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Thanks for your interest, it's important to the project.

As I'm sure you can understand, I have to stay free to focus on the conceptual side of things.

However, I'm sure my agent will be happy to handle your petition.

I would like to be the first to pledge. As soon as the Nigerian government releases the prince's account, I'll transfer the funds.
My credit card got destroyed in my effort to polish off the patina. My sincere apologies.
I am just a humble civil servant, so excuse me for making you wait for my next pay check :o

Over the years I've helped a lot of people.

I've been offered donations (that I've turned down), have been asked to write Android books on a number of occasions, and the biggest request by far has been people asking me to write an app - either because they wanted an app from me or as a sneaky way to donate.

After all of these years, I am changing my policy and not only accepting but soliciting donations.

If I only get $1,000,000 from each of 100 people, that will be enough (with careful budgeting) to launch my new line of apps, beginning with -

Photoshoot from EarlyMon's $100,000,000 Vacation, Part 1

The idea is just so down home simple that I can't figure out how I didn't think of it before.

And really - I only need help from a hundred people. :)

PS - I almost forgot - yes, I will accept donations over the $1,000,000 minimum.

ah, you are soo kind and not greedy at all Early , can i get in on this :D
Don't mind me...just testing sig link

Dang IT!!!!!
there is actually a text link I wanted to use...but I thought I'd try this easier one first...ugh...

im gonna try it anyway...

please pardon my tests....n stuff:(
ok here I go again...I know i normally copy and paste after the http// when I press on the insert a link button...but the site said to copy and paste ALL of it...
ugh...it's supposed to be the text version...you know where it says click here to help animals in need..in blue:confused:

hope it works....

here goes...

dang ..why won't this stuff work for me? :o

I'm sorry if I shoot dangs and babble this page trying to get it right..:(

unless maybe some staffer person could help me?? (bats eyelashes)

... still gets it wrong:rolleyes:
hey that sounds like a meme!:)

Don't mind me...just testing sig link

Dang IT!!!!!
there is actually a text link I wanted to use...but I thought I'd try this easier one first...ugh...

im gonna try it anyway...

please pardon my tests....n stuff:(

Your signature will only appear on your first post per page in each thread.

I'm not sure if the regular forum tools work in the signature editing area. The proper syntax is:

[plain][url="http://www.website.com/link.html"]Click this link[/url][/plain]

You gotta use square brackets not pointy ones for AF to parse the tags correctly.
you name it

Like this?
If so... reply my post with my quote to see what I did :D

thanks kaat...I'll try:o did you manually type in the whole thing? [Url="http//etc etc?
Did you use the insert a link button?
I swear I'm not such a ding a ling...:rolleyes: well I mean ....ugh...it's just these stupid insert stuff..
I have a hard time with...:(
Just type the b eginning and end. Paste in the url. Easy. :D
Like Luna said: [square hooks]

And never noticed that, Pup!
I swear I'm not such a ding a ling...:rolleyes: well I mean ....ugh...it's just these stupid insert stuff..
I have a hard time with...:(

If you're up for a little cheating, just send me the link and the text and I'll do it for you. :)

I was a boy scout so I know about helping ladies through traffic. :D
<a href="http://theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/clickToGive/ars/home?link=ARS_linktous_text">Click here for an easy and free way to help care for those in need at The Animal Rescue Site!</a>

the one above is the embedded text link..i would prefer that one but if I can't..I think this one below is easier..

URL: -Help Animals- and -Pet Shelters- with a free click!
hey!!!! I think I did it:D

ugh!!!!!!!! dang it shoot dang!!!!

I tested on the random thought and clicked on it and it says page not found:(

Thank you for the offer...Scoutmaster L I think ill take you up on it...:omay I PM you Luna? with the link...or whatever you can do..so maybe you can help me? yours came out right...why doesn't mine:mad:

should I copy and paste your code??

sorry to be such a ding dong
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