My disdain is for those who work hard at letting us know they think they are smart.
Building a car from scratch takes smarts, but it doesn't mean the builder has a super high intellect.
My intellect tells me that you are pretty good at putting together argumentative posts, and that you sometimes include URLs. That doesn't make you a holder of a high intellect, either.
What have you achieved academically and intellectually? How many degrees do you have and from what institutions? Have you got patents, publication? Are you a nationally ranked chess player? What were your GRE scores? Are you a member of any intellect-based societies? Have you built a multi-billion dollar, market-dominating company from scratch?
In Einstein's day, pure intellect was enough and usually obvious to those who mattered. Nowadays, there are acceptable if not exclusive ways to demonstrate intellectuality.
Last week, I happened to be at a major league library and stumbled onto some of the papers of Carl Sagan.
He was smarter than I am. I've seen nothing to indicate you are.
Since when do degrees have anything to do with intelligence? That just proves you know how to do homework. What have I accomplished? Plenty, and not really your concern. I'm more than financially stable, have a wonderful fiance, and life couldn't be better.
A mechanic of (we'll call him mike) mike's degree does make him extremely smart. The cognitive and reasoning abilities, along with the knowledge of what parts do what, the innards and outards of them, how they work, what they do, how to build them, and improve upon them speaks worlds of his engineering capabilities. He has no college credits, he has no degress. But he does have every single ase that can be had. Furthermore, pure intelligence means nothing if you can't execute and achieve results.
Your disdain for the people who make it known they have intelligence is absurd. Why shouldn't people let it be known? Why should they have to hide it from people like you who have an inferiority complex? Furthermore, I'm going to leap and say your disdain for intelligent people stems much deeper than that, in which you had a friend, family member, or other undiclosed personal relationship have the higher intellect, and wasn't afraid to show it, leaving you jealous, and developing a disdain for it in general.
Instead of feeling disdain towards these people, why not try to learn something, make yourself smarter in turn, and have an educated conversation with them instead of just saying you don't like those kinds of people? Well guess what? You better give up all your modern conviences, your cell phone, the internet, you computer, car, house, clothes, air conditioning and heating, fire, guns, shoes, refridgerators, and anything else that was invented. Becuase it was invented by the type of people that weren't afraid to show their intellect, the same people you share a disdain for.
And never played chess, I was a mathlete, have two degrees, helped build a multi million dollar family business from our garage, to which we now own a two million dollar factory/warehouse, and will rock just about anyone in RTS(real time strategy) games, which challenge the mind quite a bit more than chess.(depends on the game). Also, I have no need to join any society, and einstien has had many of his theories disproven. I am also seriously considering law school.