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Data throttling

Good point. However seems like you are repeating something thats been said. But th ev thread is about data throttlimg and how one company has been exposed for how they were throttling the customers. Im guessing now that the one customer who successfully sued att is a complainer who should never have filed a suit but, instead, pay an etf and move on. Sorry it doesnt work that way. Customers do have a voice to speak out when they feel theres something wrong.

He could have paid the EFT and filed suit. I personally don't think he should have been given a reward for his suit but that will be up to AT&T to decide if they try to go further. I am not saying a customer shouldn't have a voice. I am saying they should stop paying a company if their voice isn't heard and they can't get what they feel they need. If they run out of companies to go to then they obviously have their expectations set too high.
Good point. However seems like you are repeating something thats been said. But th ev thread is about data throttlimg and how one company has been exposed for how they were throttling the customers. Im guessing now that the one customer who successfully sued att is a complainer who should never have filed a suit but, instead, pay an etf and move on. Sorry it doesnt work that way. Customers do have a voice to speak out when they feel theres something wrong.
What better way to speak out than to take you r money away after your contract is up. I know why you wont leave and its the same as all the rest. You dont want to give up your grandfathered unlimited data plan and go to another carrier that has a tiered data plan. So you sit there banging your head against the wall trying to be heard and make them change their ways. Yeah the guy won his suit and what did att do raise the limit by one more gig. Is that a victory?

You said it your self your money should give you a voice. so use the money and take it away from them. If more people leaves the less money they get right?
If you go to a doctor and he always gives you poor care. Never listens to you. do you still go to that doctor?

For some maybe, for others you file a complaint. I fail to see the connection with that analysis and att admitting they were wrong in how they were "throttling" the top 5, when in fact it was any who went over 2GB of their unlimited plan, and who, then raised it to 3GB...after customers "complained"
What better way to speak out than to take you r money away after your contract is up. I know why you wont leave and its the same as all the rest. You dont want to give up your grandfathered unlimited data plan and go to another carrier that has a tiered data plan. So you sit there banging your head against the wall trying to be heard and make them change their ways. Yeah the guy won his suit and what did att do raise the limit by one more gig. Is that a victory?

You said it your self your money should give you a voice. so use the money and take it away from them. If more people leaves the less money they get right?

Gladly some choose to speak up and fight the giant and not roll over and take what is thrown at them rather than do what companies want a customer to do : "pay an etf and go away."

I wonder how vwrizon customers woupd feel today if someone hadnt spoken up and you would be subject to a fee each time a v customer pays a bill online?
Gladly some choose to speak up and fight the giant and not roll over and take what is thrown at them rather than do what companies want a customer to do : "pay an etf and go away."

I wonder how vwrizon customers woupd feel today if someone hadnt spoken up and you would be subject to a fee each time a v customer pays a bill online?
OK he won. ATT raised it to 3gig. Now when he is throttled at 3gigs. What ground does he have to sue again? wasnt his whole case about why people are not throttled at 2 gigs who has 3 gig plans? SO thats closed now right?
OK he won. ATT raised it to 3gig. Now when he is throttled at 3gigs. What ground does he have to sue again? wasnt his whole case about why people are not throttled at 2 gigs who has 3 gig plans? SO thats closed now right?

Okay, now you are speculating what a customer will do and sounds like you are sayimg a customer is nothing more than a complainer and they, incpuding the guy who won the suit should just "let" a company be right and roll over an take it?...oops I just speculated what you meant...sorry :D
I wonder how vwrizon customers woupd feel today if someone hadnt spoken up and you would be subject to a fee each time a v customer pays a bill online?

But like I said ask the company first then if you can't get satisfaction there leave. Had VZW actually started that fee I think those would complain would have been in the right until they renewed their contract with the company after that they are aware of the policy and chose to accept it again. Hell if they chose to stay with the company after making that change and could have gotten out of the contract without the EFT, which may have been possible if they asked to terminate the contract with 90 days of the new policy going into affect, then they shouldn't complain at all since they have chosen to stay with the company at that point and chosen the higher fees/prices.
But like I said ask the company first then if you can't get satisfaction there leave. Had VZW actually started that fee I think those would complain would have been in the right until they renewed their contract with the company after that they are aware of the policy and chose to accept it again. Hell if they chose to stay with the company after making that change and could have gotten out of the contract without the EFT, which may have been possible if they asked to terminate the contract with 90 days of the new policy going into affect, then they shouldn't complain at all since they have chosen to stay with the company at that point and chosen the higher fees/prices.

