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Droid X - Real World Battery Life Reports, Please

Well mine varies greatly on how I use it.

Last night I was on wifi for hours while on 2 calls (over 40 minutes each) with BT on. GPS on but not active.

Surfing, talking etc. Unplugged that morning at 7:40, still had 30% on meter at 10:30 PM (15 hours).

BTW I started using weatherbug lite for weather. I use the DX news application. I turned off live wallpaper. And I have let it die once, to calibrate the battery meter (only need to do it once and it doesn't completely kill the battery).

Without heavy use, I can easily get 20+ hours. I also use Automatic Task Killer, not advanced. it if pretty light duty and seems to allow good sleep habits.

EDIT: I also use Auto brightness. No issues
I get at least a full 24 hours with very moderate use (sending and receiving texts all throughout the day every couple minutes), with a bunch of self-updating widgets, and the occasional app and bit of videos and browsing. Wi-Fi off, GPS off, "Night-Time Battery Saver" mode, running Froyo. Also, my screen brightness is completely down which I noticed gave a rather good boost to battery life. The screen is very nice so if you're inside, you can see everything clearly and is actually really easy on the eyes. I feel like I'm looking at the sun if it's on automatic brightness.

I am actually very satisfied with the battery, although I do end up charging it everyday around the same time which is completely fine.
I am not sure...I know for sure the last time it was plugged in....I know there are apps to do both...but I can tell you that I know for sure, this is the best battery life of any smart phone I have had....And I was really afraid of that because of the big screen, but it doesn't necessarily suck your battery life as long as you don't spend 4 hours a day without letting it turn off...

Whats amazing about this, I posted in a thread last month about battery life.


I had 20 hrs unplugged, 60% battery left. If I woulda kept using my phone like I this, I shoulda went 2 days before the battery died.
I know the X can go days on just standby, no use....and with Airplane mode OFF..lol After that post with me barely using my phone, I started using it more:


I had 5% battery left, my screen was on for 4 hours...I lasted for 1 day and 5 hours. Before that post I was barely using my phone.

It took me 9 hrs to use up the remaining 55% of the battery going from lite to medium, hard use.

So maybe using it hard from the get go, it might not last a day. Using mine lite and then medium, hard it lasted 1 day 5 hrs and was at 5%.

For my normal use I can get 1 day and some hours outta the battery.

And comparing it to the Inc, HTC musta been drinking. Cuz the Inc shipped with the smallest battery of any recent phone. Even the Droid 1 came with a bigger battery.... only 100 mAh more but still its more than the Inc battery.

The Inc battery shipped at 1300 mAh, the Droid 1 at 1400 mAh, the X at 1540 mAh. Out the gate the Inc battery life was handicapped.
The screen is big and bright. Turn it down if you need to conserve battery life. Turn off GPS if you do not need it and conserve battery life. Space out app updating to conserve battery life.

Or do what I do and carry a USB cord everywhere I go to top off. ;) Keep a dock on my desk at work, and a standard AC at home.
I have the Incredible, and the battery life on the X is about the same. I use ATK and if I have it on "aggressive" I can get more battery life, but it kills apps that I need too often, so I have ATK set on "safe". I keep wifi and GPS off mostly. Basically, if you use the phone (web, games, mp3, etc) it will suck the battery down pretty fast. Just like the Incredible.
I had the Incredible and I switched it for the X. The battery life on my Incredible was HORRIBLE, even after the bump charge. It was about the same as a Storm. The X battery for me is supreme. It is one of my favorite aspects with the phone. I do plan on getting the extended as well.

I am a HEAVY user, I'm up early in the morning. I text, gchat, all day. I use latitude, have my GPS on most of the day. I surf all day long. I take notes etc on my phone use my calendar, make phone calls (rare I know lol). But very heavy usage.

On a typical work day with my Incredible I'd be up at 330AM it would last me if I was lucky till 930AM.

With my X on a typical work day, up at 330AM it will last me all day. At LEAST till 4PM.

Now not on a work day (I'm on my phone non stop at work), on a school day where it's a little less. My X lasts me +24 hours.

These are my current stats:
20h 40m 12s since unplugged at 20%.

Display 43%
Cell Standby 27%
Voice calls 26%
Phone idle 5%.

I do use Battery Saver Mode while at work and at school, but I do use Performance Mode every other time.

I get even better than this normally but I didn't do a full charge on it the last time I charged it.

I can't even IMAGINE the pros on the extended battery on the X.


PS: I blame the processor on the Incredible.
Today was a fairly heavy use day for me and my X. I unplugged it at 9am and biked to work. I spent a lot of time today pitting my phone against my coworker's iPhone. I turned up the brightness all the way for a while and let him play around with Swype. Later we went to lunch. I used Yelp to find the place and used the navigation to get us there. Later I let him browse the web and try out Flash (which he admitted was fantastic). Later I showed some other coworkers a bunch of Double Rainbow videos with the youtube client. Got back home at 6pm, battery is at 50%. That means 9 hours to go to 50%, not bad for a heavy use day.
mine spends the night on a home media dock then is in a car dock for my 15 ride to work. So I get to work with 100%. I worked 12 hours today with about 30 minutes of cell talk time, emails and texts probably every 30 minutes and then back on the car dock for 15 minutes to home at around 8PM. Now it's been used for wifi and we for 30 minutes or so and I am still at 80% or so easy. I even used my phone all day last week, then used it to wifi tether a macbook for about an hour session of skype on the laptop.... I was in the orange after that but hey that is pretty darn good and WOW how great is technology now...
The phone said "1d 19h 38m 5s since unplugged" when the 5% battery warning sounded. This is with Froyo and the extended battery.
it took a good month before my battery life improved.
it is much better now. i can get through a full day with normal usage.
(normal for me is a couple calls. web for awhile. apps for awhile. txting a good bit, email a good bit)
6am to 11pm (30% left)

