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Definitely has screen-door effect...

I still don't agree with you, then again I don't turn the screen way up on the MoPho. I felt the screen on the 3Evo is to washed out and that alone makes it not as accurate.

I do not se the redness in the MoPho and I feel the Super Amoled+ screens are way over saturated and actually are over red compared to the more coolness in color of the MoPho. It kind of reminds me of Kodak vs Fuji film from years ago. I dislike the over red so I disliked Kodak, but I prefer over blue to over red (my preference) so I used Fuji film and those who processed using their paper.

I've read this argument elsewhere about the red/blue and while the older AMOLED screens seemed to be over blue, the new Super AMOLED+ seems to be over red to many.
I never said the 3vo/Evo screen wasn't washed out or accurate.

I'm not sure how you can't see the oversaturation. If you play a video, skin tones are just red. I've played about 7 different movies on both the Evo and Photon next to each other and I can clearly see it. The black and white photo I have on my home screen has a red tint in it also. I'm use to staring at TV screens all day working at Best Buy, so I can pick out the differences pretty easily.

I say I keep the screen at about 30%.

At Best Buy mobile we compared the Photon and Charge video quality to one another. The Charge had more accurate color reproduction than the Photon. And definitely less pixelation
I am copying what I posted on another site.

I can try to overlook the graininess display but the damn brightness/contrast is pissing me off. I look at some screens with dark alley and you can't make anything thing out. The trash cans, cats, beer bottles, are all to dark to distinguish. On my EVO I can clearly tell them apart. On the other side, the faces are too bright. It is as if someone took a flashlight and shine it on their faces. Here are some samples.


  • Evo01.jpg
    131.2 KB · Views: 65
  • Photon02.jpg
    107.2 KB · Views: 96
  • EVO05.jpg
    124.4 KB · Views: 93
  • Photon07.jpg
    176 KB · Views: 118
I am copying what I posted on another site.

I can try to overlook the graininess display but the damn brightness/contrast is pissing me off. I look at some screens with dark alley and you can't make anything thing out. The trash cans, cats, beer bottles, are all to dark to distinguish. On my EVO I can clearly tell them apart. On the other side, the faces are too bright. It is as if someone took a flashlight and shine it on their faces. Here are some samples.

I can see a graininess to all of the photos. The only one that isnt as bad as the other 3 is the far left.
I am copying what I posted on another site.

I can try to overlook the graininess display but the damn brightness/contrast is pissing me off. I look at some screens with dark alley and you can't make anything thing out. The trash cans, cats, beer bottles, are all to dark to distinguish. On my EVO I can clearly tell them apart. On the other side, the faces are too bright. It is as if someone took a flashlight and shine it on their faces. Here are some samples.
Thanks for posting these!! I've wanted to post some but left my camera at my parent's.

But yeah you can clearly see the saturation in the Photon when compared to the Evo. Everything is just too over done. The black woman's skin tone is just ridiculous in the Photon display. And the red uniform on the guy in the Star Trek video is just over the top.

I watch a lot of video with dark shadows and you're right it's hard to make out some details.
I can see a graininess to all of the photos. The only one that isnt as bad as the other 3 is the far left.
There is some graininess in all, but the Photon comes out much more distinguishable.
Thanks for posting these!! I've wanted to post some but left my camera at my parent's.

But yeah you can clearly see the saturation in the Photon when compared to the Evo. Everything is just too over done.

I watch a lot of video with dark shadows and you're right it's hard to make out some details.

LOL. I watch a lot of video. Stream live tv (mostly sports) from my Vulkano Player to the Photon a few hours a day. On weekends I also stream live sports with some friends on fishing boat (our river runs along the city so we have internet connection). My friends have also notice the effect of the Photon when displaying videos.
I never said the 3vo/Evo screen wasn't washed out or accurate.

I'm not sure how you can't see the oversaturation. If you play a video, skin tones are just red. I've played about 7 different movies on both the Evo and Photon next to each other and I can clearly see it. The black and white photo I have on my home screen has a red tint in it also. I'm use to staring at TV screens all day working at Best Buy, so I can pick out the differences pretty easily.