Lol, I guess I get confused easily... Isnt that the same thing I was saying too? The customer have the right to and should speak to the company about why they may be unhappy and not be "labeled" as a complainer , as the majority of these recent postings seem to categorize anyone addressing anprob with their service. Naturally a customer can leave any time they wish with or without an etf, whichever maybbe their situation.

And im surebcustomers have exercised that right after fighting back and forth with a carrier over a given issue that has not been resolved or have been resolved but have left a customer wih a bad experience and move on.

Ibguess you did come into tonites discussion rather late
Okay, now you are speculating what a customer will do and sounds like you are sayimg a customer is nothing more than a complainer and they, incpuding the guy who won the suit should just "let" a company be right and roll over an take it?...oops I just speculated what you meant...sorry :D
No what I am saying is whatever the customer does the company one ups them. Now 3gig tiered costs the same as unlimited and now att can say if the tiered 3 gig users go above 3 they will be throttled like the unlimited. Its a hollowed victory as what can you sue for being throttled now? Its not speculation its ATT one upping their customers and now its going to be harder to fight them now.
Lol, I guess I get confused easily... Isnt that the same thing I was saying too? The customer have the right to and should speak to the company about why they may be unhappy and not be "labeled" as a complainer , as the majority of these recent postings seem to categorize anyone addressing anprob with their service. Naturally a customer can leave any time they wish with or without an etf, whichever maybbe their situation.

And im surebcustomers have exercised that right after fighting back and forth with a carrier over a given issue that has not been resolved or have been resolved but have left a customer wih a bad experience and move on.

Ibguess you did come into tonites discussion rather late
No I wasnt labeling everyone as a complainer just because they voiced their dislikes. I labeled the ones that makes outlandish requests like trying to get the latest phone for free.
You arebright, the company will always strive to be.one-up on a customer....thus the very fine print in contracts, the amending of current contracts at any time, andbin atts case, the "no class action suits allowed" clause..just a few examples.

As far as the new 3gb cap,att juet got called out on the invisible 2Gb cap that contradicted the cost of the 3gb being the same price of the "limited - unlimited grandfathered plan"
No I wasnt labeling everyone as a complainer just because they voiced their dislikes. I labeled the ones that makes outlandish requests like trying to get the latest phone for free.

No, DJ, I am sorry. That coent was addressed to a comment posted by yeahha. You and I certainly did agree that there are the outlandish customer who thinks they can get something for nothing as if their small monthly payment in itself has some weight..
Lol, I guess I get confused easily... Isnt that the same thing I was saying too? The customer have the right to and should speak to the company about why they may be unhappy and not be "labeled" as a complainer , as the majority of these recent postings seem to categorize anyone addressing anprob with their service. Naturally a customer can leave any time they wish with or without an etf, whichever maybbe their situation.

And im surebcustomers have exercised that right after fighting back and forth with a carrier over a given issue that has not been resolved or have been resolved but have left a customer wih a bad experience and move on.

Ibguess you did come into tonites discussion rather late

I don't classify everyone as a complainer but those who post and say "I've had this company for 5 years and all they have done is treated me wrong starting since day 1..." IMO they shouldn't be with the company anymore if it did in fact start at day 1 then they should have left day 2 if it didn't then they should have left when the renewal was available instead of assuming the company would change.

If you complain to a company and they don't change or their policies change and you still pay them the company is not at fault there you are for paying them (of course you being any customer not you specifically rico ;)) One should not assume something is going to change where it never has before.
I don't classify everyone as a complainer but those who post and say "I've had this company for 5 years and all they have done is treated me wrong starting since day 1..." IMO they shouldn't be with the company anymore if it did in fact start at day 1 then they should have left day 2 if it didn't then they should have left when the renewal was available instead of assuming the company would change.

