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BestBuy has the VZW Gnex for free!


Android Expert
May 19, 2010
Pinetop, AZ
I know, this has nothing to do with rooting a VZW gnex, but I have had a thing about how this forum site has decided to organize the sub-sections for this phone, so I post it in the most relevant section, the VZW GNEX section. Sorry folks and mods go ahead and move this if you think it should.

Anyways, although I have followed this phone from before day one (and I gave the release date, hehe) I am a very late comer to owning the LTE VZW gnex and now I finally have one on the way thanks to BestBuy.com. I have a lot of catching up to do, reading more and trying to post less.

verizon galaxy nexus - Best Buy

The only thing I still have a tiny gripe about is the $30 upgrade fee.

I hope this thread is usefull to folks, no matter where it is.
Moved this post to the Samsung Galaxy Nexus thread.

This is about the VZW Nexus, however it is not pretaining to a root question, only a mention of where to obtain the device and for what cost. Thank you for understanding.

If you feel this move is in error please feel free to use the Report button on my post. Thank you.

No I expected the move.
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I know, this has nothing to do with rooting a VZW gnex, but I have had a thing about how this forum site has decided to organize the sub-sections for this phone, so I post it in the most relevant section, the VZW GNEX section. Sorry folks and mods go ahead and move this if you think it should.

Anyways, although I have followed this phone from before day one (and I gave the release date, hehe) I am a very late comer to owning the LTE VZW gnex and now I finally have one on the way thanks to BestBuy.com. I have a lot of catching up to do, reading more and trying to post less.

verizon galaxy nexus - Best Buy

The only thing I still have a tiny gripe about is the $30 upgrade fee.

I hope this thread is usefull to folks, no matter where it is.

I took the Best Buy ad to Verizon and they agreed to honor it with a $50 cost for the upgrade (paid up front plus $30) and a $50 rebate. Net zero. I said close enough and got my GNEX in their store last week. The free Hot Spot is nice thanks to the FCC and the FoxFi app. Lets me use my WiFi Tablet anywhere.
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