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.::Droid Incredible Lounge::.

Umm She was already in Steven, we were voting on whether to keep you or not! :D

Oh, and good morning all!

Yeah, good morning to you. NOT! ;)

So who's excited for Star Wars 3-D?

ME ME MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Steven raises his hand like a nerdy second grader!

How'd I miss this post? I vote yes.

I don't know how you missed it. I had red in it for Pete's sake!

She only gets my vote if she buys me one of these ;)
Buzz Log: Bang! Pow! '60s-Style Batmobile Replicas for Sale

Unrealistic expectation. Women don't buy you things, they spend your money. Don't you know that already? Do I have to teach you EVerything? ;)

I take it you're on the east coast somewhere?

Well someone needs to buy me that stuff! And I thought it was just the wives that spend the money? Not online personalities that want to join our boy's club? ;)
Whoa I had a lot of catching up to do... well I dont belong in a boys club, I dominate them, lol... and yep, I have been cooking and baking since I was 12, even went to culinary arts school for a bit. ask around, I am constantly being begged to make my Chocolate chip cookies, banana bread, Key Lime Cheese Cake, and various other things. Every Christmas I spend hours upon hours in my kitchen baking, cooking, and making chocolates. When my kids take lunches to school, other kids offer to buy the stuff off them, this is no joke. you would think these kids never have handmade foods at home. Im also pretty good at making Japanese Curry, Indian Curries, Mexican foods, Italian foods, and various other things. I have the coveted invention cookbook that I wrote, with everything I make up, and my kids are fighting over who gets it when I die, lol Enough about me for now... I want to talk about a few other topics in a few minutes. Hey thank you for the votes, gosh I love to torture men, and will be thrilled to fulfill that duty! :p *evil laughter*
I haven't heard about it. But it is Star Wars:D

They are re-releasing both trilogies in theaters in 3-d starting with episode 1. ROTJ will have a new scene (actual cutting room floor footage). Not too sure because this means after a Blu-Ray release in 2011 they will have a BR 3-D release after the theater run...
They are re-releasing both trilogies in theaters in 3-d starting with episode 1. ROTJ will have a new scene (actual cutting room floor footage). Not too sure because this means after a Blu-Ray release in 2011 they will have a BR 3-D release after the theater run...
Yeah, after your post, I had to look it up. Looks like he is going to release them in the proper order chronologically.
Umm She was already in Steven, we were voting on whether to keep you or not! :D

Oh, and good morning all!
So who's excited for Star Wars 3-D?
Do you really have to ask!!
Changed my mind, she needs to buy me one of these

Movie Talk: Real-Life 'Iron Man' Mechanical Suit Unveiled
Put me down for one!!
Whoa I had a lot of catching up to do... well I dont belong in a boys club, I dominate them, lol... and yep, I have been cooking and baking since I was 12, even went to culinary arts school for a bit. ask around, I am constantly being begged to make my Chocolate chip cookies, banana bread, Key Lime Cheese Cake, and various other things. Every Christmas I spend hours upon hours in my kitchen baking, cooking, and making chocolates. When my kids take lunches to school, other kids offer to buy the stuff off them, this is no joke. you would think these kids never have handmade foods at home. Im also pretty good at making Japanese Curry, Indian Curries, Mexican foods, Italian foods, and various other things. I have the coveted invention cookbook that I wrote, with everything I make up, and my kids are fighting over who gets it when I die, lol Enough about me for now... I want to talk about a few other topics in a few minutes. Hey thank you for the votes, gosh I love to torture men, and will be thrilled to fulfill that duty! :p *evil laughter*
Words, words, words.... is that all you do?!?! Besides were busy in here trying to decide if we should let a pretty girl stick around in here:rolleyes:
They are re-releasing both trilogies in theaters in 3-d starting with episode 1. ROTJ will have a new scene (actual cutting room floor footage). Not too sure because this means after a Blu-Ray release in 2011 they will have a BR 3-D release after the theater run...
Thats Lucas for ya.... anything to make an extra buck. BTW, i'd cut off my..... arm to get into Skywalker ranch!!

Steven/Goat yall see the hornets nest i stirred up in guide central?? LOL Been a interesting morning!!

Steven/Goat yall see the hornets nest i stirred up in guide central?? LOL Been a interesting morning!!

tsk, tsk, tsk, you should be ashamed ;) j/k really the guy obviously had issues with his position and you helped him realize that it wasn't for him. You weren't the bad guy at all.
But I went back and read all of that...My problem is that it seems like we are in state of suspended animation. Like I know she loves me, and I love her, but throughout these last 10 months, it seems like we have learned and grown together, and now I feel like we are just standing still. I want to grow, and I want to learn more. I dunno, we are both VERY different people when it comes to talking about things too. She is VERY introverted and im VERY extroverted, so naturally I want to talk about everything and be reassured that everything is fine. And she just doesnt want to talk at all(not just to me, but EVERYONE). Which is probably WHY I start fights, I just want some kind of reaction. Thats a terrible way to do it, but it sucks going through your relationship feeling like your always second to something or someone, even when you know your not.

I dunno, I think Im just VERY insecure, and I think thats all rooted in the fact that I have been HUGE for most of my life. I topped out at 265 pounds a couple years ago, and now Im down to 170ish. You would THINK that would help with my insecurity. And it has, but I still have that "fat brain" and as such, need a lot more reassurance than the average person.

hmmmm okay, heres what I wanted to get back to... after I read your post, I thought I might have a speak with you.

