Android Expert
This is incorrect.A point not mentioned:
Safety is another issue. Granted newer model cars are safer these days with airbags galore, but BIG TRUCKS are safer still.![]()
BIG TRUCKS are safer in head on collisions. They are not all around safer.
I love smaller vehicles.. you have no idea how many times the only reason I wasn't in a wreck is because my vehicle doesn't take up my entire side of the rode... People have a bad habit of being in big trucks and taking up not just thier side of the rode.. but, part of mine as well..I guess 24 years of responding to car accidents has me a little 'skiddish' about riding in a SMALL vehicle...
While you are right, I also hate the "better them than me" mentality when people decide to buy those big vehicles..It's physics... The BIG vehicle usually wins...
I also hate the belief that big vehicles are safer.
They are not.
They are SITUATIONALLY safer. Just like situationally my little yaris is going to be safer than a big truck.
If your particularly tall I can actually understand the logic of wanting a truck or suv for a 'daily driver'.But again, not 'knocking' anyone's preference. I LOVE a supercharged Dodge Viper, and other fine smaller sports cars. But, as a 'daily driver' for me... nahhhh... I'll take the big truck..
Not only that but, for older people not having to bend so far down is wonderful.
Although, while working at lowe's I got enraged one day. An older gentleman pulled up in this big blue brand new ford f150 and sure the man looked 60 or older...
However, if your going to park in handicapped parking, do me a favor and be HANDICAPPED. This wasn't an issue of "oh let me get a truck so I don't have to hurt my back getting in the small car" this was an issue of "I have to actually climb into my truck, which means I am in pretty good shape!"
This truck was high enough off the ground that if you could climb in and out.. I have trouble believing your handicapped...
Well in all fairness steering is pretty important to driving.. so the easier you can steer the safer I'll feel on the roadA side note: I am about to install a "hydraulic ram assisted" steering system in the beast.. It will give it SUPER POWER STEERING. I will be able to steer that big truck with ease with just 1 finger... cool..![]()
(not that I would use one finger, being a safe driver and all)

Unfortunately this makes me think of is all in the drivers hand too. I know plenty of people who would be better off in small cars because they cant handle a truck. cars are very individual and theres no one better than other since everyones needs are differemt.
Flying is probably honestly one of the safest ways to travel..
The problem with trucks and suv's and them being "safer" is they are also more dangerous.
A plane is the safest way to travel... until it crashes into a tower.
A truck is safer to drive..
Until your texting and hit someone else.
The downside with the truck thing is if your not hit head on... that truck can roll alot easier.
SUV's seem particularly prone to doing it..
I understand its harder for some people to get in and out of small cars.. I am sorry to hear that.Reasons for SUV's and pickup trucks can vary: my mom drove an SUV after she broke her hip in a car accident partly because of the safety (after nearly getting killed in a small car, having something huge appealed to her), but mostly because she couldn't comfortably get into a small car.
Although I do hope that she keeps in mind an SUV is only situationally safer...
Eh, in all fairness I don't think you need a truck or suv to be higher off the groundAs for me, I dig any car that doesn't sit low to the ground. I'm 5'2" and currently borrowing my friend's Honda Civic, and I get tired of having to reach up to drive-thru windows, or worse, having to open the door and get out of the car to use a drive-up ATM.![]()

There are plenty of cars that do sit higher up without being "jacked up" just fine.