This is absolutely the way to go -
Unlock, root, install TWRP recovery (the one you want, trust me) - it's truly all you need, contacts htc-dev for the unlock, the whole bit.
Hey, many thanks!
Yeah, I see where you're going there - that devs will go where there's the biggest audience, and the biggest audience will go with the biggest carrier.
I guess it might work that way a little bit, but really, not so much.
Case in point, Verizon never got the SGS2, and the Sprint Epic 4G Touch crowd (the Sprint SGS2) crowd was none the worse for wear.
HTC devs gravitate to phones that interest them, and the One X, and now the LTEvo, is getting a lot of dev interest.
Unlock is the key, and with
the phone only being officially out for a week and a day, the unlock we have lets us flash kernels from recovery as well as roms (thanks to TWRP) and we can flash radios and anything else - pretty much unheard of for a phone with s-on (encryption method for the bootloader, we can discuss more in the rooting section).
And when you can flash anything, and the phone is interesting, and holds the title of Evo successor, devs will follow.
And that Verizon thing is the odd man out, it won't apply, it's really it's own model.
I'm running a rom dev'd for the international One X, _everything works_ and it has exactly the tweaks I was looking for (plus or minus ongoing experiments on my part for memory management).
Here's a great wrap-up, it includes the link to the Team Syndicate ICS Launcher -
I've spent a day playing with the Nova launcher myself - sleek and plenty fast, I got on to the idea for it here -
For a good browser, my personal favorite is Boat Browser. You can add a host of add-ons with Dolphin HD, so it has a lot of fans, and many prefer X-Scope (also pretty good), but for me, it's Boat.
OK - hope that helps!
Sauske - the Apple/Sammy war is interesting, so I moved it to here -
I think that folks there will enjoy the story.