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Data throttling

I know being with verizon my wife devour (yeah I know sucky phone but she loved the keyboard) the keyboard took a crap. They told her that wasnt covered under the insurance. They told her if it was dropped or water logged (insurances exact words) then they would replace it. But not with a glitchy keyboard. well she was so upset that she started crying (I know basically typical woman reaction). Well after getting off the phone she receives a call to take a survey on what she thought of the help she received. Well I wont repeat the cuss words but she told them off something fierce that had my jaw dropped wide open. We thought wont hear nothing at all as they really dont care about their customers. Well 30 min later she gets a call and its verizon and a top level manager of customer service. She apologized for her bad experience with the customer service and insurance. She said I will get you another devour out the door and you will have it in the morning. SHe gave us her personal number and said call her if there is any problems of not getting the phone. She said you should of gotten another phone no questioned asked as you have insurance. Got the phone next day and wife was happy.

month before her upgrade it crapped out again. verizon let her upgrade early (only being a month) Now she has a HTC MErge and loves that keyboard more. So I will say verizon cares more about their customers than AT&T ever will.
I know being with verizon my wife devour (yeah I know sucky phone but she loved the keyboard) the keyboard took a crap. They told her that wasnt covered under the insurance. They told her if it was dropped or water logged (insurances exact words) then they would replace it. But not with a glitchy keyboard. well she was so upset that she started crying (I know basically typical woman reaction). Well after getting off the phone she receives a call to take a survey on what she thought of the help she received. Well I wont repeat the cuss words but she told them off something fierce that had my jaw dropped wide open. We thought wont hear nothing at all as they really dont care about their customers. Well 30 min later she gets a call and its verizon and a top level manager of customer service. She apologized for her bad experience with the customer service and insurance. She said I will get you another devour out the door and you will have it in the morning. SHe gave us her personal number and said call her if there is any problems of not getting the phone. She said you should of gotten another phone no questioned asked as you have insurance. Got the phone next day and wife was happy.

month before her upgrade it crapped out again. verizon let her upgrade early (only being a month) Now she has a HTC MErge and loves that keyboard more. So I will say verizon cares more about their customers than AT&T ever will.

Thats a great outcome and excellent damage comtrol on Verizoms part. I have to say ive had similar experiemce with ATT. ised an upgrade for a "new" HTC Tilt, one of those $400+ phones. The thing arrived "used" where the silver painted edges jad worn off in spots and the phone would cut out the audio while on a call....defeatimg tje pirpose of isimg the phone. Called xust serv amd got tje csr from Hell.. hung up and called nack. A mgr set up a swap out at ome of the local stores.

Then that phone crapped out weeks later...couldnt get any help from att
..found a number to their "damage control" type office, filed a complaint, got new phone within a few days.

I have to say, from reading posts from l other sites and news articles, Verizon and Att should win the highest award for not valuimg the customer
I will have to disagree with you there. I feel like every problem I had verizon has handled it quite well. Maybe I am not as picky as some and demand outrageous things. Maybe I am lucky to get all good customer service reps? I had a CLN bolt sent to me because the memory card slot that locks the sd card in broke somehow. How it did it I dont know as I never took my card out my phone and it never fell. The one they sent me looked like someone took sandpaper and tried to fix rough spots. I called up very nice and the guy said that phone should of never went out and one was on the way the next day. I never got this quality of service with blue death star.

I know I was lucky maybe I am a nice guy (dont laugh you mods lol) when i talk to people on the phone. Its I am happy with big red. I have noticed some people that has problems nit picks their phones and say they want a top of the line phone like the new nexus and will say every phone sent is bad. So they get mad when they dont give them what they want.
While saying good for your experience and that I too, have had good results with problems ive had with my att services. But will have to agree to disagree about how the majority of both att and verizons customers rated their customer satisfaction. Reports shows that both are lacking tremendously in that area
While saying good for your experience and that I too, have had good results with problems ive had with my att services. But will have to agree to disagree about how the majority of both att and verizons customers rated their customer satisfaction. Reports shows that both are lacking tremendously in that area
Well like the old saying goes. You cant make everyone happy. So why bother. IF the carriers and for that matter every company was to make everyone happy and give everyone what they want. They wouldnt be in business for long. Sometimes as consumers we think we are entitled to more than what we should.
Well like the old saying goes. You cant make everyone happy. So why bother. IF the carriers and for that matter every company was to make everyone happy and give everyone what they want. They wouldnt be in business for long. Sometimes as consumers we think we are entitled to more than what we should.

