Hi, it is a pity
, I hope my will last little longer, how long have you had it?
I have one question regarding testing CHN app and battery life in T8888 - U wrote about that few days ago, how many +% (or minutes/hours) did you get after uninstalling it?
Update about my T8888:
- sensors are all OK
- angry birds are OK, except some "rich graphic" levels, if you zoom it, then it is usually OK
- U can switch off your phone, it will start the phone and then the alarm in the morning, moreover it saves battery life, htc cannot do it, i heart, gigabyte also cannot - I know that grom my old gsmart
- I found my phone few times switched off, dont know why, but it is OK now
- when I did a little more complicated settings I was forced to unmount battery to switch off the phone few times
- 3G with no problem, for Oruxmaps you have to update your db files with Oruxmapsdesktop software, it is quick fix of 2 bite problem in db files (it shows you error "Update your maps in....")
- I have problem with my external bluetooth gps holuxm1200 in IGO, cannot find solution by now, may be it is IGO problem, cause it is ok in oruxmaps, where is the option to switch external gps module
- battery is drained really quickly if streaming video from 3G - it surprised me badly a lot when I was going home by public transport, I did not try movies and mp3 by now - I have to check it
- general advice from my friend is to buy really quick sd card, it is worth its price, so I am waiting for my salary
- sometimes it seems to me that battery indicator lies...?
- generally I am very satisfied, but battery issues are still living dead... - I did not try second battery
It would be a nice replacement for my T8888 which microphone died yesterday ;(