Yea.... I'm having to wait about 30 days for my new car (have some money tied up elsewhere). Kinda surprised me seeing this here, I'm getting a Lancer GTS. Lol.
Why is that funny? Just 'cause I'm a geezer doesn't mean I can't buy the wife a nice car ... as a matter of fact, I think because i
AM a geezer, it is a state law that I buy her something nice once a year.

Seriously, you are gonna love this car, but try and keep it under 4,500 r.p.m. for the first thousand miles or so, because you are really going to want to wind up this engine right off the lot to see what it can do.
If you are getting the Fuze hands free system and you have an iPod, if it's running OS4 or later, it's not going to work. Mitsubishi never updated their software and when Apple released OS4 (on both phones and iPods) it borked the Fuze compatibility. You can do one of two things ... pick up a cheap old iPod from ebay or craigslist (my iPod nano 3g works just fine) or just go out and load all your tunes onto a a flash drive. That works, too.
I'm waiting 30 days so I can throw $14,500 as a down payment, so I won't have to finance much. I can get one for around $19,500, so I figure it'd be easier paying it off over 4 years. That and being 19 and not having much (if hardly any) pre-existing credit built up, the less time I'm paying off my financing the better, seeing as the best rate I can get is like... 14%. Ouch.... but I might be able to see if my dad will co-sign on it to drop it to maybe 10% or 9%.
Anyway... rambling and going further into this than most people would care to read. First time car buying woes. Lol.
Let this be a lesson in the importance of having a decent credit rating! We actually got the Lancer by accident. I had a 12 year old Mitsubishi Montero Sport with 170k and a failing catalytic converter, so I was in the market and after looking at what was out there that would still give me the room
I was used to, 4WD and 30 m.p.g. I decided to go with the Outlander. When I was test driving it, my wife made a comment to the salesman that her car was getting up there too (Nissan Altima) and would probably be in the market next year.
Anyway, to make a long story even longer ... the day I was picking my new Outlander up from the dealer the salesman calls me and asks how serious my wife was about being in the market for a new car because it was the last day of the month and they were one car short of their quota. I said "Sure, give it to me for half price and it's a deal." He laughed, but didn't say no. Mind you, at this point she hadn't looked at the Lancers. When she saw the graphite grey sportback, she was hooked and they fell all over themselves when they saw her credit rating was over 800. We had the choice of getting 3.0% with a $2k rebate or 0.9%.
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