I cant follow that view. I fail to see how a company would go out of business for having a customer base that likes the company. That sounds like companies tick off its customers "just to stay in business". Just because a consumer is happy with a product and the company, that doesnt mean consumers think they are entitled to anythimg more than what they pay.for.

That comment is exactly whats allowed to stay posted on th attwireless forum...painting a consumer who may post an issue as demanding and the business as no fault and should dismiss the issue altogether.
I cant follow that view. I fail to see how a company would go out of business for having a customer base that likes the company.
Simple this is how I see it. Lets say you have a Moto droid 3. Then the galaxy nexus comes out. You really want that phone and dont want to pay for it. So you start complaining about how your phone has problems and you want a gal nexus. They give it to you. Then 6 months later the next big phone comes out and you do the same thing. If they give you the phone for free. They are making no money on sales and upgrades. As everyone can complain about their phone to get a better one for free. Just to make the customers happy.

This is one way I see a company losing money. This is what everyone says when they dont get their way. The company dont care about us. They do it just to be mean. I will say what you say about how att makes surveys to just show them in a good light and how they are in their forum I will agree with you there. Thats wrong but how many people that complains are not legitimate gripes and just trying to get something for nothing.

It goes both ways. The consumers is just as guilty as the companies.
So what you are saying is AT&T is the BEST cellular service , #1 because its got bad customer sevice ratings and Verizon is rated last because its got good ratings from demanding customers who want their way....
no not at all. What I am saying is people wants companies to give them what they want not matter how outrageous it is. Companies trys to do whats best for the company and what they think is fair for the customers. Sadly they never see eye to eye and both sides goes overboard at times. I am not saying any carrier is perfect. I have been lucky with getting a good CSR. I am sure I will get the bad one sooner or later.
Agreed, every company on earth have some customers who want everything their way, but we were reflecting on the obvious: AT&T and Verizon both have bad customer ratings overall , leavimg out the thought that every "bad customer rating" in the reports are all from customers that want everythimg their way. The fact is both companies are losimg touch with the very entity that pays the ceo their billion dollar salary....the customers , wireless , business and otherwise.
Just like we have some customers that think beings they pay monthly bill it entitles them to outrageous demands. Not saying everyone is guilty of this but it is the mindset of many that they own the person when they say I pay your salary.

Why I have always said not happy move along to another carrier that fits your wants and needs. People has seen they wont change att or verizon or any other carrier out there. So why stay with that company? Thats what I dont get. They will renew their contract every year or 2 and continue to complain about not being heard. A company looks at it this way I think. Joe blow renews his contract. Company thinks well he must be satisfied with how we do things. why would he renew his contract if he wasnt happy.
Well, it IS the customer that pay the salaries...if no customers, no money. But again , leavimg out the "demanding customer" who thinks their small momthly payment entitles them to somethimg outrageous, both carriers have poor customer satisfaction ratings. So when you leave one company, you just swap one bucket of problems for another bucket of problems.
Well I think I did better on leaving att for verizon. I have 3g something att still dont have in my area. I have been treated good (so far) by verizon. Something I couldnt get from ATT. You know me I can be a real pain in the butt. Just ask around lol. I feel like I am being treated fairly by them. Sure I think what they charge could be less. Like I said nothing is perfect.

If you throw out the outrageous demands by customers. You will have to go through carriers complaints and throw out those and see how the list fairs then.