If you complain to a company and they don't change or their policies change and you still pay them the company is not at fault there you are for paying them (of course you being any customer not you specifically rico ;)) One should not assume something is going to change where it never has before.

So, why all the disconnection in this specific discussion...for one, I am sure the guy who sued and won was very happy with his services from day one....so now, because he filed a suit over the throttling practice bes now a "complaining" customer, but instead , he should have left att on th first day of an issue he addressed instead of folding arns and saying "the heck, im goimg elsewhere"?

Im glad nkt every customer just ups and quit on day 1 of a prob. As for those new to a company and they see a prob on the first few days of being with a new company.. None of us knows why they stuck it out, maybe things got ironed out but thats just speculation.

But you dont speculate yeahha :D you are speakimg from experience. We are all happy customers here.
So, why all the disconnection in this specific discussion...for one, I am sure the guy who sued and won was very happy with his services from day one....so now, because he filed a suit over the throttling practice bes now a "complaining" customer, but instead , he should have left att on th first day of an issue he addressed instead of folding arns and saying "the heck, im goimg elsewhere"?

Im glad nkt every customer just ups and quit on day 1 of a prob. As for those new to a company and they see a prob on the first few days of being with a new company.. None of us knows why they stuck it out, maybe things got ironed out but thats just speculation.

But you dont speculate yeahha :D you are speakimg from experience. We are all happy customers here.

IMO he should have left when he realized that they were going to throttle him and he couldn't deal with the service they were offering. He should have at that point sued for the time he was with them and the ETF.

As I have made clear I don't feel the court was fair in awarding him damages for AT&T throttling his speeds. He broke the contract and admitted to it (tethering). Again IMO he should have had his service disconnected at that point and been charged the ETF he did not abide by his part in the contract. Did he have unlimited data? Yes he can't say he didn't as even after he was throttled he was able to use on average 3 GB past when they throttled him.

I don't see what is wrong with speculation here, no I am not speaking from experience I have had VZW for years and have always been either happy with my service or able to get what I wasn't happy about changed with 1 phone call. I mentioned burden of proof earlier because you made a claim that the current accepted 'facts' are incorrect then asked DJ to prove you wrong.

Edit: If someone is unhappy with the service they get and ride out their contract that is one thing but then signing another contract tells the company they are happy with their service since they are agreeing to spend another 2 years dealing with the service. That is the biggest thing I have an issue with, someone saying I can't stand VZW because of this and it has been like it since I first went to VZW in 2000, if it hasn't been changed it is either part of their policy or they don't care to change it, why has the unsatisfied customer signed a new contract every 2 years since then?
IMO he should have left when he realized that they were going to throttle him and he couldn't deal with the service they were offering. He should have at that point sued for the time he was with them and the ETF.

As I have made clear I don't feel the court was fair in awarding him damages for AT&T throttling his speeds. He broke the contract and admitted to it (tethering). Again IMO he should have had his service disconnected at that point and been charged the ETF he did not abide by his part in the contract. Did he have unlimited data? Yes he can't say he didn't as even after he was throttled he was able to use on average 3 GB past when they throttled him.

I don't see what is wrong with speculation here, no I am not speaking from experience I have had VZW for years and have always been either happy with my service or able to get what I wasn't happy about changed with 1 phone call. I mentioned burden of proof earlier because you made a claim that the current accepted 'facts' are incorrect then asked DJ to prove you wrong.

I have no idea what you are talking about and if you say I was proven wrong, ok, sure.
I have no idea what you are talking about and if you say I was proven wrong, ok, sure.

With the carriers saying that the bandwidth is limited, you claimed that is false and then when asked about it said prove it isn't the evidence that has been provided by the carriers and media (FWIW) says it is limited and strained.
Nope , I said the companies are "NOT" hurting and they are not going out of business over such and said they found another way to make "more for offering less". I asked if he could prove otherwise just the same as he askked me if I could prove they "are". since neither have access to atts books ansld ledgers we only ave what att wants us to see.....

Either way it goes att and verizon willbe arould long after you and I arent.

