• After 15+ years, we've made a big change: Android Forums is now Early Bird Club. Learn more here.

Check it out - Chat with our staff :)

We'd normally be a little down on you because in this context, your post can draw complaints for being spam.

However, in this context, I think it's fair warning to Tapatalk users so I'm giving it a go, along with a network sniffer ok.

Meanwhile, I already like the appearance.

How a web view button from a long post press or something from *within* a thread?

I consider that essential.

If you'd like to discuss your app here further, drop me a line. I make no decisions or promises ok but my door is open and it's not a bad door to try.

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Are you suggesting I could start a topic for the Forum Fiend 2 app and include a link in the post to chat with our staff? I seem to recall in reading the sticky topics under android development that there is a forum where a developer could add a new topic for an app. I don't want to spam the forums so let me know what is best.

Here is a screenshot of the app:



  • po_screenshot2.png
    121.6 KB · Views: 92
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Are you suggesting I could start a topic for the Forum Fiend 2 app and include a link in the post to chat with our staff? I seem to recall in reading the sticky topics under android development that there is a forum where a developer could add a new topic for an app. I don't want to spam the forums so let me know what is best.

If it is determined that it would be good to use this app to access androidforums.com, then a server-side configuration file could be setup that configures the app with branding and contains codes for google analytics tracking code and ad-mob ids.

Here is a screenshot of the app:

View attachment 89444
Check your inbox.:)
Please make a general announcement here so everyone can get in on checking it out -


Be sure to include a Play Store link - being new, you're far down the list on a search, even by the exact name. (Way to go, Google. :rolleyes: )

Your information above is great, thank you - I've dropped you a private message - please chat further with us there on that. If that works out, I'll recommend your app up the line. :)
I'm willing to give it a try. TapaTalk sent me one of these mails today, despite my using only an ancient legacy version and not having used it to connect to AF for about 6 months (ironically because it wouldn't remember my login details and forced me to constantly re-enter them). So they are very firmly in my sights for complete deletion at the moment.
Wow! Looks like I missed stuff:)
I use tap talk sometimes and I didn't get anything!!!! I feel left out:(
I've gotten two emails from them now. The second was today. I do have and use tapatalk, but I've never given them my email
Since some got it and some didn't, it does look like the Revolt post is the culprit. Someone wasn't happy with the negative reviews. Where I did send the headers is a totally different login name and password. I wasn't going to complain here if it was a spoof. The result said it was Tapatalk, but it seemed more like an individual than company supported.

It happens. The Mozillazine support group (volunteer) was totally up in arms when Moz introduced the smart bar.
A lot of us didn't like the bar and said so. Some of the volunteers got downright nasty since they thought it was great.

I've marked anything from Tapatalk as spam and to delete immediately. Thanks for clarifying.
Most people would think it is unethical of a company to knowingly distribute a serious security breach in their server-side API code and also collect user information from someone else's website and forward it to their own server. This type of activity most certainly violates many privacy policies.

Here is something that was uncovered after reviewing the Tapatalk server-side API code obtained from Tapatalk site, June 9, 2015:

The Tapatalk API sends your logged in session id and the url of your post to tapatalk.com. Why does Tapatalk need a logged in session id and what exactly do they do with it? Having a logged in session id enables Tapatalk to obtain supposedly private account information from the forums you access. There are other unwanted actions that could be taken with a logged in session id such as impersonating your account.

The following article on php session hijacking describes exactly this scenario which is implemented in the Tapatalk API:

The Tapatalk API is effectively implementing a "Session Hijacking Attack" as shown in the following, although the sequence may be different:


Session id leaks are considered to be a major security breach:
There are several ways to leak an existing session ID to third parties. A leaked session ID enables the third party to access all resources which are associated with a specific ID. First, URLs carrying session IDs. If you link to an external site, the URL including the session id might be stored in the external site's referrer logs. Second, a more active attacker might listen to your network traffic. If it is not encrypted, session IDs will flow in plain text over the network.

Here's the code in the Tapatalk API. This code is invoked on posts made to the forum via the Tapatalk API:

In mobiquo/function/invitation.php:

if(!empty($_POST['session']) && !empty($_POST['api_key']) && !empty($_POST['subject']) && !empty($_POST['body']))
$_POST['submit'] = true;
$GLOBALS['_REQUEST']['message'] = $_POST['message'] = $_POST['body'];
$email = new mobi_acp_email();
$push_url = "http://tapatalk.com/forum_owner_invite.php?PHPSESSID=$_POST[session]&api_key=$_POST[api_key]&url=".urlencode($furl)."&action=verify";
$response = getContentFromRemoteServer($push_url, 10, $error, 'GET');
if($response) $result = json_decode($response, true);
if(empty($result) || empty($result['result']))
if(preg_match('/\{"result":true/', $response))
$result = array('result' => true);
if(isset($result) && isset($result['result']) && $result['result'])
$GLOBALS['_REQUEST']['usernames'] = $_POST['usernames'] = $_POST['username'];
$GLOBALS['_REQUEST']['send_immediately'] = $_POST['send_immediately'] = true;

