out of living.
if we modified and helped the gene pool.. to be "cleaner" and everyone was smart..etc...

who would do the "dirty" jobs?
'Oh brave new world! That has such people in it' - The Tempest (Shakespeare)

The above quote inspired Adous Huxley to write Brave New World. The story seems to foreshadow mankind's future. I reference this book as it talks about a hierarchical social structure (castes) where human being are 'manufactured' and told what to do and not to do. You have the leader/higher (Alpha) castes and the lower (Beta, Gamma etc) castes.

In one part of the book, it discussed about a project where a selected number of Alphas were taken to an island to create an 'Alpha society'. Well that didn't go too well as the Alphas felt it was beneath them to do any (labour) work, so in the end all the Alphas died. Society cannot live with just Alphas.
.. it would take the interesting aspects out of living.

I agree.

Also (clever swing back on topic), we'd all either be banned, leaving this place a ghost town forum, or never banned, making it such a ruthless environment that only (fill in the blank) wold be here.

'Oh brave new world! That has such people in it' - The Tempest (Shakespeare)

The above quote inspired Adous Huxley to write Brave New World. The story seems to foreshadow mankind's future. I reference this book as it talks about a hierarchical social structure (castes) where human being are 'manufactured' and told what to do and not to do. You have the leader/higher (Alpha) castes and the lower (Beta, Gamma etc) castes.

In one part of the book, it discussed about a project where a selected number of Alphas were taken to an island to create an 'Alpha society'. Well that didn't go too well as the Alphas felt it was beneath them to do any (labour) work, so in the end all the Alphas died. Society cannot live with just Alphas.

too many chiefs, not enough indians...

to many cooks.. not enough dish washers...

without the darkness... how can you tell where the light is?
without the low-lifes... how can you tell where the good-ones are?
without the ...... who's going to bring me my beer?
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm beer.

I don't know.. I've tried that "beer" stuff and I guess it tasted ok, but not long after drinking some of it I got this weird, fuzzy "high" feeling.

I don't get that with Dr. Pepper.

I'd give a more lengthy reply but frankly - it's all been said. There's nothing left for me to explain other than repeat what EarlyMon and others have stated. :)

I will say I've never been more proud of staff here than I am today. They work very very hard to keep this place in the best working order as possible, and ensure we maintain the #1 position of Android forum choices for end users that are out there. Which, I firmly believe we have always and most certainly currently hold.

It is very funny you say this - as this exact thing has been one of our topics of discussion this week. Yesterday the talk ended with the decision being made to go through with allowing this option on a case by case basis. Of course.. if we feel a member is taking advantage of knowing that is an option (now that I've gone and said it here) for the staff and creating havoc just because they're not afraid of being banned from just one section - well that will just give to consider. They might then be considered more of a site wide problem than one section problem, as they would be trying to jump through loopholes, etc.

An option is all it will be, not part of the regular flow of infractions -> perm ban.


Why do I feel like this thread was hand crafted for me.
I don't know.. I've tried that "beer" stuff and I guess it tasted ok, but not long after drinking some of it I got this weird, fuzzy "high" feeling.

I don't get that with Dr. Pepper.

bllaaaaaa .... I was not expecting that picture....
^ I wish I would have had a camera recording my reaction, I'm sure it was priceless. Some mixture of shock, fear, and that feeling you get watching Drag Me to Hell, when the goat talks.
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