battery used to be bad. granted i use to use it a ton.
I've had the Incredible and now have the X. They're about the same, for me anyway. I got 17 hours out of my x yesterday with normal usage. 30 min talk, bunch of web browsing, lots of texts. 20% battery when I plugged it in to go to bed.
7am-11pm. Leaves me with about 10% battery with the extended battery. My cell stand by runs about 15-19% because of signal issues inside my building where I work (all of us have the same issue).

I saw someone else mention a 27% cell standby. That is a huge battery drain right there.

I have found that Froyo gets me better life as well. About 10% better.

Co-worker of mine has the Incredible. She had to buy the Seidio 3500 MAH extended battery to get through the day. Battery life on her phone is a lot worse than mine. But her cell stand by runs almost double here at work too. and she has signal issues outside the building as well, where I don't.
When I started this thread, I was considering the move from the Incredible to the Droid X. I obviously made the move. I will add the following now that I've had the X for 3 weeks or so now...

Battery life is somewhat improved over the Dinc... but not by that much. It has improved over time after a few full cycles. I know what they say about L-Ion batteries but every damn one of them I've had in every phone got better life after a few cycles.

As it goes now, I browse a little, play a couple of short games, send a few text messages and emails, and perhaps make 15 minutes or so of phone calls on a daily basis.

I'm easily in the 60-70% when I get home at 6pm or so and I pull it off the charger at 6:30AM. So... I'm guessing with my current usage that I'd easily make it 24 hours with light to moderately light usage.

That said, here's where I see the WORST drain on the battery:

GPS navigation makes the battery go down FAST (insert cheap hooker joke here)
Games like tower defense and robo defense eat up cpu cycles and keep the screen on.
NFL Mobile

And basically anything else that is cpu intensive and keeps the screen on. Honestly, though, your phone is a small laptop at that point and you can't expect 24 hours of operation under those circumstances.

One last note: Radio Signal has a HUGE, (very huge) overall effect on battery life. If I'm in a room where I'm just getting a signal and it is dropping in and out, my phone burns up the battery much faster than if I have a strong signal all day.... If my signal remains strong, battery life is really solid. I'm guessing that signal strength, more than anything, is responsible for the wide variety of reported battery life scenarios...
One last note: Radio Signal has a HUGE, (very huge) overall effect on battery life. If I'm in a room where I'm just getting a signal and it is dropping in and out, my phone burns up the battery much faster than if I have a strong signal all day.... If my signal remains strong, battery life is really solid. I'm guessing that signal strength, more than anything, is responsible for the wide variety of reported battery life scenarios...

This generally means the phone is to switch between the two antennas which does eat up battery.

But all in all, smartphones use battery, its the nature of it and the negative side to a 1ghz processor, and a 4.3" screen.

But in my opinion, its is definitely worth it.
14:30 since last unplugged. Pretty heavy use browsing, videos, and about an hour of talk time. Currently at 30%
MY incredible with the 1750mah battery got better battery life then my x for a while until I rooted ad got got froyo and now the battery life is amazing, I can get through every day fine without having to charge other then over night and I am a heavy user.
My wife is on day 4 without charging - she said it's at 20%.

I told her she needs to start using the darn thing more, but when she works 10 hours a day she is constantly bugged by people and can't. :(

I use mine to stream music/xm radio all day and I can barely make it through a 9 hour shift. But, I'm lucky and can just keep it going off the wall plug the entire time I'm at work.
I use mine to stream music/xm radio all day and I can barely make it through a 9 hour shift. But, I'm lucky and can just keep it going off the wall plug the entire time I'm at work.

I stream XM all day too. I unplug around 6am, start listening to XM around 8am and it starts bugging me to chrage it around 2pm and I plug it into the USB. It's usually fully charged by the time I unplug at 4pm to go home.

I haven't really had a "normal" day where I don't find myself streaming XM, so it's really hard for me to gauge.
Extended battery (especially with the discounts) is worth the money if you are a heavy user. With heavy usage (for me at least) I got 20 hours off the first charge! Now I am on the second charge (moderate usage) and I haven't plugged in since yesterday at 2:30pm! Still got 50% juice left! :eek:

Now THAT'S what I'm talking about. All these smartphones need to come with like 2000 mAh batteries standard!

Loving this extended battery! :D
This battery is still going. It's at 5% now, but I have been unplugged since Wednesday August 25 2010 @ 2:30pm!! FREAKING EPIC. Just thought I'd post some stats from the battery manager using Froyo:

Unplugged for 1 day 19 hours 2 minutes 10 seconds

Display 37%
Phone Idle 14%
Voice Calls 8%
Android System 8%
Cell Standby 7%
Android OS 5%
Mediaserver 4%
Rockplayer 3%
Wi-fi 3%
Touiteur 3%
Launcher Pro 2%

This is with what I will classify as moderate usage. Your mileage will vary.

I am a very satisfied customer, to say the least. As far as I'm concerned, this is what the X should be like right out of the box! :D

Take care!
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