I don't want to beat a dead horse but I would like to keep this alive so the issue gets resolved.
I happened to have swapped the battery and when the back cover was off I took the SD card out and put it back in. **knock on wood** I've been "black screen of death" free for several days.
Also, this was on the motorola forums - so if you have the issue, check this out:
205. Sep 19, 2011 9:44 AM (in response to todabay01)
Motorola Bionic screen goes black
Going to repost what I'm looking for -- I know it's hard to follow on a long thread like this.
Do now:
Enable USB debugging by going to Menu > Settings > Applications > Development > check the USB debugging box
Post up-to-date HEX MEID on your forums profile
Do when you have a blackscreen incident:
BEFORE doing a battery pull, press and hold both volume keys at the same time. After a few seconds -- five or 10 maybe -- you will hear/feel a buzz. This will generate a bug report. Let it work for a bit.
Pull your battery, or whatever you do to restore you phone.
Then, go into your app drawer and go into Files > Internal phone storage > bug2go
You should see an item called "bugreport" with the date and time and a txt.gz extension.
Send that to me at
supportforums@motorola.com. Please include your username in the email.
Post the date and time of the event here on this thread.