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Dog's see the world through their noses. Depending on the breed they are 10k to 100k times more acute than human nostrils. So if you stick your nose someplace stinky, they smell it 10,000X worse. :eek:

Actually, what we think as smelling "bad" might be a bouquet of roses to a dog, although I wouldn't recommend giving your poochie a dozen long stemmed turds on valentine's day. :D
I have a friend who is blind...I drive her places sometimes...including the bank!;) I sign her credit card when we go shopping...hahaha!! you know you can sign anything...so I'd always sign cccrazy stuff...I do it with mine too..but it was funny because I'd be laughing telling her how bad her signiture is and it loos like a balloon or a duck or (NSFW) and laugh!!
I actually drive her seeing eye dog places too!! Like the groomers:) Silly Dog is sooooooo bad when I'm around.. it's almost comical...she loves me so she will be a stinker...but only when I'm there...looking at me...trying to get me to play...walking my friend straight into walls!! hahaha!!!one time I was sitting in my livingroom..I look up and there she is smiling at me in the window...:p she got out of the gate and came to my house for a visit..used to pull my friend right up my driveway when she would walk past...hahah!(I used to live 2 doors away...before I moved 2 miles away)I love that stupid dog...I miss her...I should go play with her...you should have seen my friend and I when we walked to downtown...one time we got pretty tipsy..we had grilled cheese and wine for lunch!! we had to walk back and I was leading her...but we were both kinda...buzzed..what a sight we were!!! walking into people laughing..talk about the blind leading the blind!! .I think I used her cane as a sword like the three musketeers..:eek: LOL!!!

ugh...now I'm sad....and....
I need holiday and I need it NOW:mad:

I think the dog senses the Clown in you :rolleyes:
I'd be afraid you'd try and serve up some freeze-dried clown. ;)

I ate some Olives once..... .... ......................

my life was........ never ...... the same.... again



My life will never be the same again!

Olives come from the devil! :(



Good Morrow!!! kind staff..n suchers :rolleyes: tis sun shiney here this day...of yorn..(yeah I know...my Renaissance is a little rusty:D) haven't spoken it in YEARS! :
Renaissance ... a French term describing an Italian movement that is celebrated by reenacting medieval English feudal life.


Oh the Irony!
Renaissance Fair people terrorize me more than clowns! They are the most annoyingly awkward people on earth!
(sorry if I offended any Renaissance Thesbians:rolleyes:)
It's fun to go with horns on your head and just yell good morrow at everyone and everything constantly..
yes...yes I really did do that:D
I also once crashed some weird elfin wedding and convention thingy thing at this hotel my husband and I were staying at...

good times...good times..:)

hey! I have pictures of that one!!! Imma gonna go look for them:) wait till you see the best man!!!
9 days and I'll be in Vegas..just checked the weather...it's supposed to be high seventy's !!:cool:
uh oh! Even though I'm a blonde I'm not fair complected(thank you Spanish
and Northern Italian ancestors:p) but This winter has been brutal...I haven't gone anywhere tropical..and I have
barely even seen the sun!:mad: um...I'm going to be mighty white that first day at the pool!! Yikes!!! hahahaaha!!!
but I digress:rolleyes: yeah i know it doesn't make sense there...but I digress:D:D
at least it's sunny and kind of warmish today...

Have fun in Iceland Kaat! I heard it's beautiful.
9 days and I'll be in Vegas..just checked the weather...it's supposed to be high seventy's !!:cool:
uh oh! Even though I'm a blonde I'm not fair complected(thank you Spanish
and Northern Italian ancestors:p) but This winter has been brutal...I haven't gone anywhere tropical..and I have
barely even seen the sun!:mad: um...I'm going to be mighty white that first day at the pool!! Yikes!!! hahahaaha!!!
but I digress:rolleyes: yeah i know it doesn't make sense there...but I digress:D:D
at least it's sunny and kind of warmish today...

Have fun in Iceland Kaat! I heard it's beautiful.

So that you don't have to post pictures of you as a cooked lobster, pack plenty of SPF 50 sunscreen. Enjoy the trip but don't trip! We don't want you limping into Lost Wages.


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