Backk to the topic of this discussion: the man who sued att over throttling practices made an imact that mmade att rethink the possibiities. while some are content to not do anything, he made it possible forthe majority of att customers to get a response from the giant corp just how they are selecting who gets throttled. Which is what customers have been asking "from day 1".

Hi Zuben,that does seam plausabe. When major companies monopolize a product for a period of time, customers will begin looking for alternates once new or better options become available.

In light of this specific topic, throttling, if a company forms today that offers unimited data with no throttling , consumers will be checking it out. If Sprint takes advantage of their current true unimited the right way, thered be an increase in customers from the other carriers when they wait their contracts out and want the deaal offered by Sprint.
Just playing devils advocate here. If sprint does that and sees a strain on their network from the mass influx of new customers. What do you think they will do. I do like what the one guy said comparing this to the oil crisis of the 70's. I remember all that but was a kid. Many people thinks just because there is gas still being sold the people thinks cant be that bad. There must be a surplus somewhere and they complain about its just the oil companies trying to make more money. I remember watching people fight over gas and police sometimes had to monitor stations.

The American people needs to realize nothing lasts forever. There are limitations to everything. Look at how this country had wiped out many of the forests thinking oh the trees will grow back. We here people cry about recycle use less of a resource to make it last. Why are so many up in arms when cell companies try to regulate the data speeds so all can enjoy it. People forgets that there are other people on the same network and is it fair for you to try and hog everything.

Now a question If let say Verizon didnt make its customers take a data plan for smartphones. How many people would actually not have a data plan? I know I wouldn't as I am tethered on my computer sending this lol.
Well, why dont we wait and see what Sprint will do when and if that time comes. If they want to attract customers from verizon and att as well as from tmo, the smart thing to do if they need to throttle, is come up with a throtting methodology and mechanisim that will be more palatable then the aforementioned, wouldnt that make a better business marketing idea rather than enforcing an even ore shady or outlandish means for throtting? Dooesnt make sense to "throttle" yoourself out of new customers
Whew, a busy day yesterday in the throttling thread. If I may give my input, the problem I have is considering where I live, the town nearest to me (where I go when I am not at home or at work), my commute, and where I work, ONLY Verizon has service in all those locations. If I were unhappy with their service, in order to take my money elsewhere, I would have to sacrifice cell-service in one or more of those locations. The government regulates to make sure there are no monopolies for service, but only in a static sense of the word. So my case is one where I would continue to renew, even though I may be extremely unhappy with my service, because crappy customer service is better than incomplete service. Another thing to think about is those whose entire family and friend network is on the same carrier. All that calling is free on that network, but switching networks is not only costly for the individual in that they need more minutes, but also to the people who they call. For many people, leaving a cell phone carrier is a much harder thing than say choosing to shop in a different store.
Hey Dark Jedi,

Need to ask you, are you ok with this convo? Did I ever say you, I or anyone else was "proven" right or wrong? There was a comment posted by a guide that declaires such. I see from our convo we simply dissagreed on some things but at the same time feel the same on things where did all this whose right and whoses wrong atmosphere come from.

Zuben, please keep those links coming, they are very interesting to read various points of views.
Whew, a busy day yesterday in the throttling thread. If I may give my input, the problem I have is considering where I live, the town nearest to me (where I go when I am not at home or at work), my commute, and where I work, ONLY Verizon has service in all those locations. If I were unhappy with their service, in order to take my money elsewhere, I would have to sacrifice cell-service in one or more of those locations. The government regulates to make sure there are no monopolies for service, but only in a static sense of the word. So my case is one where I would continue to renew, even though I may be extremely unhappy with my service, because crappy customer service is better than incomplete service. Another thing to think about is those whose entire family and friend network is on the same carrier. All that calling is free on that network, but switching networks is not only costly for the individual in that they need more minutes, but also to the people who they call. For many people, leaving a cell phone carrier is a much harder thing than say choosing to shop in a different store.

Thank you sir! Thats exactly the point! Theres more to consider than to jump ship on day one or two just because a consumer bums heads with the carrier, even after years of good service.. Your comment says it all. If I jad my choice, id go with Tmobille because I ike sim card type devices, but their service is not good in my area and al or most of family and acquaintences are on att.
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