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.::Droid Incredible Lounge::.

Damn! That's awesome.

Our airline did get shut down finally about a month ago.

Finally got a real IT job though at a bank. Not quite full time but it's paying the bills (so far)

Hey, you can't complain about that these days! So many people out of work.

I remembered you worked for an airline, but I thought you still had some time before it ended. I guess I've been gone longer then I thought! LOL
Hey, you can't complain about that these days! So many people out of work.

I remembered you worked for an airline, but I thought you still had some time before it ended. I guess I've been gone longer then I thought! LOL

It HAS been awhile! lol

But yea, Comair is officially not operational any more. They are still doing finally cleanup and selling all inventory though
So my sister in law came over today with a boot looping phone. Tried charging it. Didn't work. Gave up and booted into hboot and tried a system reboot from there. Didn't work. Pulled battery again and told her that I was going to try one more thing but she couldn't get mad .....she said 'I don't care, just make it work please'.....hboot and factory reset got the little bugger to work. Yay!!!! (She has no contacts though cause she didn't sync to her gmail account and doesn't back anything up). But she is up and running!
So my sister in law came over today with a boot looping phone. Tried charging it. Didn't work. Gave up and booted into hboot and tried a system reboot from there. Didn't work. Pulled battery again and told her that I was going to try one more thing but she couldn't get mad .....she said 'I don't care, just make it work please'.....hboot and factory reset got the little bugger to work. Yay!!!! (She has no contacts though cause she didn't sync to her gmail account and doesn't back anything up). But she is up and running!

Congrats! Always nice to save a phone from the graveyard.
I seem to be back in the land of DInc. I've missed it! I'm running unrevoked on my daughters soon to be new phone. Last time I ran it on a Mac which was definitely easier. This time just took more reading.

Congrats on your 1,000th post Rawlings!!
I seem to be back in the land of DInc. I've missed it! I'm running unrevoked on my daughters soon to be new phone. Last time I ran it on a Mac which was definitely easier. This time just took more reading.

Congrats on your 1,000th post Rawlings!!

The high today was 81 degrees... it's still in the mid seventies now. Sunday's low is supposed to be in the mid twenties... sheesh. It's a good thing I'm flexible.
The high today was 81 degrees... it's still in the mid seventies now. Sunday's low is supposed to be in the mid twenties... sheesh. It's a good thing I'm flexible.

I laugh watching your temperature swings....I thought we were bad.
I laugh watching your temperature swings....I thought we were bad.

This time of year it's common to have a pair of shorts and a muscle shirt as well as a sweat shirt and coat in my work truck. T-shirt and jeans will be a good guess to start off most days but one should be prepared. ;)
We got around 6 to 8 inches here. My 6 year old got to make his first snowman of the season.

Edit: I am, of course, referring to snow.

I can't say much other than, "I received something new and exciting from HTC"

DYING to share it, unfortunately there is this little pesky NDA, :)
I couldn't help but pop in when I saw this baby was resurrected. :D

I have fond memories of rooting this phone. I was in IRC when they got it done. Dual race condition adb hack. Very inconsistent, I tried dozens of times before it finally worked. Ahh the good old days of standing on one leg with fingers crossed and saying a prayer. Good times.
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