Hey everyone!...and Dan
Having a great time... It's beautiful.. I started to sail.. Although I'm still a little rough around the edges😝
This place is completely geared towards athletics and fitness.. They even have triathlon training !and
everything else under the sun if ur into the world class fitness stuff.. Which I am not but when in Rome right? Plus did I mention I'm competitive?
So I have done power core classes the last two days ... Frickin hour and a half long with weights and balance boards etc... What was I thinking???can't move right now!! Hahaha
No for realz....
Think ill just do yoga... Is there such a thing as Competitive yoga?
It hurts to laugh ... I'm going to go get a frozen daqueri (s) with a really really long straw so I don't have to raise my arm now!!
Hope ya'll are doing well
And you miss me
Stop!!! It hurts
So not to ramble or anything😜but..... After that 1st daquerie... Spelling don't care
I'm not in sooo much pain anymore
Think I just discovered something!!
Nobel prize in science coming my way perhaps????
Note to self.. No more daiquiris! Or cosmos.. Or power core
Geez! I try to expand my horizons..and stuff:/
Guess I'm just a beer and Taco Bell girly at heart
Not me but taken by me from my sail boat
I don't want to leave!! Stomp stomp hissy fit!! I don't want to pack!! Stomp... I don't want to get up sooo eeeearly whine whine.. Stomp tantrum!!! I don't wanna I don't wanna don't wanna!! So there!
Hmmmmm... Maaybee I should plan one more trip... Before I officially go on holiday...
Yes!!!! That's it!! I have a minion who lives in Florida and has been begging me to come for a visit..
If I plan that for early May then I might just out smart the... That... Um.... MyselfD
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