I've only just now seen this thread. It's debatable if we should even be discussing it but.. Here we go!
Ok, I've got to ask. Why did Iowa get banned?
Darn you for starting this thread!

But, see quote below.
Trying to egg on mbell would be my guess. Yesterday they were both warned about bickering and such. Last night IOWA created like 10 topics with 5 or so bashing Apple, probly an attempt to lure in mbell. They are both probly on temp bans.
This post is pure speculation.
Yes, that. ^
I imagine there might've been some deliberation between mods before bans handed out...
Yes, for a good while now. These two have been a repeat topic.
I'm hoping that Iowa and mbell can more or less get past it and leave each other alone. I'm also hoping that the overall angry tone I've been seeing on the forum lately can go away. This is supposed to be fun, not an anger fest.
Me too.
IOWA wasn't blameless, but mbell was clearly just a troll. He accused others of it but would get shitty when people said Apple sucked.
Been watching IOWA longer that mbell, admittedly. But we're onto him now.
Sort of a verbal boxing ring. I like that idea.
We've talked about having a "Romper-Room" type forum. Ultimately decided against it.
They were both warned and both decided to not listen to the warning. They're taking a nice 7 day vacation from each other and the forum. Hopefully we'll have a bit more harmony when they come back.
It's a shame it came to what it did, but they both were asking for it IMO. They can deny it, but they both seemed to go out of their way to egg the other on.
mbell75 isn't worth getting banned over. Just my 2 cents.
Isn't this the second time that IOWA's been banned?
I believe so.
He better not eff up anymore or it may be the last we see of him.
I believe so.
I believe so.
Depends...can't read the forums if their IP range was banned (although that might block other users)
Only banned usernames, in this instance. For a week.
not exactly sure why it's still being discussed after a mod made a post about it....i mean it is technically a staff issue/decision...
fwiw, I REALLY wish that Phases or Rob would take a look at installing AE DETECTOR, it's on vb.org, would prevent banned users from creating alts....
I agree, but here with are. I only just now saw the thread, and since my colleague is here entertaining questions, I may as well chime in.

Plus every so often it's probably okay to interact with the community about .. things.
As for AE Detector, maybe we'll look into it, but, you can't keep someone out if they're determined enough anyway. We do ban IPs or ranges when we feel we need to, though. And then play the endurance game if we must. .
Plus, when they know it's a temp ban, they're usually okay. Mad for a few days but okay.
Arguing with a total stranger on an online forum can't really be that gratifying can it???
You'd think not, but it can be strangely addicting.
Really... this is at the fault of mbell75. He just kept pushing ALL over our buttons, not just IOWA. From what I know, IOWA only pushes mbell75's buttons. So... yeah... that's my 2 cents.
That's probably accurate.
Do you guys think it was right for the moderators to ban IOWA? I'm just curious.
Yeah, Vizhel I do. Over the last few days, he intentionally baited mbell75 to the point of going off and getting himself banned.
It is nice having the original disruptive party gone for a while, but it does not make this place any better when you sink to that person's level to achieve that. Mbell75 would have eventually gotten himself banned, but IOWA chose not to wait.
That. ^
...Guys. These two have been going at it a while. IOWA, as helpful as he can be, has walked the line a few times. mbell just seems to really like to fight, from what I can see. (I haven't dug too deep into his history.) I did tell them both in PM to stop, or be banned. They both in one way or another continued.
Really, this doesn't have to even be a big deal. We'll see.
*disclaimer: This reply doesn't mean I'll reply to questions or posts that follow, nor is it a sign that I believe we should openly talk about bannings that happen around here.
*Note: I have not explained everything that goes on inside my brain-thing with all this stuff.
*Also note: I do personally hope when they both return they go about their business and not stir the pot, and stay as members of the community.