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Do all smartphones have the option of moving the content of social media content apps like whatsapp to store their content in sd card


Hi, In samsung phones , there is option to move the social web contents app like to store the content to the sd card so that internal storage is not affected .
Is this true for all mobiles . Where do we find the option if it is true.
Normally all android have android versions common to all versions of phones. If there is no option, then how do we make to move the whatsapp contents to sd card in other mobiles
My guess: That's a matter of if the app allows it, not a matter of it the computer (and smartphones are computers) allows it. But that's just a guess.
i think it is smart manager in samsung phones. it prompts you to move the whatsapp contents to sd card. You get a lot of chats including audio videos forwarded flooding the internal space. will it not be a boon to include in all android phones
Most of these apps will store data in an internal database in /data/data/<package_name> (where you can't see it unless you have root). I would actually think it very unlikely that there is any general solution for moving such stuff to SD. WhatsApp is unusual in that it does keep data, media and backups in a relatively accessible location, but I'd not expect this to be possible for most social media apps.

If you have write access to the /android/media/com.whatsapp folder and know how to use a terminal emulator you could try moving directories to SD and then setting up soft links to their new location. If you need more explanation than that, i.e. you aren't fluent with linux filesystems and command lines, then don't try it - doing such things when you don't know exactly what you are doing risks data loss.

As for including features to do this in all Android devices, I don't think there's any hope. For one thing most higher-end Android devices these days don't have SD card slots, so by definition it's not possible for them. For another, the only way something will appear in all Android devices is if it's made part of the base OS, and Google have had little interest in SD storage for many years so that's unlikely to happen.
did you see samsung smart manager. it gives the option to store especially whatsapp contents in sd card. You can access the videos and audios and delete in sd card. the app still works as usual by using internal storage of the apps space.
Hi,Hadron, I also came to know that this feature is not stlll available in whatsapp app which should have a settings to effect.
and whatsapp says it is improving on that.
But why it has not became a regular feature?
You know that whatsapp videos if you have groups would flood internal storage and manually moving videos would only move those videos selected like copy and paste.
But would it not be nice if you allow those features so that you could just delete the contents you do not need to swell up the storage.
or is there any idea , you could give to avoid the internal storage from swelling through the medias
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