ooooo you mean Im number one? Im special? ohhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaeeeehhhhh You know, Im so bored, that I started taping little stuffed animals to my mac.... My kids are fighting over the TV.. one wants to play uncharted, one wants to play Modern Warfare 2, the dog is barking, and the dishwasher just finished. My 9 year old just called my 17 year old an F Nugget, and then she said "you are a Sugar Honey Iced Tea Bag", and then the 17 year old says, "what you like to get tea bagged?"
Well at least they are getting along. lol
I went over to the HTC EVO lounge thing again, and I was thinking about maybe going to thier side for a bit, but really, I feel too shy to do that... they seem so...... serious.
Also I really want to find out the name of this one song I posted about yesterday, and I do hope people post at my other thread about exercise music. *hint Hint*
So........... have all the votes been tallyed? am I welcome here? *cutey pie big green eyes face*