Oh and I doubt any ceo makes billions from their salary lol.
One thing for sure, you will not get a true picture of customer satisfaction on the carriers site. And the billions come from "combined salaries" , sorry, the word should have read ceos. Either way, without customers both content and disgruntled, there would be no verizon or att.

Yup, I think I did good staying with att since my coverage are is superior to relatives and friends here with Verizon..
THis is true. Its like gas prices what can we do. We have to drive our cars so we do the same as with cell phone companies we complain alot with cuss words lol. Its sad when a company knows they have us by the you know what. lol.
Can you prove they have a surplus?
Just because you think it is doesn't make it true. Just like crude oil no one outside the oil industry knows if there is a surplus or a shortage. Sure we can speculate.

As far as Verizon throttling goes. I haven't hit the magic number yet and I have at times almost used 50 gig of data.

DJ I know you have a TB and based on yours statement I assume you are in a LTE market, if so you can't be throttled. C block provisions prevent VZW from throttling LTE. Also VZW isn't like AT&T with throttling either so if you were you may not even notice it. AT&T (traditionally) begins throttling at 2 GB as does VZW but VZW only does it when the network is congested while AT&T does it at all times.

Can you prove otherwise?

If you are making the claim the burden of proof would lie on you. You have claimed the network is not congested when told it is you would need to be
able to backup the claim not the otherway around.

Well like the old saying goes. You cant make everyone happy. So why bother. IF the carriers and for that matter every company was to make everyone happy and give everyone what they want. They wouldnt be in business for long. Sometimes as consumers we think we are entitled to more than what we should.

In this one post I both agree with you completely and couldn't disagree with you more :D First, the disagreement, a company should not give up on customer service just because of the unreasonable requests of a few. However a company should abide by what is right (in this case a contract) to determine what it owes to a customer. Now the agreement and you have said this very well, customers often feel a sense of entitlement because they pay a company and while reasonable requests should be considered turning and saying "company ABC is screwing me because I asked for this and they didn't give it to me" is not valid IMO since you as a customer may not be owed the request. I think this has been highlighted recently and interpreted wrong by the court when they awarded the guy damages for getting throttled, he broke the contract and admitted to it yet is encouraged and paid because he failed to read his contract...that seems wrong to me.

Just like we have some customers that think beings they pay monthly bill it entitles them to outrageous demands. Not saying everyone is guilty of this but it is the mindset of many that they own the person when they say I pay your salary.

Why I have always said not happy move along to another carrier that fits your wants and needs. People has seen they wont change att or verizon or any other carrier out there. So why stay with that company? Thats what I dont get. They will renew their contract every year or 2 and continue to complain about not being heard. A company looks at it this way I think. Joe blow renews his contract. Company thinks well he must be satisfied with how we do things. why would he renew his contract if he wasnt happy.

I added bold...And that is what the customer should do. If you aren't happy with a company and can get an alternative then do so if you keep paying them even when the contact is up you are choosing to deal with them for whatever reason...

Well, it IS the customer that pay the salaries...if no customers, no money. But again , leavimg out the "demanding customer" who thinks their small momthly payment entitles them to somethimg outrageous, both carriers have poor customer satisfaction ratings. So when you leave one company, you just swap one bucket of problems for another bucket of problems.

There are other carriers out there. If I didn't want VZW or AT&T in my area I could choose Sprint or Tmo as well as a few local/regional companies to deal with instead, as well as prepay. You also can't draw conclusions because both companies have low ratings, that has more to say about the industry being something people have higher expectations than what they should. If you compare cross industry you will see that ratings are industry dependent. Abstractly I would expect the wedding planner industry to have a lot higher customer satisfaction rating than the auto insurance industry. Does that mean that there are only good wedding planners and only bad insurance companies? No, it means you shouldn't compare unrelated industries since the expectations differ.
True. I do like however, how Verizon backed down from a plan to charge its customers a fee for paying their bill online. So, in many cases the company "does" hear the voice of its customers and act.

