Debug build 2 has been assembled and available (link added to OP) so guys let me know how it works for you. I need as much feedback as possible to make sure everything's running smoothly. Build 2 takes Debug Build 1 and adds the Warp OEM theming, the throttling fix and init.d support.
Lets see how things go...
Edit: Like its predecessor, Debug Build 2 seems solid. I'm wi-fi tethering as I write this, and everything is running smoothly. I do notice what is perhaps a bit of the wi-fi sleep issue, maybe someone else can confirm.
Edit to the edit: I think the wi-fi sleep issue I thought I was having was just the Task Killer being over-zealous. I terminated it and it doesn't seem to be happening anymore. So, on to build 3... and that's where things will get tricky. It will add to #2 the OC kernel and have all the bloatware removed. I saved this for last, since these two steps are most likely to break things. Here goes...
Edit to the edit to the... well, you get the idea
Okay, so I built #3 and lo and behold, wi-fi issues. I swapped kernels (1.7 to 1.6GHz) and the issue is solved. This is actually a null change since the 1.7 kernel always maxed out at 1.6GHz anyway, at least on my phone. So I can officially say the wi-fi issues are fixed! And I must give a big thank you to whitefiretiger for recommending the 1.6GHz version of Shin's kernel (which he said he's never had a problem using) over the one I was using. I didn't know there even
was a 1.6 version, and had it not been for him suggesting it and providing me with the file from which to extract it, I most likely would've switched to a non-OC kernel. Thanks again. You rock! :rock:
Success at last
Now, on to adding all those fancy features like Mr. Bobo and the rest have