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Root [DEAD][ROM] CTMod Admire - updated 4/14/2013

He is working on it. You know is not that easy. Next thing you know he rushes because of you and does something wrong that can turn your phone into paperweight. Then he will generously try to help you kindly when is your fault for rushing him. Not to be mean. But have patience.

Mah 2 pennies.

P.s. i was exagerating, if your phone turns paperweight you might aswell thro it away. It has no fix.
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He is working on it. You know is not that easy. Next thing you know he rushes because of you and does something wrong that can turn your phone into paperweight. Then he will generously try to help you kindly when is your fault for rushing him. Not to be mean. But have patience.

Mah 2 pennies.

P.s. i was exagerating, if your phone turns paperweight you might aswell thro it away. It has no fix.

I know but I thought he left.
That's why I bumped.
I'm in no rush what so ever.
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This is the end. I'm sorry guys. Stupid windows decided that it like to format my hard drive so I'd loose every thing I was working on and all my stuff. I will not pick back up on this project so i can start a new one and keep my intellectual freedom. Thank you all for taking me this far and I'm so sorry that I couldn't even finish the update.
As Wile E. would say: Back to the drawing board... :)

PS: If anyone want's to take over this project just shoot me a PM.
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