I say I keep the screen at about 30%.

At Best Buy mobile we compared the Photon and Charge video quality to one another. The Charge had more accurate color reproduction than the Photon. And definitely less pixelation
Banging head against the wall

I do not see over red. I see over blue and green. More yellow too but not red. I keep my phone as low as it goes. I think 30% is too bright for indoor use as it does cause too bright of colors for all phones - and I mean it for pretty much every phone I use.

Why can't I express what *I* see. I look at pictures all day (not videos) on phone and HD screen. It is my JOB to notice color and how accurate it is and what shades are right and wrong.

IMO the colors are the most accurate to me on the MoPho. 3vo is too washed out and gray'd. The Captive was too red and over contrasted IMO.

Now the MoPho isn't perfect at all really. But flesh tones are fairly close. Browns I see too much yellow in general. My blues are much more over saturated.

I don't get why you have to tell me I am wrong when I know what I see holding things side by side????

I am curious why some are seeing red though and many across the internet are seeing blue.

ETA: I am a female who is very sensitive to colors in general. In fact for my senses I am over so. It is a fact that women are more sensitive to senses than men in general and if I am overly so even for a woman it may explain the differences in what I see.
Banging head against the wall

I do not see over red. I see over blue and green. More yellow too but not red. I keep my phone as low as it goes.

Why can't I express what *I* see. I look at pictures all day (not videos) on phone and HD screen. It is my JOB to notice color and how accurate it is.

IMO the colors are the most accurate to me on the MoPho. 3vo is too washed out and gray'd. The Captive was too red and over contrasted IMO.

I don't get why you have to tell me I am wrong when I know what I see holding things side by side????

I am curious why some are seeing red though and many across the internet are seeing blue.
I feel the same way. You disagreed with me and what *I* see so I would have to disagree with you also.

Well its already been determined that some screens just aren't as good as others, so there could very well be a difference in the tints that the screens display.

whatsitsname just posted pics. If you can't see the oversaturation in those pics I really don't know what to say. It's clear as day.

LOL. I watch a lot of video. Stream live tv (mostly sports) from my Vulkano Player to the Photon a few hours a day. On weekends I also stream live sports with some friends on fishing boat (our river runs along the city so we have internet connection). My friends have also notice the effect of the Photon when displaying videos.
Me too man. I watch a lot of youtube videos and other stuff i have from my computer.

Go look at the SAMOLED screens, that may appear oversaturatd cause of the Samsung UI, but they aren't when watching video. After looking at the charge I would say it's way less intense in color, and less pixelated, so better than the Moto Screen IMO. I only viewed one video for a few mins though so I may be wrong
I just saw the photos

My screen look *nothing* like that at all honestly. I don't know what to say but it isn't anything like that.

Just curious what color is that text supposed to be under the camera? It's hard to tell a baseline when looking at photos without a white piece of paper to give you an idea of what is supposed to be the absence of pigment.
I just saw the photos

My screen look *nothing* like that at all honestly. I don't know what to say but it isn't anything like that.

Just curious what color is that text supposed to be under the camera? It's hard to tell a baseline when looking at photos without a white piece of paper to give you an idea of what is supposed to be the absence of pigment.

If you are referring to the 2nd picture, the Photon is sitting on top of a black box with white text.
can someone display their screen and point out the screen door effect, I still don't see it, maybe my eyes are really bad, but I am curious to see what your talking about

Look at my 3G and signal/battery indicators, how they look like they have black dots mixed in with the colors:

Look at my clock and market icons. The colors are not solid they look like there is black dots mixed in, like things look behind a screen door:


When I view links in text, I see the links blurry because of the amount of black dots mixed in with the blue:

Look at how the word "New" looks washed out in YouTube because of the black dots mixed into the red text:

This is all highly noticeable to me with the naked eye. I ran it past someone else and they also noticed it, at a normal viewing distance. It's not like you have to hold it an inch from your face to see it. It's just there. I'm surprised some people don't see this, how is that possible...

