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Can someone honestly explain the pizza delivery fee??

Since when do you tip the trash man, UPS guy, USPS guy, FedEx guy, newspaper guy, and grocery bagger?

I've never heard or have felt like it was expected of me to tip them. You can definitely save some of your money by not tipping them since it's rare that anyone would tip them.

I actually had a discussion once that ended with the other person saying "WTF??? You don't tip your garbage man??? What kind of a cheapskate are you???" Then they walked away thoroughly disgusted. Apparently tipping these people is only supposed to be once a year (usually around the holidays) but you are expected to give them at least $100 a piece since the tip is considered to cover the entire year.
This blows my mind. I'll try not be insulting here, but I can't believe that people don't understand why it would cost extra for someone to bring their product to you rather than you picking it up.

You are getting an extra service, and that service comes at a cost. Gas, wages, vehicle depreciation, insurance, licensing, taxes... it adds up. Unless you live next door to the pizza place $2.50 seems like a bargain to me.

My two vehicles average about 20mpg, gas costs me $4 a gallon. That means I spend a dollar on gas every five miles I drive. If I add in all the other expenses of operating a car you probably about double that number. Then I consider what time is worth. Honestly, sometimes I am already out and about or I want to get out of the house, but usually delivery is best for me.

A: $2.50 for the pizza to be delivered.
B: $2.50 for bus fare to go out and get the pizza yourself.
C: $0.00 walk, when you get back home the pizza is cold.
This is kind of a rant, but I agree that the tip thing has gotten a little out of control. Nowadays if I don't want to be seen as a stingy, miserly, asshat I'm expect to tip the following people:

Pizza guy
Trash man
UPS guy
USPS guy
FedEx Guy
Any other guy in a big truck who happens to deliver boxes to my house
Coffee shop barrista
Newspaper guy
Person who bags my groceries at the grocery store

Of course once I do tip all of these people I can no longer afford to pay for my house, but whatever.

How do you get to the trash men to tip them? Do you leave it an envelope taped to the can? In my area (the boonies) people drive around at night and root through the cans, so the money would get stolen right quick. I am legitimately curious, I don't see how that would work unless you wait for them. My trash guys come between 4-6am normally.

I tip on service, shitty service no tip.

I am considered weird because I tip my UPS lady because she busts her ass to be awesome. She puts stuff behind the house if its' raining, take perishables to the neighbor, and hides really valuable things in my project cars trunk.

All the others, with exception of the bagger at the store (I take my own groceries out) I will tip if the service is good.

I do test the people that deliver food though, I hand them the money and if they goes straight for the change I let him keep it.
Supposedly you are supposed to wrap the tip in a box with a bow and a card on it thanking them for their great service that year and put it at the curb with the rest of the trash. Either that or wait at home on trash day for them to arrive. This is what I'm told. I don't know since I'm a complete asshole who doesn't tip his trash man or his post man. **gasp**

I don't understand tipping the barber at all. I am paying for a haircut. He gives me a haircut. He gives me exactly what I am paying for. Am I supposed to tip my auto mechanic, or my electrician? I guess so??? I have no idea.
I don't like the fact that tip became a given.

I would have liked it better if tips would be given on occasion only, when great service is received. Now when the waiter messes up my order and seems angry when I tell him, I am still expected to tip him at least 10%-15%.

Still expected to tip on bad service? Not a chance! I tip generously for good service, but there have been a few times where service has been so horrible that I left nothing. A tip is a thank you for good service, there's no way I'm saying thank you for crappy service...
I actually had a discussion once that ended with the other person saying "WTF??? You don't tip your garbage man??? What kind of a cheapskate are you???" Then they walked away thoroughly disgusted. Apparently tipping these people is only supposed to be once a year (usually around the holidays) but you are expected to give them at least $100 a piece since the tip is considered to cover the entire year.

Hmm... that would be difficult to coordinate or at least put the money or gift in a safe place. My mom does leave a Christmas gift for the USPS guy but only because she likes to every year. It's an actual gift and not money that leaves in the mailbox. Usually it's too big (like china or something)... so she'll leave a note in the mailbox to let him know that it's behind some bushes.

I've had several packages come from UPS and FedEx and they never seem to ever expect a tip. They wont even wait by the door if it's not something that must be signed since they can just ring the doorbell and put it hidden behind bushes by the front door.

