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Does anyone have any piercings?


Well-Known Member
Just wondered if anyone on here has any piercings?

I have a 3.2mm Piercing in my earlobe
1.6mm eyebrow piercing
and 1.6mm piercing in my bottom lip

going for my next one on saturday

anyone else?
Just my nose. And my ears (3 in one, 2 in the other), but I don't even wear earrings anymore. Call me crazy, but piercing is scarier to me than tattoos (of which I have many).
I would say piercings are definitely more painful than tattoos, honestly I don't get why people say tattoos are painful. Sure you'll feel a slight sting for several hours depending on how big the area is, but it's not bad at all.

I have my snake bites pierced, and it was pretty painful. But I also have to say it felt so awesome! Yes I am crazy, but I really enjoyed it. :)
see i aint got over the nerves to get a tattoo yet lol

I love the whole process of getting tattooed...from the thinking of what I want and where to put it, to the designing of it with the artist, to the actual act of being tattooed. I get nervous before every one, but it's a little bit of an adrenaline rush to actually get it. The only part I don't like is the part in the healing process when it's all flaky and gross. Wish I could fast forward through that part. LOL
I would say piercings are definitely more painful than tattoos, honestly I don't get why people say tattoos are painful. Sure you'll feel a slight sting for several hours depending on how big the area is, but it's not bad at all.

That depends on what part of your body you're talking about. I have tattoos on my back (3 upper, 2 lower), hip, ankle, wrist and all ten toes. Some of them I barely felt (some of my toes) and some of them I thought I was going to die (hip).
i love getting my piercings

My nwext one is my conch which is right through the think part of the cartlidge

-Both ears
-Both nipples
-Door knocker :cool:

Now that I have a job where I can leave my facial piercings in I am going to get my eyebrow done again and thinking about a labret piercing.

I also have a lot of tattoos and agree, piercing can hurt depending on where it is, and tattoos rarely hurt unless they are right on the bone. Getting tattoos are just more like a bad sun burn to me.
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right now I have both my ear lobes stretched to 00 gauge size (not sure im mm) I also have my rook pierced in a 10g. my next piercing will probably be nipples, then ill be going after my labret and my inner conch probably both at a larger diameter.
I did have three piercings in each ear, but i have let two heal up, also i have two tatoos. The ear piercings didnt bother me and tatoos didnt really apart from the one near my wrist bone but that only ached for a couple of hours :)
Piercings - earlobes (no stretching), cartilage, tongue - none of which hurt

Tattoos - only one that I wanted to die was on my ankle bone, the rest barely felt

One of these days I will get up the nerve for my nipples (and possibly, if really brave, a bit lower). And I keep toying with getting the little one in my nose.
My hip tattoo was THE MOST painful...and my hips are far from bony. Apparently, the skin on your hips is thin, which is why it was so painful. Plus, it took longer to heal. Aside from that, the only one that really hurt was my ankle.
Now that I have a job where I can leave my facial piercings in I am going to get my eyebrow done again and thinking about a labret piercing.

I work in the very conservative world of insurance, so even my nose being pierced raises eyebrows and gets some disapproving looks. Most of my tattoos are easily hidden with clothing and jewelry, though I rarely go out of my way to hide them anymore. I dream of the day I can kiss insurance goodbye and just peddle sex toys full time. :D
i love getting my piercings

My nwext one is my conch which is right through the think part of the cartlidge

I have a friend who has 8 of those in one ear. We always joke that she's going to end up falling to the left due to the weight. I have two piercings in my left ear lobe but I don't wear anything in them anymore.
I work in the very conservative world of insurance, so even my nose being pierced raises eyebrows and gets some disapproving looks. Most of my tattoos are easily hidden with clothing and jewelry, though I rarely go out of my way to hide them anymore. I dream of the day I can kiss insurance goodbye and just peddle sex toys full time. :D

sounds like a great dream goal. me and the GF tried our hand at making blown glass toys (of all kinds dirty and not), not easy at all :( so hurry up out of the insurance world!

on a seperate note, for those who have gotten nipples and other more "intimate" piercings, did you get them down at a shop or by a doctor.
sounds like a great dream goal. me and the GF tried our hand at making blown glass toys (of all kinds dirty and not), not easy at all :( so hurry up out of the insurance world!

on a seperate note, for those who have gotten nipples and other more "intimate" piercings, did you get them down at a shop or by a doctor.

Nipples and "intimate" done at a shop. Nipples are really painful and take a while to heal. I didn't even know doctors did piercings, but even if I did I still would have gone to a shop where it is something they do on a regular basis.
Lobes stretched to 0g, 14g 2nds, 10g cartilage, 12g right nipple.

Retired - left nipple, eyebrow, navel, and another set of lobe piercings.

I have 7 tattoos including a lower back piece.
on a female, it can help with stimulation, also some people report that it helps with milk flow if you are breast feeding.

other than that don;t think so
I had a PA done when i was 19 im 30 now and still love it can leave it out for over a year and then just pop it back in if i feel like, really cool,, i also had my eyebrow pierced when i was 18 but ripped it out on a trampoline OUCH!!
my nipples are not pierced.... and once in a blue moon.. they are more sensitive for some reason, for a whole day. Shirts rub them as I move around all day... it is so freakin annoying!

why would you want that???
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