Afternoon everybody! How was everyone's Thanksgiving and all? I had a very busy Trukey day, started it by getting up early (8am, early for me

) going and playing some football, getting home and watching football, then went over to my Dad's for the family get together, ate myself stupid, hung out and then the wife and I left the kids at my dad's and proceeded to sit in line at Toys R Us. Bad idea. We waited in the cold in a line about a 1000 strong all for the sake of getting our kids some nive gifts at a cheap price. It was interesting to say the least. i managed to get my 12 yr old that cheapy Sylvania Android tab ( he wanted an Ipad or G-tab, but I don't have one yet so he's gonna have to deal

) I plan on rooting it and gonna try to overclock it for him. After we were done at TRU, around 1:30 am we went to Walmart to get a few discount items, mostly blu ray movies and some toys. When we finished there around 2:30 my wife decided to check out Kohls and I had to go back to TRU for the 5 am sales. Got what I needed there and then went to Best Buy to pick up a video game (my toy

). After being awake for 22 hours we finally were able to go to bed at 6. Got 2 hours of sleep in before my 10 month old daughter woke up. Fun. Spent the rest of the day relaxing and Saturday night we went to the Christmas light parade in downtown Tempe, the kids had a good time and really enjoyed it. Spent yesterday watching football and this morning I had to attend my Dad's business partner's (and overall great guy) mother funeral. Strange long weekend for me. Now I have to try and get back into the work groove!