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.::Droid Incredible Lounge::.

No shit? Which browser? Stock?

I get hulu on stock browser with FrankenROM. Adrynalyne has included a modified Flash.apk as an optional install.

Nope, Dolphin. Skyraider has a Hulu/flash .apk, all you have to do is install it. It's not perfect yet, flash can freeze up sometime and I read some people just have trouble with it. Worked on the first try for me tho.

Both are included as an optional install in FrankenROM also. It does have freeze issues with some flash. Do you know which version of flash comes with Skyraider? The latest Frankenrom has modified for Hulu.
ok that would make sense. I have had 3G working before on stock but I've been messing with a few ROMs this past week. I don't use 3G much at all, so it could have happened at any time.
So will I have a problem calling into CS when I am using a ROM? Or maybe I should try a different ROM and see if I have the same problem.

Since you rooted, I'd try a different ROM, I doubt it's a Verizon network problem if you had 3G before root.
Join the "Bump with Rodney" club!

"My wife said she wanted to spice up our marriage by making love in the back seat of the car, I drove those two around for four hours"
Join the "Bump with Rodney" club!

"My wife said she wanted to spice up our marriage by making love in the back seat of the car, I drove those two around for four hours"
Thanks for the laugh. I'm sick and feel like crap and that made me laugh. lol
So I'm going to try a new ROM..anyone have any suggestions?
I've tried Virtuous, Skyraider and the straight Froyo.
I need my phone to work in case my kid calls sick from school, but other than that I'm open to anything :D
One of my favorites!

AGH theres so many roms I can't decide what to try...I'm going to write them all on a piece of paper and put them in a hat.
Edit: question- can you install sense on a vanilla rom? and I read somewhere you can turn sense off? Anyone know anything about that?
No,:p lol. Was way to tired to attempt it.:D
Stayed up till 830am though, would of made it longer but it was dead as hell in here

Thanks again for the link earlier. I have not had any further issues with the pop-up from VZW.:)

Work at 9 pm? What kind of work do you do if you don't mind me asking?
Thanks again for the link earlier. I have not had any further issues with the pop-up from VZW.:)

Work at 9 pm? What kind of work do you do if you don't mind me asking?

Aircraft maintenance. Delta/comair. Of course i just deals with parts. Nothing like strapping 3 million dollar engines to the back of a flat bed to help ya drive better:D
Depends on the rom, just try SkyRaider, either vanilla or sense. :)
Thats what I have on here right now, and I'm having trouble with the wifi refusing to disconnect. No matter what I use to turn it off it comes back on.
I've already tried Virtuous, plain Froyo and then Skyraider. I like it but I'm trying to figure out why the wifi is acting crazy.
Thats what I have on here right now, and I'm having trouble with the wifi refusing to disconnect. No matter what I use to turn it off it comes back on.
I've already tried Virtuous, plain Froyo and then Skyraider. I like it but I'm trying to figure out why the wifi is acting crazy.

Thats a reason i don't wanna was with root, had so many issues with custom roms on my omnia. There is definitely a trade off. Will just be content with official stuff... for now:p:p:cool:
Aircraft maintenance. Delta/comair. Of course i just deals with parts. Nothing like strapping 3 million dollar engines to the back of a flat bed to help ya drive better:D

Cool. A good friend here in NOLA just moved to Tuscon to start work for Bombardier Aviation. Was working here for Dynacorp at the Belle Chasse La. Naval Air Base.
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