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.::Droid Incredible Lounge::.

I used to do a lot of carving too! Made some nice tabacco pipes :) I really enjoy wood working

I've carved a couple of pipes. That's some hard wood now.. I'm here to tell ya. I finally turned my belt sander upside down and adjusted the front roller so that about half of the sanding belt was running beyond the front and back rollers. So, instead of carving, I actually sanded a couple of pipes. That's right.. I cheated.

Last year I had the opportunity to view a collection of carved Christmas gnomes and santas. I knew the carver most all of my live.. he was a friend of my father. I now take care of his widow's estate and was invited to see this man's work. I was blown away. I will do my best to get some pics next xmas season when she will again have them on display. This guy took up carving in his senior years just for fun... and oh what a talent! It was immediately obvious that his calling was carving and he spent his life doing a mundane job 8-5 when he should have been capturing his mind's eye in wood.
I would love to see them olbriar!! :D

I'm betting she'll have them out come Christmas. They are all Santa like carvings. I'll be certain to get a pic or two. I've been upset that I blew the opportunity last year. These carvings are so incredibly cool. I would love to be that talented at something... anything.
Hey all! Been a while! Work been killing me (at least I am working ;) ).

Olbriar, that is some amazing work. I absolutely LOVE well made woodwork, though I was never any good at it, I was much better at metal.

Glad tou hear that you have something going NA. Take what you can get and keep looking - there's something out there that will fill your need.

BBK - good to see ya man!
Great to see you again Skorp! Working is a good thing... sorry it's killing yas. That's the way of construction. You are either working day and night in a feeble attempt to pacify your clients or you are sitting home with no work in sight. Busy is much better :)
Well, today I will be taking the plunge into the tablet word. I'm going to be ordering a Galaxy Note 10.1. Looking forward to playing with it.
I was right there ready to buy a tablet when the old school in me reared it's ugly head and I purchased a laptop instead. Nothing fancy and close to the same price.
I'm not saying I made the right decision.. just stating fact. I was looking at the Note. It is a sweet machine. I hope it's a great tool. I KNOW it has to be more fun that my laptop :)
I should have the beast tomorrow evening and then I can start playing with it. One thing I'm curious about, I have a Samsung Smart TV, and the manual for the Note sounded like it can replace my remote for it and even other devices. That would be pretty cool. Guess I'll find out how well that works. Really getting excited to play with it. It's like Christmas when I was a kid! :D
That's cool. New toys are always fun. They are especially fun when it's something you just WANT and not something you really have to have. I hope it's all and more than you anticipate. Do share all the neat stuff about it... let me know what I'm missing. I love my new laptop but it's... well you know. It's a laptop.
Well, so far it's pretty awesome. Haven't taken any notes yet, that's Tuesday. The screen size is great for search and find games. :)
My Incredible went back into service today. My youngest daughter's phone went down today and we fired up my baby. She was ready to rock and roll and oddly enough, the battery from last November was almost at full charge. She hasn't put it down since we got it online. The Dinc has found a new appreciation after an eleven month rest. My daughter (21) has owned at least four if not five phones but she is in love with the Dinc. Imagine that. :)
Well, so far it's pretty awesome. Haven't taken any notes yet, that's Tuesday. The screen size is great for search and find games. :)

I was just wondering if you got that bad boy and if you were so wrapped up in it that you forgot about us little guys that were interested lol.
That's great! Man I hope you love it.
I was just wondering if you got that bad boy and if you were so wrapped up in it that you forgot about us little guys that were interested lol.
That's great! Man I hope you love it.

Sorry, I have been a bit preoccupied. However, I'll definitely keep you all informed as I learn more.
That sounds neat. I'm guessing it can transcribe that into typed text so that it can be saved?

I'm not sure if I can turn it to text after the fact. I'll have to check that. The two modes I've played with are the simple handwriting, and the handwriting to text. What the second one does is delay a little after you stop writing and then turn what you wrote into typed text.

I can save the notes natively to the app, which let's me edit them later on, or I can export them to either .PDF or .jpg. the couple I've done have exported as an image in the .PDF, rather than as selectable text. I haven't exported one with all typed text though, they've been either all handwriting or mixed.

Looks like I have more playing to do to answer these questions! :)
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