This has only happened a few times in the last couple days, it seems like it is getting better.
On another note, I noticed that I do not get the voicemail icon in the notification bar when someone calls and leaves a voicemail. Instead, I get a text message saying to call this weird 401 ... .... number to retrieve this message. How do I get the voicemail icon to appear in the notification byar and these text messages to stop when someone leaves me a voicemail??
Also, I have noticed, ever since installing CM9 devilstoast 0.7.4 the battery is horrible, after 8 hours of not using it, I went from 99 to 49. When I was on midnights rom, after the same 8 hours of not using it, it would still be in the 90s after all that time. I have not installed any new apps since installing CM9. I went into betterbatterystats and noticed under partial wakewlocks that this this the first thing listed signalcollector.scannerthread. Does anyone know what this is?? Under signal collector it says
The maps app was always installed but I believe since installing CM9, I believe I did an update for maps. Could this possibly be my problem.
Thanks for any suggestions..