Getting back to the garbage man... the garbage pick up here is done mechanically. There's only 1 garbage man and he never gets out. He just aligns the truck with the trash bin and dumps it over the top. The only way we would be able to tip him is actually leaving something next to the trash can but then anyone can take it.
I find tipping really awkward. But we do tip our trash men every year or if we leave more than normal yard debris to be picked up. My husband just goes out in the AM to give them the tip. Our garbage is mechanical too. He walks to the driver side and hands it to him.

Housekeeper are usually overlooked for tips too. Leave them something daily in a marked envelope.

I tip when it's appropriate, good service or above and beyond. However, I often don't have cash or sometimes I didn't know to tip. I stiffed valet parkers once because I didn't know.

As for the pizza fee, I would assume it goes toward the delivery service. Insurance and whatnot.
I don't like the fact that tip became a given.

I would have liked it better if tips would be given on occasion only, when great service is received. Now when the waiter messes up my order and seems angry when I tell him, I am still expected to tip him at least 10%-15%.

totally! tips is for appreciation for a good service.
now.. it is expected.

I tip $1 when the service sucks at a restaurant! dont care what others may think of me. it is to show.. i know about tipping.. but they did not service me correctly
This blows my mind. I'll try not be insulting here, but I can't believe that people don't understand why it would cost extra for someone to bring their product to you rather than you picking it up.

You are getting an extra service, and that service comes at a cost. Gas, wages, vehicle depreciation, insurance, licensing, taxes... it adds up. Unless you live next door to the pizza place $2.50 seems like a bargain to me.

My two vehicles average about 20mpg, gas costs me $4 a gallon. That means I spend a dollar on gas every five miles I drive. If I add in all the other expenses of operating a car you probably about double that number. Then I consider what time is worth. Honestly, sometimes I am already out and about or I want to get out of the house, but usually delivery is best for me.

Considering this is pretty new Fetch, it makes me questionable as well....but I said screw it, I ordered Papa Johns last night...paid 1.75 in delivery fee, the delivery guy called, was a dick, because he couldn't read my ticket (It had my correct address on there)...so guess what he got as a tip? Nada zip, zilch.
Considering this is pretty new Fetch, it makes me questionable as well....but I said screw it, I ordered Papa Johns last night...paid 1.75 in delivery fee, the delivery guy called, was a dick, because he couldn't read my ticket (It had my correct address on there)...so guess what he got as a tip? Nada zip, zilch.

It's not new here, but I suspect "Free Delivery" will become a thing of the past now that gas prices are where they are.

As far as tipping the pizza guy goes, I'm 50/50 on that. Depends on my mood, time of year, time of day, etc.
Where I live, almost all pizzas get delivered for free. There is, however, a 10% rebate at the restaurant if you eat there or if you pick up your order. That's just stupid.

Thats the simple part of the explanation. If you eat at the restaurant, chances are youre gonna buy a soda or something. If you buy a fountain drink, inluding the cup, it costs the restaurant somewhere in the neighborhood of 3-5 cents for you to have a soda. They charge $1.50-2.00 for that soda, and they just made almost 100% profit on soda.

totally! tips is for appreciation for a good service.
now.. it is expected.

I tip $1 when the service sucks at a restaurant! dont care what others may think of me. it is to show.. i know about tipping.. but they did not service me correctly

My favorite when I have terrible service is to round the check up to the nearest dollar. When you simply dont tip, it can be implied that you might have forgetten, but when someone gets a 34 cent tip, they have to realize they just sucked hard
totally! tips is for appreciation for a good service.
now.. it is expected.

I tip $1 when the service sucks at a restaurant! dont care what others may think of me. it is to show.. i know about tipping.. but they did not service me correctly

I could never do that. I worked as a server at a restaurant for a couple of years. Most places that's generally okay, but there are some states where waiters/waitresses really get screwed over.

Here in Utah minimum wage for servers and bartenders is $2.13 an hour. Which is absolutely freaking ridiculous, i mean normal minimum wage is $7.25. I worked at an Olive Garden, people come in order $30-$50 worth of food and i am lucky to get $5 for serving that table for more than an hour. And typically on average i would work an 8 hour shift and make somewhere around $60. (And $2.13/HR doesn't even cover all of your taxes, so you still have to pay taxes at the end of the year.) That's less than minimum wage and you have to do a ton of work, while pleasing everyone at your tables. Being a waiter is not an easy job, and there is a lot more to it than just taking an order, and bringing the food out.

The problem is there are way too many cheap people in this world, i think that more restaurants need to start automatically adding gratuity. Because most people don't realize that they are paying your wages, most of the time you make nothing for an hourly salary.

