Android Enthusiast
No we cant use the radio from another device like ours, because the other devices use a sim and or ruim. those dont exist in our device. well it does but it doesnt. The qualcomm modem has the ability to(we think) but foxconn left it out. So we have to look at what ticker guy did in RIL.java and Constant.java and port it into ICS. The only prob after that is gonna be MMS but that another problem for another day. We should all be focusing on that. I am at school but if somebody could take ticker guys intire telphony folder in frameworks/base/ and replace it and build and see what happens. If that fails then we need to hand code some items.
Tickerguy said he was gonna stop buy and make a quick write up on we need to do to get everything going.
Tickerguy said he was gonna stop buy and make a quick write up on we need to do to get everything going.