Good for you! I'd been smoking for nearly 30 years and though I'd cut way down by the time I got into vaping, I just couldn't quit.
19 years for me and so far this chantix is something else, after a week i started smoking a little less, then the dose went up and now if i smoke i get sick to my stomach. Yesterday i smoked one on the drive to work and one on the drive home... that was it. I regretted it both times. I can't help but smoke when i drive, it sucks. I didn't smoke on the way to work today and i wanted to BAD!! Haven;t had one yet today ands it 1130pm but i'm stuck at work till 730am. Only when i have to drive is it hard though, Not sure if i gonna make it all night..... I'll be happy if i can just smoke less than i did yesterday though, come to think of it i had one right before bed so i smoked 3 yesterday......
Plus initial perscription with my insurance was 36 dollars and with a coupon from chantix site for $30 off i paid 6 bucks. Su[pposed to take it for 6 months though