I watched another video and it is definitely there. But I think because of the motion and my eyes always moving around to see different parts of the video, I don't notice it as much. But it is still noticeable when you look for it.
Don't mean for anyone to take offense to this but that means that the coloring is way off... the text looks red-orange to me.
Probably the lighting in the room or possibly some reflection from the case.

Either way...if it's the same camera, there's a clear difference in the saturation on the screen.
It's not like you have to hold it an inch from your face to see it. It's just there. I'm surprised some people don't see this, how is that possible...

And yet the pics you provided are doing just that: holding the phone an inch or two away from the camera.

Don't get me wrong, I notice the pentile effect myself on the Photon in person, but these pics are misleading because they're so magnified. The good screen from the comparison pics linked earlier is a more realistic depiction of the "screendoor" effect.
And yet the pics you provided are doing just that: holding the phone an inch or two away from the camera.

Don't get me wrong, I notice the pentile effect myself on the Photon in person, but these pics are misleading because they're so magnified. The good screen from the comparison pics linked earlier is a more realistic depiction of the "screendoor" effect.

Nope, sorry...it's still highly noticeable. I've run it past 3 people in my office. They all notice the blurry text and the status bar being blurry along with the icons looking pixelated. Especially noticeable with an Evo side by side.

The "good" screen in the other thread is actually an even bigger picture than mine yet it doesn't look as bad to me. I think that one is hardly noticeable yet it is just as magnified. The status bar doesn't look like mine does, and the colors look more full without the black dots. Those images are huge.

But hey, if you don't notice it, good for you. Me, I'm going to say the phenomenal battery life I'm getting even with the screen being 25% of the usage per the battery stats is kind of worth it even though I am bothered by the effect.
Nope, sorry...it's still highly noticeable. I've run it past 3 people in my office. They all notice the blurry text and the status bar being blurry along with the icons looking pixelated. Especially noticeable with an Evo side by side.

The "good" screen in the other thread is actually an even bigger picture than mine yet it doesn't look as bad to me. I think that one is hardly noticeable yet it is just as magnified. The status bar doesn't look like mine does, and the colors look more full without the black dots. Those images are huge.

But hey, if you don't notice it, good for you. Me, I'm going to say the phenomenal battery life I'm getting even with the screen being 25% of the usage per the battery stats is kind of worth it even though I am bothered by the effect.
I think anyone who says it isn't noticable either does not have good eye sight or they are probably not telling the truth.

It is noticable, but it's just how much does it bother you? I've said myself I notice all phones have pixelation. This one is better than some, but really no screen is good enough for me LOL

I had other important things to me like sound quality and build quality. Everyone has different needs for a phone and what they will put up with. This is not the worst out there. Different but not the worst than some.

I watched that video three times on my phone and on my laptop as well as the tablet (I don't have the EVO next to me). Compared to the laptop - which is as near as natural as I can get - the blues and greens are always over saturated. That's one I can live with.

On low level I see a hint of yellow and orange saturation. At medium bright level it was more noticable and on 100% it was getting into the red oversaturation but then the blues and greens were over the top bad.

On my tablet for fun, the MoPho had about the same saturation levels at lowest as my tablet did at brightest. The phone, though is brighter in general IMO than even my tablet. Much easier to see in the sun. However I think at highest levels the tablet is far more realistic. When I am in the sun with my phone though (only device I use outdoors often) I do want it to be visible more than I care about accurate.

For kicks I also looked at it on my old Intercept. I only did it because it (other than being way more pixelated) reminds me of the AMOLED screens in look and I don't feel like going to Verizon to look at the Super AMOLED + screeen they have there ;)

The blues were very poor - definitely low. The reds were over the top obnoxious and the yellows were too saturated as well. That is typical IMO to Samsung phones. Like I said they remind me of Kodak and the MoPho reminds me of Fuji.

