Following the post-Tsunami issues with the nuclear reactors in Japan I suspect we'll see renewed paranoia regarding nuclear power. Sadly... even the best reactor design is going to be taxed following a magnitude 8.9 earthquake and a major tsunami...
Well if you build a generator on the ocean in the middle of an area that is one of the most active earthquake zones, then maybe you should plan for the reactor not to be taxed?
Just saying that nuclear power is not something you want to under plan for? Why where the backup generators knocked out by tsunami? They know, from the 2004/5 quake that tsunami's could happen in the same place? Why did they not proof them then?
Maybe they did? But then what don't they do for normal unseen problems.
If I build a nuclear reactor in California, it will be able to take a tsunami, earthquake, flood, and even terrorist attack.
It just does not make sense. Personally I would place the generators on top of a hill and used buried cables to transmit the power to the plant. Or just place the backup generators in a water proof, bomb proof, container.
As for the dam comment, come on, a damn fails, it acts like a tsunami. When a nuclear reactor fails, it kills everything in it path.
Lets review, dam breaking
No one died.
Over 50 people died at Chernobyl, but the effects on the environment can still be seen today. Google chernobyl children.
You can not compare the worst damn failure to the best operating nuclear reactor.
Because the best operating nuclear reactor still produces radioactive waste.