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By the time I had punched the ticket on all of the tasks I had planned it was in the afternoon. I made one loop to the town South and came home and put my dinner in the smoker. I made another loop to the town South and tended to my meat in the smoker and then rode a couple of times around town and then put my bike up. I only logged 30 miles but had a great time and didn't burn my dinner.:) It was cooler again today and was still windy from the North. Tomorrow is supposed to be warm. I'll be riding once I get home from my late AM cardiologist appointment.
Today was much like yesterday. The high exceeded the forecast and the wind was gusty from the North. I rode 33 miles and called it a day. I saw only two riders in town and one on the sidewalk South. It wasn't ideal riding weather and a week day. I suspect I'll see more tomorrow. It's too nice to be roosting inside.
Yesterday was not much better for riding. I again logged 33 miles and came home to warm up. It was so lousy that I saw nobody riding. I didn't think it was show stopping weather and my buddy with my old bike didn't either. I guess we are addicts. :) The high today is to be 60° with a 16 mph wind.
I was the only diehard riding today. 24 miles and I was done. It was cold and it was windy. I logged a 47 mph gust while I was out riding. Glad I rode but it was more work than fun today.
It was simply too crummy to ride yesterday. It only reached the mid fifties again today but there was very little wind. It was cloudy and rain was in the forecast but the radar wasn't intimidating so I rode. I bundled up and headed South. I no more reached the town South and it started sprinkling. I beat it back North and was soon out of the rain. I decided I'd continue to ride but close to home in case it started raining again. It didn't take long and I had to ride home after only riding fifteen miles. It was better than not riding at all.

The color display my buddy and I have ordered have arrived in the USA. First they flew into Los Angeles and then to Dallas. It then went to Grand Prairie where it awaits being assigned a USPS tracking number. I'm starting to have faith it will actually show up sometime. :)
The weather exceeded the forecast so I had to do my riding around smoking some ribs for dinner. I rode some, came home and attended my cook, went riding again only to cut it short to remove my cook to rest. It was a hassle but well worth it. It was a beautiful afternoon with nearly no wind and zero clouds. I only rode 22 miles but it sure felt great!

The colored display I have ordered is supposed to be delivered tomorrow. I'm excited to hook it up and hope it is more viewable in the sunlight. I'm really hoping it fixes my old bike's problem of not being able to change assist levels for my buddy. I never had a minutes problem with the display but my buddy didn't ride 100 miles before it showed up. Made me feel bad. I sold the bike so cheap that he can afford to fix it and lots of other problems that might crop up. :)

added.. With daylight savings time, I was able to ride some more after dinner. I managed another 18 miles before the sun was low enough that I was getting chilled.
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The new display was delivered just before noon. It took no time at all to physically install it and the setup was plenty easy. It wasn't long before I was out riding and testing the display. It is a huge upgrade. Not only is there more information being displayed but it can be easily seen in full daylight.

The third box down on the left is a trip odometer. It is reflecting the miles I rode before dinner. There is no option to eliminate this display item and resetting it requires a short combination of buttons to access the settings, then scroll to the trip, and then toggle a reset to clear it back to zero. I know there has to be an easier reset. The old display could show total miles or a trip. A two button hold would reset which ever was being displayed. I never used the trip odometer. Being as Juiced is gone and not many upgrade displays in use, I can't find any information. I'll figure it out or I'll find somebody that has. Beyond that, I'm super happy with the upgrade.

For a Monday, I saw quite a few riders today. It was a super nice day to be riding. I logged 66 miles of fun today.
It was a dandy day to be bike riding. I wasn't the only one taking advantage of the warm weather with very little wind. On my third loop to the town South, by buddy text and asked if I could help him get his display settings correctly set up. I came home and stepped him through the procedure and advised him my preferences on some of the variables. Once he was good to go, I changed batteries and went riding again. I went around another three times and then a few times around my mini in town loop for a 67 mile total. My buddy text me later and said he loved the new display and it fixed his changing assist level problems.
My second time riding was after school was out and I again saw quite a few e-scooters. They seem to be quite popular. I can see where they would be a lot of fun and an easy mode of transportation for kids too young to drive. There isn't much exercise going on in their riding. :)
Warm weather i wish, it's pouring out here, and not good after we had all these fires.
Dang.... that's a bummer. We need rain in the worst way. We are entering into the second year of what they have labeled extreme draught. It is dry and we've had a few grass fires. Not huge fires but spots along the roads where careless smokers have tossed there butts. We are on restricted scheduling for lawn watering. Once a week everyone gets a 12 hour window to save their lawn.

It was super nice here again today. I was doing projects early and only got in a 42 mile ride. It was all I could get out of my old battery. I came home and called it a day. There is still daylight to ride but a battery's worth is a good ride. I hope to double battery my riding tomorrow.
Great riding weather once again. I spent the morning servicing my mowers and getting the string trimmers and blowers ready for action. It was after one PM before I was able to ride. I rode until school was out and came home... relaxed a bit and changed batteries and then riding again. I ended the day after 62 miles of fun.
It seems odd to me that I'll see women of all ages out walking for exercise but if I see a man walking it will be an old fart like me. I also thought what the hell when I rode up behind a guy in his twenties by my guess riding an e-bike. I rode along behind him for over a half mile before he turned off. He never once pedaled. What's the point of riding a bike if you don't pedal some? I might coast while going down hill at times but I never just cruise.
The bike has a cruise control and I made sure it worked day one with the bike. I have no idea how to turn it on now.... don't need to know.
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