I will personally never tip less than $5 no matter how bad the service was, or even if my check only ends up being $5-$10. If people started appreciating all of the men and women serving their food, you will get the service that you pay for, especially if you frequent a certain restaurant.

why not just make restaurants pay employees a correct wage/salary... raise the price of food to cover the expense. if waiter does not do a good job then they are fired.
then if the customer feels that the server was great and really made their evening better.. then they can give extra (what ever they want).. even if it is a $1..

normally...tips is for good service... right?
earned! not demanded.
Tips are demanded... ever had to pay gratuity on a check and received poor service?
<---- This guy has. And almost had to be carried of an "unnamed resturaunt" for arguing my point.

But i agree, tips are for "good" service. I'm already paying for you to bring me my food. Honestly if i had a choice, i'd go back and pick it up myself.
only time I have seen tips included in the bill.. is when the party is bigger.. like 8 people or more. which i think is BS!

1. they never tell you it is .. when they give you a check.. and hope you double tip!!!

2. there are only X number of tables and chairs in a restaurant. if there are 10 four-people groups or 4 ten-people groups... they servers and restaurant works just the same. they should still provide the same good service to get a tip!
a server can service a 4 four-groups of people the same as a sixteen-person party.
they is no need to make it mandatory. earn it.
*snip to shorten*

I will personally never tip less than $5 no matter how bad the service was, or even if my check only ends up being $5-$10. If people started appreciating all of the men and women serving their food, you will get the service that you pay for, especially if you frequent a certain restaurant.

I do agree that it's crappy with the whole knocked wage to account for tips. What makes it worse is if you work at a place that pools the tips then divides them up. The has been something that has always irritated me.

I am sorry if I come off as an ass, but I see a huge problem with tipping for crap service. It's a reward for not trying. Most people are only willing to do the barest minimum and if they get rewarded for doing a shit job it will just reinforce that they can phone it in and get rewarded. Would you call the manager at the grocery store and say how great the bagger was if he/she smashed the eggs with a watermelon? It's the same thing.

I just couldn't fathom tipping the server that brought us incorrect drinks, said that she would get new ones, didn't, took our order and promised new drinks, then went on lunch and didn't tell her cover about us or got the drinks. After about 20 minutes we got a person that got a manager and turns out she never even put the order in. She then was nasty because she got reprimanded for basically doing a crap job.

Yes, it sucks that when they don't get tipped their pay can be really shitty. It's the same thing for commissioned sales people. I got minimum wage (granted it's much more than $2.13, but still not a lot) until I beat that with commissions. I worked that way for years, and I busted my ass to give the best possible service so I would make the most money. I got myself regulars that way. It's the people that provide the services responsibility to the customer to get tipped, not the other way around. I will tip 40-50% if I get absolutely stellar service, but will happily leave nothing if it sucks in hopes that the person realizes they could do something to change it.

I know this is a matter of your opinion versus mine and while they are both valid, I had to disagree.

End rant.
I was impressed with a waiter tonight. He always kept my drink full when it was low and the glass was relatively small compared to others at other restaurants. Gave him a little extra because that typically doesn't happen.
I do agree that it's crappy with the whole knocked wage to account for tips. What makes it worse is if you work at a place that pools the tips then divides them up. The has been something that has always irritated me.

I am sorry if I come off as an ass, but I see a huge problem with tipping for crap service. It's a reward for not trying. Most people are only willing to do the barest minimum and if they get rewarded for doing a shit job it will just reinforce that they can phone it in and get rewarded. Would you call the manager at the grocery store and say how great the bagger was if he/she smashed the eggs with a watermelon? It's the same thing.

I just couldn't fathom tipping the server that brought us incorrect drinks, said that she would get new ones, didn't, took our order and promised new drinks, then went on lunch and didn't tell her cover about us or got the drinks. After about 20 minutes we got a person that got a manager and turns out she never even put the order in. She then was nasty because she got reprimanded for basically doing a crap job.

Yes, it sucks that when they don't get tipped their pay can be really shitty. It's the same thing for commissioned sales people. I got minimum wage (granted it's much more than $2.13, but still not a lot) until I beat that with commissions. I worked that way for years, and I busted my ass to give the best possible service so I would make the most money. I got myself regulars that way. It's the people that provide the services responsibility to the customer to get tipped, not the other way around. I will tip 40-50% if I get absolutely stellar service, but will happily leave nothing if it sucks in hopes that the person realizes they could do something to change it.

I know this is a matter of your opinion versus mine and while they are both valid, I had to disagree.

