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.::Droid Incredible Lounge::.

Pretty soon, I'll be the number one human poster, then soon after that, I'll be the top poster human or bot. I guess I can settle down after that, and relax. Maybe take a day or two off. I'm going on vacay the week after next, maybe I'll take an AF vacation?
Maybe not, but you kept the top of the page away from Steven! This is one of our main goals around here! :D

ooooo you mean Im number one? Im special? ohhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaeeeehhhhh You know, Im so bored, that I started taping little stuffed animals to my mac.... My kids are fighting over the TV.. one wants to play uncharted, one wants to play Modern Warfare 2, the dog is barking, and the dishwasher just finished. My 9 year old just called my 17 year old an F Nugget, and then she said "you are a Sugar Honey Iced Tea Bag", and then the 17 year old says, "what you like to get tea bagged?"

Well at least they are getting along. lol

I went over to the HTC EVO lounge thing again, and I was thinking about maybe going to thier side for a bit, but really, I feel too shy to do that... they seem so...... serious.

Also I really want to find out the name of this one song I posted about yesterday, and I do hope people post at my other thread about exercise music. *hint Hint*

So........... have all the votes been tallyed? am I welcome here? *cutey pie big green eyes face*
ooooo you mean Im number one? Im special? ohhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaeeeehhhhh You know, Im so bored, that I started taping little stuffed animals to my mac.... My kids are fighting over the TV.. one wants to play uncharted, one wants to play Modern Warfare 2, the dog is barking, and the dishwasher just finished. My 9 year old just called my 17 year old an F Nugget, and then she said "you are a Sugar Honey Iced Tea Bag", and then the 17 year old says, "what you like to get tea bagged?"

Well at least they are getting along. lol

I went over to the HTC EVO lounge thing again, and I was thinking about maybe going to thier side for a bit, but really, I feel too shy to do that... they seem so...... serious.

Also I really want to find out the name of this one song I posted about yesterday, and I do hope people post at my other thread about exercise music. *hint Hint*

So........... have all the votes been tallyed? am I welcome here? *cutey pie big green eyes face*

I must have missed the post about the song, because I'm pretty good at coming up with titles. How does it go?

So........... have all the votes been tallyed? am I welcome here?

I'm afraid that's up to Steven, he owns us all! But you have my vote! :)
okay the song is probably in the genre of punk, its by a male band, from the 80's or 90's, and in the video they have people standing there with words on poster boards, and they throw them behind them once the word was said in the song... I thought it was its the end of the world by REM, but I watched the video, and never saw the poster board people.

Also I think by now, I own Yoda, and Darth, lol *gathers up whips*
Click the number under replies

I never knew that!! I know if you hold the mouse over the
it will tell you, your way is a lot cooler though

You mean that little report button?
This makes my 313th post in this thread, a little under half my total:D

Thanks! Steven is number one (Big surprise) but you and I are about 4 apart! :D

I can't figure out what you mean by the way you do it. I can't see that little icon you posted anywhere. :confused:
When I just looked, you were tied. I'm fifth on the list:eek:, didn't think I spent that much time in here.
okay the song is probably in the genre of punk, its by a male band, from the 80's or 90's, and in the video they have people standing there with words on poster boards, and they throw them behind them once the word was said in the song... I thought it was its the end of the world by REM, but I watched the video, and never saw the poster board people.

Also I think by now, I own Yoda, and Darth, lol *gathers up whips*

Well, you can't own a Borg because we feel sex is irrelevant. Click on my signature to listen to our philosophy.

Do you remember any of the song's lyrics?
Well, you can't own a Borg because we feel sex is irrelevant. Click on my signature to listen to our philosophy.

Do you remember any of the song's lyrics?

Oh I am well aware of the Borgs way of life, lol... Sex isnt any fun for me anyways. I much prefer to go about things in a much different way.

I cannot remember a single lyric from the song. :(
Oh I am well aware of the Borgs way of life, lol... Sex isnt any fun for me anyways. I much prefer to go about things in a much different way.

I cannot remember a single lyric from the song. :(

So you just enjoy the masochism without the rewards, huh? :(
I must be going about sex the wrong way, because it really isnt all that fun for me, lol

I was just referring to your "dominatrix" comments, and your avatar. Those things are no fun without sex. You have five kids, you must have enjoyed some of that? :)
Maybe not, but you kept the top of the page away from Steven! This is one of our main goals around here! :D

Nice! What have the I every done to you to deserve this? When YOU were hurting, I wiped your tear! Remember?

RIGHT! and do what? You know you don't have a life outside of AF! LOL

Got that right!

So........... have all the votes been tallyed? am I welcome here? *cutey pie big green eyes face*

You were welcome from the very beginning! :D Can I have a cookie now? :)
Nice! What have the I every done to you to deserve this? When YOU were hurting, I wiped your tear! Remember?

Yes, but if I didn't have you to mess with, what would I do here? LOL
I was just referring to your "dominatrix" comments, and your avatar. Those things are no fun without sex. You have five kids, you must have enjoyed some of that? :)

Oh yes I have Dom tendacies... I guess... hmmmmm how to put it? I dont feel pretty enough to have sex these days. I feel like Im not good enough to really put myself out there, so I prefer the imaginary sex world... Im not sure if I am making myself clear... uuuuhhhhh hmmmm...... well I guess If I felt I were beautiful enough, I would totally be doing all these things I speak of... I wouldnt really hurt anyone, but on the inside I crave adventure, on the outside, Im just a mom, doing the old house slave thing, and frankly, it doesnt turn me on. and so I prefer not to have sex... did I explain properly? not sure. im not offended dont worry, there are some things that offend me... people intentionally being mean, certain words, my 17 year old son. heh.

Skorpios1027: You are very close!!!! that isnt the song, but the people in the video were doing something similar to what going on here. Im thinking of a late 80's early 90's song I think.
OMG YES YES YES!!!!!! this is it! Oh Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!!!

I have baked you an oreo cream cake for your efforts!!!!


Also I went around and thanked people for any comments I liked so far in this thread, lol... *giggle bounce*
Do itashi mashite.

MMMM oreo cream cake:D
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