No one is stuck with anything. People can refuse the delivery or just use Sprint's no hassle 14 days return policy.
Your mileage may vary, but I put no stock in the reviewers spreading FUD about Sense.
Ditto for those spreading FUD about TouchWiz.
I've not used the latest of either, but I have used the prior version of each one, and I think that they both offer a lot for us users that want more than the plain Android without having to hassle lots of customizations just to get what Sense and TouchWiz give you right out of the box.
Remember, the blogosphere serves us with reviews, but they serve themselves with clicks and they get clicks by either being sensational or by catering to splinter groups (HTC, Samsung, Motorola lovers) within Android.
I totally don't accept that if you change the body and add a sim, that suddenly battery life is a dog, especially when so many others are reporting otherwise, for example.
I really hate to sound wishy washy, but facts are facts - both of these phones will have hidden strengths and obvious weaknesses that we won't learn about until users get them in their hands.
I think that if you like a vibrant screen, the Sammy is the winner. I think that if you care about color accuracy, the LTEvo is the winner.
I think that if you really still need the removable battery, the Sammy is the winner.
I think that there is a lot of disappointing hot air with the cameras in both phones and I will need to see users making reasonable adjustments before I see a winner.
I think that both will sport the fabulous S4 as a core and that early synthetic benchmarks are bunk.
I think that HTC will follow tradition and use Samsung memory components.
I think that rooting is less of an issue than ever before. The HTC isn't loaded with bloatware and ICS lets you freeze it out anyway.
You cats know me as an HTC fan, but what many of you don't know is that I came this >< close to buying the GNex, so the SGS3 is very much on my short list.
So please take my jabs at bad reviews at face value.
I'm not tossing them out there because they don't favor HTC, I'm tossing those jabs out because I don't feel like I'm getting SGS3 reviews, I feel like I'm getting sales pitches.
And I don't know about you, but I hate sales pitches.