End rant.

In a sense i do agree with you, people should be paid for what they do. If they give you good service, they should definitely get a better tip. All i am saying is that where i live it is required, due to the ridiculous laws. If the government would change the law where servers made actual minimum wage. Then it wouldn't matter if someone tipped terrible, the problem is people are forced to live off of tips alone.

But some people still wont tip you more than 5% even if it's the best service they have ever had in their life.

And i completely understand what you mean with sales, that's my current line of work and it can be a real pain in the ass. Especially when you are selling to sales managers, and people who own companies. (Those are the only people i sell to, since i'm in business to business sales.)

Also if i had a waitress like that i probably wouldn't leave a good tip either, and if i had the choice i wouldn't leave one at all. But because of where i live, it's just completely unethical.
... If they give you good service, they should definitely get a better tip. All i am saying is that where i live it is required, due to the ridiculous laws. If the government would change the law where servers made actual minimum wage. Then it wouldn't matter if someone tipped terrible, the problem is people are forced to live off of tips alone....

The way I see it, where you live good service is what's required, not mandatory tips. You do a lousy job and don't get decent tips you should be motivated to do your job better. Just demanding decent tips no matter how surly you (I don't mean specifically you by the way) are and how rotten your service is stinks of entitlement to me.

If the problem is that even stellar service only gets you lousy tips I'd move on to a restaurant that doesn't have such stingy guests or flat-out leave that industry. Certain jobs just aren't cut out for making a comfortable living, that's why most people move on to something else.

If wage + tips (even with great service) is too little money to live off of where you live, then there are 2 options in my opinion: 1) Those jobs just go to high school kids or people just looking for a bit of extra money, not people who need to make a living with it. 2) The restaurants increase wages to attract the better servers and keep their customers happy.
The way I see it, where you live good service is what's required, not mandatory tips. You do a lousy job and don't get decent tips you should be motivated to do your job better. Just demanding decent tips no matter how surly you (I don't mean specifically you by the way) are and how rotten your service is stinks of entitlement to me.

If the problem is that even stellar service only gets you lousy tips I'd move on to a restaurant that doesn't have such stingy guests or flat-out leave that industry. Certain jobs just aren't cut out for making a comfortable living, that's why most people move on to something else.

If wage + tips (even with great service) is too little money to live off of where you live, then there are 2 options in my opinion: 1) Those jobs just go to high school kids or people just looking for a bit of extra money, not people who need to make a living with it. 2) The restaurants increase wages to attract the better servers and keep their customers happy.

I wish that was the case, In the past i have given people such good service they would come back and always request my tables specifically. But 75% of people in this state either don't know how to tip, or they won't give you more than 10% no matter how good the service is. Since this area is highly affected by religion, some people believe that they give 10% to god, so why would they need to tip any more than that.

And also these jobs can't go to high school kids because in this state you have to be 21 to serve alcohol. So it's not exactly possible, it's the same way no matter what restaurant you work at in this state. It makes people who are passionate about the restaurant industry, never want to work in a restaurant again.

If the state would take initiative and raise the minimum wage for servers, none of these problems will happen. Until then restaurants will pay the minimum amount they possibly can.
Seriously I'm so sick of this tipping crap. I don't know who to tip anymore!!

I went to grab carryout from a "Chinese" restaurant and she was all nice until I signed the bill without a tip. Then she seemed to carry an attitude right after I gave her the untipped credit card slip.

I'm not going to tip on carryout unless I got it for free. Get over it!
I don't like the fact that tip became a given.

I would have liked it better if tips would be given on occasion only, when great service is received. Now when the waiter messes up my order and seems angry when I tell him, I am still expected to tip him at least 10%-15%.

I definitely don't tip at all if I get bad service! And I don't feel bad about it either lol.
As most of you may know, all of the major pizza chains (pizza hut, domino's, Papa Johns, etc) charge a delivery fee, an average of $2.50 or so. Does anyone work or has worked at a pizza place that can explain this fee? When I order online, they state that this fee does not go to the driver, so why do I have to pay extra for delivery if it's not paying the driver or paying for gas for the driver (or is it?). Oh, btw, I'm new here.

Good question. I normally do carryout since I have a car and I'm impatient but if I do delivery for Pizza and there is a $2.50 fee, then I wouldn't give the driver more than a $1 unless the order was over $20.

If you get a $15 order and they charge $2.50 and you tip $2 - that is a 30% tip. They don't deserve that. That's why I would limit my tip to $1 for orders under $20 with those kind of fees.
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