I cant say that much about att especially after they publocally brladcasted that "they hearr the customers and gave them what they want.....to be tiered and pay for data overages and get rid of unlimited data packages because the customers doesnt like the freeness an unlmited data plan provide". I still have yet to know who these very satisfied customers are.
DJ I know you have a TB and based on yours statement I assume you are in a LTE market, if so you can't be throttled. C block provisions prevent VZW from throttling LTE. Also VZW isn't like AT&T with throttling either so if you were you may not even notice it. AT&T (traditionally) begins throttling at 2 GB as does VZW but VZW only does it when the network is congested while AT&T does it at all times.

If you are making the claim the burden of proof would lie on you. You have claimed the network is not congested when told it is you would need to be
able to backup the claim not the otherway around.

In this one post I both agree with you completely and couldn't disagree with you more :D First, the disagreement, a company should not give up on customer service just because of the unreasonable requests of a few. However a company should abide by what is right (in this case a contract) to determine what it owes to a customer. Now the agreement and you have said this very well, customers often feel a sense of entitlement because they pay a company and while reasonable requests should be considered turning and saying "company ABC is screwing me because I asked for this and they didn't give it to me" is not valid IMO since you as a customer may not be owed the request. I think this has been highlighted recently and interpreted wrong by the court when they awarded the guy damages for getting throttled, he broke the contract and admitted to it yet is encouraged and paid because he failed to read his contract...that seems wrong to me.

I added bold...And that is what the customer should do. If you aren't happy with a company and can get an alternative then do so if you keep paying them even when the contact is up you are choosing to deal with them for whatever reason...

There are other carriers out there. If I didn't want VZW or AT&T in my area I could choose Sprint or Tmo as well as a few local/regional companies to deal with instead, as well as prepay. You also can't draw conclusions because both companies have low ratings, that has more to say about the industry being something people have higher expectations than what they should. If you compare cross industry you will see that ratings are industry dependent. Abstractly I would expect the wedding planner industry to have a lot higher customer satisfaction rating than the auto insurance industry. Does that mean that there are only good wedding planners and only bad insurance companies? No, it means you shouldn't compare unrelated industries since the expectations differ.

Not sure where all that came from but....sure, ok.

The comment "if you dont like it, move on" is one of the most overstated "solutions" for any company and/or a fan-customer. Basically saying everythings peachy and sweep the bad comments labeled as such since it may expose a problem negative of a company.

Again, both companies have problems and IF no one comtact a company due to some issue (i guess you call that a complaint), then the problem stays hidden and the company never recover from a bad reflection.
Not sure where all that came from but....sure, ok.

The comment "if you dont like it, move on" is one of the most overstated "solutions" for any company and/or a fan-customer. Basically saying everythings peachy and sweep the bad comments labeled as such since it may expose a problem negative of a company.

Again, both companies have problems and IF no one comtact a company due to some issue (i guess you call that a complaint), then the problem stays hidden and the company never recover from a bad reflection.

I like this thread but missed most the activity today :o

If you have tried to get satisfaction from a company and can't then you can't send a bigger statement to them other than leaving them and putting your money somewhere else. Like you have said the customer pays the salary. If someone wants to tell a company they will not put up with what they do then the best way to do it is move on.
Good point. However seems like you are repeating something thats been said. But th ev thread is about data throttlimg and how one company has been exposed for how they were throttling the customers. Im guessing now that the one customer who successfully sued att is a complainer who should never have filed a suit but, instead, pay an etf and move on. Sorry it doesnt work that way. Customers do have a voice to speak out when they feel theres something wrong.

Not sure where all that came from but....sure, ok.

The comment "if you dont like it, move on" is one of the most overstated "solutions" for any company and/or a fan-customer. Basically saying everythings peachy and sweep the bad comments labeled as such since it may expose a problem negative of a company.

Again, both companies have problems and IF no one comtact a company due to some issue (i guess you call that a complaint), then the problem stays hidden and the company never recover from a bad reflection.
If you go to a doctor and he always gives you poor care. Never listens to you. do you still go to that doctor?
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