$invite_response = $email->main('email', 'email');

Here's the code where the emails and instant messages are prepared and sent:
in mobiquo/include/mobi_acp_email.php:

Collect email address and instant message id directly from forum user database (phpbb), include "inactive" users:

if ($usernames)
// If giving usernames the admin is able to email inactive users too...
$sql = 'SELECT username, user_email, user_jabber, user_notify_type, user_lang
WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('username_clean', array_map('utf8_clean_string', explode("\n", $usernames))) . '
AND user_allow_massemail = 1
ORDER BY user_lang, user_notify_type'; // , SUBSTRING(user_email FROM INSTR(user_email, '@'))

If user has included instant messages in their account settings, prepare instant message:
($row['user_notify_type'] == NOTIFY_IM && $row['user_jabber']) ||

Send email or instant message:
if (!($messenger->send($used_method)))
$errored = true;

Forum administrator has a log of all emails and instant messages sent:

if ($usernames)
$usernames = explode("\n", $usernames);
add_log('admin', 'LOG_MASS_EMAIL', implode(', ', utf8_normalize_nfc($usernames)));
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More reports coming in of new Tapatalk security issues, reported on June 19, 2015:


Translated from German:

Tapatalk plugin reads data from forum users

Many smart phone users know Tapatalk mainly from annoying pop-up ads that meet you when you websurf a forum on a mobile device. The app makes online forums on mobile devices easier to read and provides forum operators with plug-ins that can be installed on forum servers to present forum content on a mobile app. The administrators of HardwareLuxx Forum are now saying the Tapatalk API reads data from the forums user and sends it to the Tapatalk server.

Among the read data are the forums name and the email address of the user. It seems no matter whether this Tapatalk had ever installed on their mobile device. Tapatalk uses this data for its own purposes to send users of its App emails and so on active discussions (Trending Discussions) .

Tapatalk - safe only with modifications

After hints from some users on our community, who had received from Tapatalk a compilation of current Board threads from our forum via email, we analyzed in the last few days with the help of our server team Oberdieck online the plugin code and found in Tapatalk- Code an interesting new feature: "Allow Trending" called Tapatalk this located in beta option that has been integrated with the last regular updates. With this function it is Tapatalk possible to send emails to users forums - and, even if they do not have a Tapatalk account.

After the announcement of the first sent by Tapatalk emails we first removed the Tapatalk plugin from our website. A contact with Tapatalk brought shortly thereafter a first answer:

Please accept our apologies. We are currently in a beta program for the Trending Discussion email, and you were incorrectly added to the beta. You have been removed from the beta and we have put additional protections in place so did your forum or any other forum are not incorrectly added to the beta.

This answer was for us but not sufficient. In fact, there was also the web backend of Tapatalk now a new feature "Trending Topics", which could be off - without any action it is enabled by default.

We asked for an explanation from Tapatalk as to how was it technically possible to send these emails:

The encrypted emails are retrieved only for the Trending Discussion email, and the encrypted email addresses are never stored on any server Tapatalk. As a side note, we havebeen running the Beta Trending Discussions with about 200 US based forum, and the forum owners have been very pleased with the results. The beta program has seen excellent open rates, and had a very low unsubscribe rate from members.
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It's just too bad that Tapatalk involved this site and the Revolt forum.

The spam I got definitely said that I got some likes from this site and the forum. Both untrue and fairly disgusting. No likes and no Tapatalk.

This forum has been fair, and it's not good having spam from Tapatalk invoking this website. That's what annoyed me the most, involving Android News & Talk. Had Tapatalk just sent the spam in their own name, I would have deleted it and not complained, but it sure looked like AN&T sent it at first.

I've still got the thing and the headers.
Morning Earlymon, So I addressed an issue I had/have with the forums in which I think isn't strictly or AF at all maybe. Anyway when posting txtin etc. After a few lines everything gets slow and choppy keyboard pop-up buttons hang and stick bad any ideas?
Morning Earlymon, So I addressed an issue I had/have with the forums in which I think isn't strictly or AF at all maybe. Anyway when posting txtin etc. After a few lines everything gets slow and choppy keyboard pop-up buttons hang and stick bad any ideas?
I'm not seeing that myself but as Unforgiven pointed out in your other thread we are having some server glitches and are working on those.
Not seeing?
Not seeing that.

That =

Not having the problem where replies either in a mobile browser or using an app slow down to the point of acting character by character and eventually just freezing keyboards and so forth.

Pretty sure that particular issue isn't on our side.

Slow to commit new posts and threads along with spurious duplicates is something we've been looking into for the past few days.
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