Dark Jedi
Android Enthusiast
I know being with verizon my wife devour (yeah I know sucky phone but she loved the keyboard) the keyboard took a crap. They told her that wasnt covered under the insurance. They told her if it was dropped or water logged (insurances exact words) then they would replace it. But not with a glitchy keyboard. well she was so upset that she started crying (I know basically typical woman reaction). Well after getting off the phone she receives a call to take a survey on what she thought of the help she received. Well I wont repeat the cuss words but she told them off something fierce that had my jaw dropped wide open. We thought wont hear nothing at all as they really dont care about their customers. Well 30 min later she gets a call and its verizon and a top level manager of customer service. She apologized for her bad experience with the customer service and insurance. She said I will get you another devour out the door and you will have it in the morning. SHe gave us her personal number and said call her if there is any problems of not getting the phone. She said you should of gotten another phone no questioned asked as you have insurance. Got the phone next day and wife was happy.
month before her upgrade it crapped out again. verizon let her upgrade early (only being a month) Now she has a HTC MErge and loves that keyboard more. So I will say verizon cares more about their customers than AT&T ever will.
month before her upgrade it crapped out again. verizon let her upgrade early (only being a month) Now she has a HTC MErge and loves that keyboard more. So I will say verizon cares more about their customers than AT&T ever will.