I watched it at 360p as well on all devices. I prefer my HD screen most obviously, next probably my tablet and then my MoPho being honest. But the tablet is a bigger/better screen anyway so it is to be expected.

Holding the two phones side by side reminded me of my very bias against Samsung now though. So please take into consideration after years of owning Samsung I didn't realize how much I hated them until after getting the MoPho. I feel rotten that I talked my dad into getting my old phone, and he has a year more for an upgrade.
Regarding pixelation, at normal magnification, my phone does not exhibit any of the effect as shown on the earlier pictures.

However, the youtube video with the trailer was interesting. Clearly, if this was a HD TV, I would simply adjust the video settings for contrast, blackness, tint, etc. to eliminate the overly dark setting on the Photon. On all of my HDTV's, I immediately went through a process of customizing my settings away from the horrible vivid factory settings. Realistically, I don't watch prerecorded videos on a phone; however, if I did, I would certainly want to adjust the photon settings. Is there no way to do this on any of these phones or is the factory settings what you get?

Nope. It's not adjustable. I am glad you see the problem though. I have played that same youtube video on the evo 4g, evo 3d, Epic 4g, Nexus (at the store), and none of them display black/dark scenes so poorly.
Nope. It's not adjustable. I am glad you see the problem though. I have played that same youtube video on the evo 4g, evo 3d, Epic 4g, Nexus (at the store), and none of them display black/dark scenes so poorly.
Agreed. I played this video when I compared the 3vo, Photon, and Charger

Ape With AK-47 - YouTube

I played a couple of other videos. Starcraft 2 replays. They have a lot of dark scenes. Would have to say Photon came in dead last w/o a doubt. Charger has a little more color than the 3vo, but the 3vo looked a little sharper.
Nope. It's not adjustable. I am glad you see the problem though. I have played that same youtube video on the evo 4g, evo 3d, Epic 4g, Nexus (at the store), and none of them display black/dark scenes so poorly.

Since more and more people are using these phones for video viewing (I am not one - waaaay too small a screen), then I am surprised that phone makers are not routinely adding the ability to customize video settings to the phones. I wonder of there are some tradeoffs that prohibit this as it seems too obvious an omission. E.G. does this setting make small lettering better or the bright light viewing better as the Photon is great for these.

I guess it could be the same reason that most (if not all) TV's are displayed with hideous vividness settings in stores; that is what people seem to like. Maybe phone makers want to control that by locking in that setting as they perceive it will be the one that appeals to the masses.

Since more and more people are using these phones for video viewing (I am not one - waaaay too small a screen), then I am surprised that phone makers are not routinely adding the ability to customize video settings to the phones. I wonder of there are some tradeoffs that prohibit this as it seems too obvious an omission.

I guess it could be the same reason that most (if not all) TV's are displayed with hideous vividness settings in stores; that is what people seem to like. Maybe phone makers want to control that by locking in that setting as they perceive it will be the one that appeals to the masses.

Here Here. Would be nice to be able to adjust that kinda stuff.

Yeah, working in Best Buy I can tell you people gravitate towards the super bright oversaturated pictures like moths to a flame. Ugh...I hate working at BBY *facepalm*

And all tv's are displayed on Vivid/Dynamic in the store except for maybe some demo areas and Magnolia.
Here Here. Would be nice to be able to adjust that kinda stuff.

Yeah, working in Best Buy I can tell you people gravitate towards the super bright oversaturated pictures like moths to a flame. Ugh...I hate working at BBY *facepalm*

And all tv's are displayed on Vivid/Dynamic in the store except for maybe some demo areas and Magnolia.
Ugh I wish they would stop doing that. I really dislike that myself. I admit that's also why I disliked the Samsung phones. Initially they were like "oooh" and after 5 minutes I was tired of the color.

I would love to see a phone in between the MoPho and the 3vo honestly.

The screen isn't horrible to me yet it isn't fantastic. I know others love the screen. I like it... but I also am not a video watcher on the phone. Again I use other things for video. I want the ability while I am out and about, but I rarely use it on a regular basis for video.
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