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Root [CDMA] awfully quiet around here lately...


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2010
Norman, OK
what phone has dragged you away? or by what phone do plan on being dragged away?

the wife got here gs4 (w/ 4.2.2) last weekend. and it looks pretty dern nice. and this is happening.

i'm thinkin since cmb damn near has 4.2.2 nailed down, i don't feel any rush to grab anything. I will at least wait until google i/o to decide if the next nexus is the way to go vs current options.

how about you? gs4, note2 or htc one pulling on you yet?

(i realize this isn't an "all things root topic", but I really just want to pester fellow rooted users. :) )
Hey Paully! I'm still hanging out with my 3vo :) Things are slow here in our section now, but pretty lively in the Evo V section if you want some companionship ;)

I haven't decided what my next device will be. I really don't even care that much about moving on. I'm pretty happy with PAC for the time being and am content where I'm at.

I have considered the nexus 4 as my next venture but I can't bring myself to buy something that's lacking removable storage.. Just my preference. :( If it wasn't for that, I think it would be an easy decision.

I'm not sure yet how I feel about the GS4 but will have to research it more. I definitely want something with a lot of development when I get my next phone. I am pretty hooked on AOSP now and am not really interested in trying touchwhiz or being stuck with Sense again.

That's all I have for now. It's just me and my 3vo :)
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I am on the Galaxy Note II and love it, but still have the 3VO and keep it updated with CMB releases for now, and I use it only with WiFi, for music and calls with Groove Ip, I have it listed on Craigslist and got a ton of replies the first day, they all wanted a Sim card with it, even though I explained it was a CDMA on the Sprint Network, and have not had any action on it since, LOL but if it don't sell I may put it on Swappa or simply keep it as a backup, incase something happens and I have to send my Note II for repair ;)
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