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.::Droid Incredible Lounge::.

Thanks for the kind replies guys. :D

I don't think this change was caused by a single event. Many threads were being created so someone probably brought it up and the admins started thinking about it. It was then decided that all these threads (the big ones, some were closed I believe) were to be moved here.

There was nothing wrong with the threads in the first place, and yes they were made to be mostly off-topic. I guess the admins didn't like where the forum was heading to, so they decided to get everybody to chat in The Lounge.

It was suggested to rename the threads. I personally think it could work... There would be a few "chat threads", but with names not related to the phone. "Chat thread!", "Talking by the water cooler...", "Sit down and grab a drink ;)", "Break room chat!", "The bonfire thread", stuff like that (I just made this up). We'd then see if people prefer one thread or many threads (aka they all die except one or they all stay alive (without posts with only "bump" in them)). Or they all die.

We're probably going to leave it like it is for now. Too much change is never good. ;)
IMO the Lounge forum is a waste.

The Incedible should have its own sub-forum called "Lounge", so should the Droid, the DroidX, Fascinae, etc.

This way you click on a particular phone that you might have, and see the "Lounge" sub-forum listed above.

Easy to find, out of the way, everyone is happy.
or they all stay alive (without posts with only "bump" in them)).

people bump those threads with useless posts in order to keep it at least on first page, so the entire community is aware it is there and they can come chill.

If it was sticky, or a sub-forum listed at the top that wouldnt be an issue.
Anyone else notice that this thread has far more posts than any of the other phone's? Must be the post whoring of Steven, Musky, nmayer, and Goat:D
A very minor (for some) annoyance resulting from the lounge change. I can no longer go up to the top of the page and click on the "HTC Incredible" link to get back to the Incredible forum. Now I have to "search" for it again.:mad:

Anyone else notice that this thread has far more posts than any of the other phone's? Must be the post whoring of Steven, Musky, nmayer, and Goat

And I'll have you know that I pay no attention to my post count and only post relevant (to me) things. I have always said that it's "quality" that counts, not the "quantity" :)
A very minor (for some) annoyance resulting from the lounge change. I can no longer go up to the top of the page and click on the "HTC Incredible" link to get back to the Incredible forum. Now I have to "search" for it again.:mad:

You can edit your favorite forums and you'll have a link on the left of the home page. I use that all the time. ;)
You can edit your favorite forums and you'll have a link on the left of the home page. I use that all the time. ;)

What do you mean by "Home page"? Will it be at the top of any page within the Lounge" thread? :confused:

Forgive my ignorance, but this forum is not laid out like others I'm used to. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Never mind, figured it out. DUHHH
What do you mean by "Home page"? Will it be at the top of any page within the Lounge" thread? :confused:

Forgive my ignorance, but this forum is not laid out like others I'm used to. :rolleyes:

Whenever you are on a page with a list of threads, there is a "Favorite Forums" box on the left of the page. You edit it and check off the forums you want to follow and get to quickly.
I don't THINK you can add individual threads or topics. Just main forums and sub forums.

Yeah, that's what I think to. It's too bad because it would sure save time if you could add individual threads.

Good enough for me.

Of course it's good enough for you, most post hogs don't care where or what thread they post in as long as it counts! :D
Not gonna be able to post much today, busy busy at work. Nmayer thanks for the trade, Cutler looks nice as my QB! Still not sure about this move, but they have my support until they say otherwise..HI everybody! TTYS
Your welcome! How the hell are ya!
That's what she...

Never mind. I'm supposed to be an ordained minister. :p

I agree. The Admins, Mods, and Guides all deserve a hand for the work they do to make AF what it is.
For the small (very) part i play in all this, Thank You
IMO the Lounge forum is a waste.
The Incedible should have its own sub-forum called "Lounge", so should the Droid, the DroidX, Fascinae, etc.
This way you click on a particular phone that you might have, and see the "Lounge" sub-forum listed above.
Easy to find, out of the way, everyone is happy.
I think a sub-forum IN the lounge would be a good idea. The point i would try to make is that there are plenty who don't/can't mesh well with x large amount of users and prefer the smaller though admittedly segregated atmosphere of the device lounges.
If it was sticky, or a sub-forum listed at the top that wouldnt be an issue.
See above^ Never would be there own sub-forum, not for only one thread. And anymore than that would be pointless as well, that is why the Lounge is there:D
And no more sticky's (as i'm hoping you have noticed) any where other than the Global Phone Guide posts in every section now. I see and agree with most of the reasoning in this situation.
Anyone else notice that this thread has far more posts than any of the other phone's? Must be the post whoring of Steven, Musky, nmayer, and Goat:D
:eek::eek: How dare you!!

@Das- not sure how but i know this is ALL your fault. To think i looked up to you......
I'm so disappointed in you
I'm curious as to what prompted a change like this, we had zero bickering or fighting in the Incredible lounge, was this happening a lot in other Lounges?

And i might be willing to sell that particular knowledge for a certain file..;);)
As long as we send it to the instigator of this first:D:D
@Das- not sure how but i know this is ALL your fault. To think i looked up to you......
I'm so disappointed in you

I'd like to think of you as dead too, but I keep seeing you posting everywhere! :eek: We're going to need a few new mods just to keep an eye on you. :p

Oh, and by the way, you do know that one of the preset reasons for an infraction is being disrespectful to a mod? I feel like someone should apologize. :p

Just kidding, as usual. Man, I need a new tea time soon, it's been way too long already.

O yea???


Now that's just rude. :p
Whats up Goat?

I'd like to think of you as dead too, but I keep seeing you posting everywhere! :eek: We're going to need a few new mods just to keep an eye on you. :p

Oh, and by the way, you do know that one of the preset reasons for an infraction is being disrespectful to a mod? I feel like someone should apologize. :p

Just kidding, as usual. Man, I need a new tea time soon, it's been way too long already.

+1 on the tea time, you get to listen to tuesday's podcast? Not that it could compare but might of been a good buffer.
oh and who is being disrespectful to a mod? I will drag them out back for ya if you like! I'm down like that!:rolleyes:
And your right, keeping up with me IS a full time job!!
+1 on the tea time, you get to listen to tuesday's podcast? Not that it could compare but might of been a good buffer.
oh and who is being disrespectful to a mod? I will drag them out back for ya if you like! I'm down like that!:rolleyes:
And your right, keeping up with me IS a full time job!!

I couldn't listen to it live, but I listened to the first half afterwards. No one was being disrespectful, I just wanted to see if you would apologize for no reason. :D

It feels so wrong to chat in The Incredible lounge, a phone which I've never owned. Or touched. Or seen. Sue me. :o I think I'm going to get back to my favorite spam subforum. (if your name is green, you now which one it is :D)
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