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.::Droid Incredible Lounge::.

I'm here for a bit.. Got home from work, had pasta, watched the Yankees win :D and am now watching Star Trek TNG.
Watched that game too - Yankees almost blew it, but pulled it out in the end.
9000 and boy am I pooped.
We definitely have to have a real party when you hit 10,000! We can all meet in Vegas! :D
Works for me:D
930am bump... and yes i still hate Wednesdays!!
Only 8:30 here. I feel for you
Hump (day) bump!

Just got out of class and bored as hell until work at 530. I started relistening to Panic at the Disco's "Pretty. Odd." album. Im defiantly not into P@TD's first album(WAYYY to much emo whining), but this one is STELLAR. It sounds so much like a modern Beatles album. Very good stuff.
Hump (day) bump!

Just got out of class and bored as hell until work at 530. I started relistening to Panic at the Disco's "Pretty. Odd." album. Im defiantly not into P@TD's first album(WAYYY to much emo whining), but this one is STELLAR. It sounds so much like a modern Beatles album. Very good stuff.
Does your store carry ferrets? The ones here in Utah don't. I currently have 2 (just had one pass away from cancer:().
Does your store carry ferrets? The ones here in Utah don't. I currently have 2 (just had one pass away from cancer:().

Un fortunately nooo. Although our local Petco does...They are so much better than us ha ha.

Im sorry about your's though:(

My GF has two and they are so cool. But they get excited sometimes and nip at my feet.
Im REALLY hoping to hear something new for Verizon at this HTC convention. Im hoping for an incredible HD or Evo version. Im SUPER stoked about getting an HTC Inc, but I would REALLY like to have the latest phone AND HTC :P Sorry, no droid X for me. ITs too...awkward.
Im REALLY hoping to hear something new for Verizon at this HTC convention. Im hoping for an incredible HD or Evo version. Im SUPER stoked about getting an HTC Inc, but I would REALLY like to have the latest phone AND HTC :P Sorry, no droid X for me. ITs too...awkward.

Thanks Rawlings.

I love to travel - I've got to get to the Smithsonian Air and Space soon! I've always been into avionics and rocketry. Sounds like a grand trip:D

One of my predators is in the smithsonian. Signed the inside of the radome.
I've done countless cat n traps on ac carriers having deployed a few times attatched to a cod/c-2 squadron.
A ton of aviation people here.
One of my predators is in the smithsonian. Signed the inside of the radome.
I've done countless cat n traps on ac carriers having deployed a few times attatched to a cod/c-2 squadron.
A ton of aviation people here.

Had to pull 3 or 4 radomes last night....They never fit(or so the mech's claim) Of course they were just for crj's. nothing special. although if im not mistaken those birds share the same engine as an A-10
Had to pull 3 or 4 radomes last night....They never fit(or so the mech's claim) Of course they were just for crj's. nothing special. although if im not mistaken those birds share the same engine as an A-10

On cods they had to be screwed on in a pattern or the holes wouldnt match. WTF the mechs touching it anyways!? We always had to help them in th military!
NKY? Cincy airport?
Un fortunately nooo. Although our local Petco does...They are so much better than us ha ha.

Im sorry about your's though:(

My GF has two and they are so cool. But they get excited sometimes and nip at my feet.
I love 'em they are great! My oldest is going on 7 years now but is still as active as an 8 wk old kitten. They are so smart (and devious). They are always finding new ways to get into trouble:D.
Petco here carries them too. I actually got mine from a local ma & pa shop though. I was impressed with the shop and the staff. The staff appeared to interact with the animals more than those at the large chain stores. The cages were definitely cleaner too. After we got our first one home and really did not have to work with her much to litter train her, we went back 2 months later to get the second (the one that passed away). She also was basically litter trained too. Our youngest (a male) took a little more work and still will not use the litterbox, but he does go on the potty pad that it is sitting on.
It disturbs me to see the ones at Petco in their cages with feces everywhere. I feel they would have a better adoption rate if they would keep the cages cleaner. One of the biggest complaints people have with them is the odor. As long as the cage is clean, the odor isn't bad.
Seriously guys? Am I the only one who LIKES to run?! Ha ha See my problem is that im all weak when it comes to arm muscle and such but Im super fast and have VERY strong legs. Say thank you to skating! :P
Seriously guys? Am I the only one who LIKES to run?! Ha ha See my problem is that im all weak when it comes to arm muscle and such but Im super fast and have VERY strong legs. Say thank you to skating! :P

I love running. I ran four marathons (nyc twice, phila and Jersey). I'm slow, but I'm never as in shape as when I'm running (jogging) long distance.

What happened was that I had foot issues (workable) aaaand bp med (not workable). The meds made me feel drained after 30 to 45 minutes of running and that was it. Yesterday, my doc (also a marathoner) told me to half the bp meds and try runnings again! Yaaaay! So? I began. I'll get back into it easily and wisely. I'm 52 you know.

In fact, I was all over a marathon forum before this. Same username. Perhaps I'll go back and not post so much here anymore ;).

Congratulatons on getting back into running.

Thanks! :)
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