Android Expert
got a kick out of the paragraph of the above article where it stated that att expected most of their customers will be upset and angry , so att amended comtracts to their advantage ahead of the changes "forbidding" customers from forming class action suits.. Mamma sticks it to customers again where we "agree to let em stick it to us and cant do a dayam thimg about it"
Sure, we can cancel contracts and line atts purse with phat ETF's.. They would win first, with a little $$ from a former customer (more$ if they decide to sue the cust for outstanding etf not paid). But they also win by "censoring out" customers that would add to neg publicity.
What I dont get is "why does att customer account page say VALUED CUSTOMER SINCE: (date)" when they dont really value the customer..
"...You Caint Soo Me
Becawse I SAID so!..."
got a kick out of the paragraph of the above article where it stated that att expected most of their customers will be upset and angry , so att amended comtracts to their advantage ahead of the changes "forbidding" customers from forming class action suits.. Mamma sticks it to customers again where we "agree to let em stick it to us and cant do a dayam thimg about it"
Sure, we can cancel contracts and line atts purse with phat ETF's.. They would win first, with a little $$ from a former customer (more$ if they decide to sue the cust for outstanding etf not paid). But they also win by "censoring out" customers that would add to neg publicity.
What I dont get is "why does att customer account page say VALUED CUSTOMER SINCE: (date)" when they dont really value the customer..
"...You Caint Soo Me
Becawse I SAID so!..."