So companies should not make changes to make sure they can stay viable because there is no perceived strain on resources to the consumer and public? The current sprint model and the grandfathered models for AT&T and VZW are non-viable. The carrier is offering unlimited access to a limited resource which will in the end hurt consumer and carrier. The consumer will have to deal with slow networks due to congestion and the carrier will be hurt by the consumer's view of the company.
The link Zuben posted shows the public is adjusting to the rules set forth and finding ways to play by them, which is a good thing IMO.
Rico my status on this site has nothing to do with my interpretation of the posts I commented on. I was addressing your comment and retort to DJ's response from this post you had claimed there was no shortage of bandwidth in contrast to the carriers saying otherwise. When asked for proof you did not provide any and instead asked to be proved wrong.
I do think there should be some standardization of the wireless throttling and can agree that AT&T's current practice is much less fair to customers than VZW's. IMO the limits of when a customer is throttled should be reviewed at regular intervals and adjuster accordingly either by a public agency or with data that is made available to that public agency.
The link Zuben posted shows the public is adjusting to the rules set forth and finding ways to play by them, which is a good thing IMO.
Rico my status on this site has nothing to do with my interpretation of the posts I commented on. I was addressing your comment and retort to DJ's response from this post you had claimed there was no shortage of bandwidth in contrast to the carriers saying otherwise. When asked for proof you did not provide any and instead asked to be proved wrong.
I do think there should be some standardization of the wireless throttling and can agree that AT&T's current practice is much less fair to customers than VZW's. IMO the limits of when a customer is throttled should be reviewed at regular intervals and adjuster accordingly either by a public agency or with data that is made available to that public agency.