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Help Cannot OTA update to 2.3.3


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
pensacola, fl
I've tried four or five times now to do an OTA update to gingerbread, and it seems to download without error or interruption. but everytime the phone reboots and it starts updating, about 1/3 of the way through it craps out, gives me the robot with the triangle and the exclamation point. only option is to do a hard reset. Doing it with decent 3g service, no wifi here. Is there anywhere to download it on the web? Or any other suggestions?
I've tried four or five times now to do an OTA update to gingerbread, and it seems to download without error or interruption. but everytime the phone reboots and it starts updating, about 1/3 of the way through it craps out, gives me the robot with the triangle and the exclamation point. only option is to do a hard reset. Doing it with decent 3g service, no wifi here. Is there anywhere to download it on the web? Or any other suggestions?

Is your phone rooted
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I've tried four or five times now to do an OTA update to gingerbread, and it seems to download without error or interruption. but everytime the phone reboots and it starts updating, about 1/3 of the way through it craps out, gives me the robot with the triangle and the exclamation point. only option is to do a hard reset. Doing it with decent 3g service, no wifi here. Is there anywhere to download it on the web? Or any other suggestions?

If your rooted DO NOT INSTALL OTA.

IF you are not rooted then try updating your PRL and PROFILE first before installing update. Also check for Firmware update. I have heard of people not being able to update because the PRL was not up to date. However I cannot confirm it as I am rooted and never had a problem when i was not
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