I have a friend who is blind...I drive her places sometimes...including the bank!

I sign her credit card when we go shopping...hahaha!! you know you can sign anything...so I'd always sign cccrazy stuff...I do it with mine too..but it was funny because I'd be laughing telling her how bad her signiture is and it loos like a balloon or a duck or (NSFW) and laugh!!
I actually drive her seeing eye dog places too!! Like the groomers

Silly Dog is sooooooo bad when I'm around.. it's almost comical...she loves me so she will be a stinker...but only when I'm there...looking at me...trying to get me to play...walking my friend straight into walls!! hahaha!!!one time I was sitting in my livingroom..I look up and there she is smiling at me in the window...

she got out of the gate and came to my house for a visit..used to pull my friend right up my driveway when she would walk past...hahah!(I used to live 2 doors away...before I moved 2 miles away)I love that stupid dog...I miss her...I should go play with her...you should have seen my friend and I when we walked to downtown...one time we got pretty tipsy..we had grilled cheese and wine for lunch!! we had to walk back and I was leading her...but we were both kinda...buzzed..what a sight we were!!! walking into people laughing..talk about the blind leading the blind!! .I think I used her cane as a sword like the three musketeers..

ugh...now I'm sad....and....
I need holiday and I need it NOW