There comes a point in a great many relationships when things become well comfortable... so comfortable in fact, there isnt much talking or whatever going on... its like every thing has already been said. I dont know what type of person I am, but I can let you know from my own life experience what is going on in my mind. Im an odd one. I can relate with you a a few points, so let me just tell you a story and see if it gives you any insight on relationships, and what a woman may be thinking.

Im one of those women that just cant figure out what they want.... sometimes I want nothing but silence, to live a comfortable existence with the person I am next to. Other times I need excitement, adventure, I need to travel, and be away from everyone, and just say F You to the world.. to use a man, and leave in the middle of the night. Or just to have a friend, someone to tell all my secrets to... not a lover, but a friend. Other times, I just want to be alone... in my own mind, in my own room, reading a book, not talking, not doing anything but living my books world.

Its hard being 36, and sill not knowing where I should be, who I should be, what I want to be, who I want to be with, if anyone at all.

10 months is kind of early to be going into this rut, but let me tell you starting a fight wont make it better.... if anything, she will pull further away from you... I know this, I live this. Im at the "I dont like to go out and do things with people, because I dont feel good about myself, but I have an easier time talking on the internet." Points of my life.

Maybe she is feeling insecure herself, and wants to go into her own mind to think about it. Maybe you need to make a different sort of move. Write her a small love note, and put it in her lunch, leave it in her car, on top of her pillow... somewhere, but dont make it sound desperate or stalkerish.... a nice "I was thinking of you" and set a hershey's kiss or something next to it. Make her dinner, but dont ask for her thanks or anything in return... do it just because. Bake her some brownies, and cut one in the shape of a heart and serve it to her with vanilla ice cream and whipped topping. Small things, never ask for anything in return. Ask her if she would like to see a movie at the cheap theater, see if she wants to play a video game with you, do something she enjoys. Ask her if she wants a girls night out... but dont push her. you are pushing her, and she is pushing back.

The weight and insercurity.... hehehehehe very touchy subject for me. As a child growing up, I was a little on the pudgy side... nothing big.. just kinda cute and pudgy. My dad called me ham hock, and cow, and fatty.... until I turned 13 and couldnt take it anymore... suicide attempts and my parents never noticed... so finally I starved myself. I became quite the pretty girl, I became popular among the boys, I felt on top of the world. Of course it probably helped that I wasnt into girly crap... I like dirt bikes, quads, Dungeons and Dragons, Street Racing, Video Games, and various other boy activities, lol (still do)... anyhow... I got pregnant at the age of 18, and got fat all over again. I have been struggling since... funny how I can lose weight when I feel pretty, but since I never feel pretty I seem to have a bit of a tough time. I understand about insecurity. You made it though! I dont know if you can lose that fat brain mentality, but Im thinking it isnt a weight thing that is getting between you two.... tell you what, instead of picking a fight, take a jog, or a walk. Be there if she needs you, but dont be in her face.... you know? Meh, not sure if I made any sense, but at least I wrote a book for ya! lol ;)
^^^^^ well said.

And I just realized it looks like we lost KillaDanny in the move...

Whats going on? is there a fight somewhere? who is killaDanny? Will Perry and Doofenschmirtz ever be friends? Will Ferb get the girl? Do women really eat bon bons all day? Will Haruka ever let her harem boys out of the dungeon? Find out all this and more later on this evening at the All Male Exclusive Incredible Lounge!
Whats going on? is there a fight somewhere? who is killaDanny? Will Perry and Doofenschmirtz ever be friends? Will Ferb get the girl? Do women really eat bon bons all day? Will Haruka ever let her harem boys out of the dungeon? Find out all this and more later on this evening at the All Male Exclusive Incredible Lounge!

KillaDanny was a regular poster aroung these parts up until the lounge got moved into the lounge sub-forum. And Perry and Doofenshmirtz are colleauges and that respect is greater than any real friendship. Ferb will eventually get the girl. And women don't eat Bon Bons all day they pace themselves and save it for Oprah. Thank god I'm nowhere near the dungeon, sounds like canned sausage.
KillaDanny was a regular poster aroung these parts up until the lounge got moved into the lounge sub-forum. And Perry and Doofenshmirtz are colleauges and that respect is greater than any real friendship. Ferb will eventually get the girl. And women don't eat Bon Bons all day they pace themselves and save it for Oprah. Thank god I'm nowhere near the dungeon, sounds like canned sausage.
His last post here was on the 15th and in all of AF it looks like the 16th. Wonder where he's been?
Took me all day to figure out where the character in you new Avvy was from! Just realized it was from Farscape! Watched a couple of episodes, never got into it100% though.
Took me all day to figure out where the character in you new Avvy was from! Just realized it was from Farscape! Watched a couple of episodes, never got into it100% though.
I loved that show. I have every episode on DVD. I named my home network UnchartedTerritories and all my devices are named after characters.
I actually caught a few episodes after the main character and the chick (forgot their names) moved over to SG-1, liked what I saw but episodes were so sporatic on SyFy I kinda forgot about the show
I actually caught a few episodes after the main character and the chick (forgot their names) moved over to SG-1, liked what I saw but episodes were so sporatic on SyFy I kinda forgot about the show
John Crichton and Aeryn Sun. I'd forgotten that Ben Browder and Claudia Black were cast on Stargate. In fact the 200th episode of SG1 included a parody of Farscape. Loved Stargate too.
I havent watched either of those shows yet, I have been watching Babylon 5 again, I loved it way back when, and um *blush* The newer Doctor Who... Not many people like the british shows, but I like a few like the I.T Crowd and such. Is battlestar gallactica any good? I want to see that too. Netflix rocks!
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